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Shadow Serenity
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  • Magikarp, use JUDGEMENT! xD

    I'll probably end up using a Shedinja to take out my friend's Suicune. :D Suicune is his favorite toy, so maybe I can ahnihalate after that. :|


    The Pikachu part was weird. xD But the Hitmonchan part owned.

    I'm trying to clone Celebi right now. WORK, GLITCH, WORK! D:
    Oh, whatever. ;-; I am just hoping. D:

    Well... still. Taking two hits is just "meh" to me. xD

    Yeah, Fake Out is kinda bad due to using it once per sendout, but it helps if your opponent is using Sky Attack. (Popular with Togekiss. :O)

    I know, right? It's just badass. The Hitmonchan part is epic. xD The Charmander part where he axe-kicks him on the back of the head forcing a front flip looks painful. x3
    Veekun has never tried every pokemon. :P It may be possible. :D

    Shedinja as a wall? Pfff. That would suck. xD

    From what I've heard, Fake Out and Sucker Punch are hilarious to use in battle, becuase you can strike first a bunch. x3

    Oh...... Try this again.
    Yes, I think she's Hardy. D:

    I meant I was gonna try breeding for an Extremespeed Nincada & Cranidos! xD I know they don't learn it regularly. :P

    Shedinja are okay. :D Depends on how you use them. :O

    Kangaskhan is decent, then? I still wanna try one. :3

    Oh, and you might enjoy my favorite video. :O
    I've a Pokétopia Surf/Volt Tackle Pikachu you could have. I doubt I'll use it. I'll use the GameStop Pichu if I need something like that.

    Yes. Typhlosion is very much a beast. :D As long as you can get one super-effective Eruption in at full health, you've done well.~ I'm also using a Typhlosion for style--my Typhlosion has a decent nature and is shineh. :O But yes, if you have a Sunny Day team, he'd be the one for the job. :D

    Hydro-Pump Bagon? That's interesting. Actually, though, Special Salamence aren't that rare, though. xD

    I might try breeding for an Extreemspeed Nincada, because it would downright OWN. As a Focus Sash Shedinja, you'd be able to get 2+ hits in, rather than 1. :D

    Or Extreemspeed Cranidos. My predection is Extreemspeed Dragonite + Aerodactyl =..... Extremespeed Aerodactyl + Rampardos = Extreemspeed Rampardos?

    Ha, well, after Crobat I'm gonna do a beasty Skarmory that will MURDER. Stealth Rock, Spikes, Roost, Drill Peck. But a Rapid Spin Claydol would take him down. D:

    Then it's Kangaskhan time. I've never seen one competitive before, so I'm wondering how it'll go.
    My dad blew off the trip. xD I'm backkkkkkkk.~

    Surf/Volt Tackle/Fly Pikachu might be useful. :D I've never seen a Pikachu in a competitive battle. Then again, I've seen only ONE Raichu. x3 A Pikachu fainting a Swampert impresses me, though. :O

    Typhlosion kicks ass on one condition--Eruption. Because Typhlosion is one of the faster pokemon out there, it leads with an Eruption then hits hard at low health with Hidden Power Ground, (Most prefer Grass, but I like ground because it can take Fire-Types too.) Focus Blast, (To help with Rock-Types) or Flamethrower. It's awesome, and if Sunny Day was in play, it would annihilate. :D

    Flygon... I've never used one competitively, but some of my friends have and it's pretty effective. :D

    Absol... never used it, my friends haven't either. D:

    So what are you planning to EV next? I've an Adamant Shiny Zubat I'm gonna EV, because I need a scout/status inflicter.
    Yeah... um... it'll have to be Monday or something because I'll be gone tommorow and Sunday. D: Any nature is fine, though.

    Yeah, four combined with a Soothe Bell would equal 3 EXP or so, I guess. Not bad. :D

    Pikachu was awesome, then seemed overrated, and now it's just decent. But I've had some good times with Pikachu, mostly in Yellow. :O Starmie is good, I guess. Not one of my favorites, but I like it.

    I'm also a fan of Typhlosion, Flygon and Absol. They are just so... AWESOME. :3

    'Questions I will wish I never asked?' Interesting... but why would I wish I never asked them? xD

    G'night, it's still just eleven something here. I won't be asleep for a while...


    I don't know if Rare Candies guve Happiness points. They should sell poffins/Pokeblocks/Gummies or make you go through some kind of test/ to get them. That would help with the happy points thing. :D

    Well then, say you have two going, since mine actually isn't going to be active. x3

    Scyther fan, then? Nice. Scyther is my second favorite pokemon. (Aggron is my favorite. It's so sexy/badass! :O)

    Oh... well, three/four members got banned last month, with people claiming it was "Turbo" so I guess he is coming back with a fury, but he's stupid enough to keep coming back with similar names. xD Dumbass. I might have to ask Butterfree, though. I'm curious. :D
    Or Modest Dragonite. :D It's awesome.

    I'll take a Chicorita, then. I can get Trapinch easy, but I've yet to EV mine. xD I'm lazy. x3

    Three is pretty good. Lot of monies. :O I'd wait to take another, though.

