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  • Aw, I like that idea! If you don't mind, could you put it on dA so I can make it the cover for the written version when the RP is done?

    Mohac is ghostly pale, he has wild black hair and emerald eyes. He wears dark colors-- usually black or grey (black, for the picture, please), and a red scarf. Is that enough?

    Oh, and he wears shoes like this.

    Is that enough? I can go into greater detail, but I thought it would be cool to see how your imagination made it.
    Not a problem! A lot of people don't explain it well, so I wanted to try. :D

    Oh, I beat the deku butler first try last night. It helped that I could see the floor in the Deku Shrine.
    https://dl.dropbox.com/u/16623407/draw/edity%20stuff/clock_tower_points.png I think this is where the points are!

    All the not-purple not-green non-light-pink lines to to the red dot! The green lines go to the green dot. I think the light pink lines (the sides of the stairs) get their own dot! I'm not completely sure where that dot is because MyPaint doesn't have a straight line tool. If you use a straight line tool it should be easier to tell! Then you can probably get more accurate for the other two dots, too.

    But so one in the middle for roofs/tables/most things, one for the clock tower to head up to, and one for the stairs!

    Good job on your drawing today!! :o
    Hello! I'm sorry you're having a rough time with math. :( This site's helped me a lot with it recently! You can start anywhere you like; just try looking up whatever's going on in your math class and you can be fairly confident it's on here.

    On the site, there are lots and lots and lots and lots of videos you can watch, and then there are exercises you can do to practice what you've learned. Sal tries his hardest to explain so anyone can understand, and you can rewatch a video as many times as you want, and if it still doesn't make sense, you can get hints in the exercises, or ask in the comments for help.

    Maybe it sounds a little intimidating, but you should try! It's a really good site and it could help you find math more exciting.

    (also besides Sal's videos for learning math you should watch Vi Heart's videos. They're mostly still math but they're really neat! You get to learn things like how to draw snakes and elephants and triangle parties. And how to do those paper snowflakes but with spheres. And how to put lots of gravy on mashed potatoes.)
    For clarification, my User Title is a quote from my favorite song, Princes of The Universe by Queen. The actual line is, "I have inside me blood of kings."
    Oh, and don't forget- I can't write about what Sabrina does, so you still have to take Mohac to help. I'm completely helpless in that field.
    Yup. Are you ready for It to end, because I can keep it going if you want.
    Yeah! The levels are great, the bosses are hard but enjoyable, and it's just... great! However... in star world, if you get to the castle, the boss is Dry Bowser. Oh, that's fine and all... except when you remember that, when you beat Bowser in World 6, he falls in the lava. Yeah, freaky.
    One of the implied reasons for Mohac's visions was so that you can find him and join him in battle, unless you plan to have an equal vision on Sabrina's side.
    Ah, things are going rather well for me. I finally got ninety star coins and got to Star World in New Super Mario Brothers 2, so I'm happy.

    Oh cool, you're avatar's Agatha, right?
    Quote from one of the Extrava Elite Four: "I guess every brain balances out, right?" Tee hee, I could never do that. Even with GIMP 2.8, my kitsune still sucked.
    I was looking at your DA stuff and I'm in a good mood, so I figured I'd tell you that you're really talented and I only wish I was as good as you at that stuff (I'm a N00B at computer art, I just started last week).
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