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  • I'm capable of more than finding pictures to post on your profile I swear

    keeping up a conversation is just hard
    ... Did you actually watch Ned's Declassified?

    AAAaaa that show was awesome and wonderful and probably pretty awful and I loved it :D :D :D

    I think I'll try my Wii again later today; I was actually planning on playing my old N64 after lunch, and maybe I'll get to MM, too. :3
    ?! For free? Argh, I wish I got mine for free, too <.<
    And I can't play it right now because my Wii is messed up. ;~;
    TP was cool! I liked it a lot. Before the disc messed up. >.>
    Seems as though all my LoZ games are unplayable.
    MM was amazing~
    ... But I think I liked Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess better. v.v
    Still was a cool game, though!
    The first Creepypasta to make me pull a semi-all-nighter, it was. Couldn't stop thinking about it. :I I do love it, though.
    And I've played MM once before :D
    ... Long ago >.>
    Yay :D

    So I can either assume you've seen BEN DROWNED, or you've played Majora's Mask, yes?
    Hiya Scoots. How are you? (This is Sweetie Belle/DarkAura/Whatever other username I changed into in the past) XD
    I see what you mean. I downloaded the Mario and Sonic Olympic games demo, and I want the actual game now. :D
    Awesome. I'm downloading Mario and sonic at the London 2012 Olympic games at the moment.

    Anyway, have you ever seen my Nuzlocke comics?
    I've been doing awesome. I finished Mario Kart 7, downloaded Resident Evil for my 3DS, and I'm having a good day.

    So how have you been doing? :)
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