    Rare Candies give you one EXP point, I think. You can make one by donating three EXP points to Lacuna Labs. :D So a pokemon not needing experience (i.e., Zangoose, Sableye, ect. Non-evolvers.) can more or less give their experience to a team member who neeeds it. Or sell it for a pile of cash. xD

    I might buy another Scyther to evolve. Then my total would add up to $115! ;-;

    Wow. You really need to lay off the happiness evolvers. :P

    EDIT: And who is Turbo? I heard he is Celestial Blade, but what did Celestial Blade do to get banned?
    Ther's always Gengar for a Special Attacker! :D Or what I've only seen someone use once--Modest Tyranitar. :O

    Wait, do you mean you have a Chicorita, or Trapinch? 0.o I don't care what nature a Chicorita is, but if it's a trapinch, Adamant.

    Dr Frank is still Dr frank. His battle hasn't been touched in a while, so he doesn't stick around ASB much currently. How do I know this? I stalk people.....

    Don't overdo it. xD You are already mobilizing a lot of battles. :D

    Hehe... as soon as I get some money, I'm goin' shopping, BIG TIEM. (My total would be $90. x3) What did you get?

    Yeah,I guess Nightstalker will find some EXP points. Since he doesn't need them, I'll probably just wait until he has three, then donate them to get a Rare Candy. xP

    Yeah, that's why I don't have any happyness evolvers. But I think Negrek said she's lowering it to four, because so many people complained. xD
    Well, Modest would have worked great for a Special Attacker, but I like wall Celebi. >:P

    If you happen to have a Chicorita, that would be nice. EV'd Adamant Trapinch/Vibrava/Flygon if not. (Spread: 252/252/6 ATK/SPEE/HP) It's the 10th Anniversary Celebi, to be exact.

    I think Dr Frank Vs. Heavy Lobster needs an e-ref, since Scyther was e-reffing it, then he dissapeared. D: More monies for you! xD

    I was correct; we see a battle needing reffin' you DO see easy money. [$1(o3o)1$] Enjoy your honorary Gulpin dollar bill. :P

    I'm pretty sure EXP is gained if someone get's DQ'd. Might wanna check, though. :D
    Modest nature, EV spread of 252/100/100/58. (Speed/Special Defense/Defense/HP) Most think it is a Special Attacker, but it is a staller/wall, actually. Jirachi is..um... Mild, I think. :D

    Don't hate them. ;-; They kick ass with a Salac Berry. You'll see... D:

    Hehe... when I see a challenge in need of an e-ref, you see easy money. xD
    Well, maybe I'l clone him and make a Special Attack Aggron to. :D I have a Jirachi and Celebi, then a hacked shiny Mew. xD I could clone and give you my EV'd Celebi? I jot the Jirachi from a friend who didn't miss the event, and it's Lv.26 so i think you'd have to delete the EV's though. D:

    My Machamp is shiny, nicknamed Cantouchtis. Do NOT insult him. ;_;

    Oh, well. Yeaa. I guess you got the point. x3

    Well, yeah... i still could use another free spot to make a challenge, at least. Thanks again. :D
    Well... I'm gonna be using him as a sweeper for Wi-Fi battles, and he isn't Modest... plus, I don't wanna throw away something as valuble as a shiny Aggron. xD I'll probably do Attack. Sorry. D: Plus, since Aggron is UU, no-one will have precise expectations for what a badass iron monster is about to do to them. Ah, Ninjask sweeping. :D (*Cough*My team is Ninjask, Aggron/Metagross/Dragonite,Skarmory,Typhlosion, Celebi and Machamp.*Cough*)

    I meant in terms of all-around skill. You have Speed and fair skill, Mike the Foxhog has Skill and fair speed, making you somewhat even. If that made sense. >_>

    Mike is my favorite ref. :D Especially after following Blastoise and Crazy Linoone's match. xD

    Why, thank you. It'll probably be a DQ match, but whatever. xD At least then I can make the magikal Magikarp Metranome match. xP
    Gyarados does have pitiful Special Attack. D: I only use a Special-baszed Aggron because a friend cloned his shiny one and gave it to me, but it had all Special moves and such. And it wasn't EV'd so I'm growing EV-deleting berries right now to delete all of his points and start over. Then he'll be a REAL Aggron and I'll Ninjask sweep with him. :D

    Well..... turqoise... blue... similar enough, don't you think? I think it will be fine, but if we have to, we can always change it a little, I guess.

    Five people? That's still pretty good. You have legendary ref skills, sort of like the new Mike. x3 And I will strive to ahnihalate you. :P

    *Noms any food with in reach* Mmmm... CALAMARI! xD

    Oh, by the way. Negrek said yes.
    Thunderbolt and Flamethrower are better. xD I do have a Special Attack Aggron that does pretty well, though. :D

    I'll probably stick with your colors, since you are the one who owns if after-all. :P

    I wanna beat you... BAD! xP Because do you know how much respect as a ref I would have? Especially as a n00b ref. xD

    I...*Nom*...am...*Nom*...just...*Nom*...so...*Nom*...HUNGRY! *Nom* I don't usually care this much for raisins! xD
    Eh, Metagross is a bit overused. D: But really, it's pimpin'! (That explains why my friends' Metagross is nicknamed "Pimpagross". xD But he also has Pimpavire, Pimpbreon and Pimp's Pet. xP And his alias is PIMPNITE. :P) Though Metagross isn't really for Special Attack. D:

    M'kay. I will work on the stats/moves/ect. until the sprites are done. :D Then I will recolor the sprites for shinies? :O

    I figured you'd be fine with the name. xD

    Yeah... I was just gonna give it to you so I would have more motivation to make monies! xP

    Yes. Very much. *Noms raisins*...*Noms grapes*...*Noms raisins*
    It comes in handy for an orb Metagross! :D Sweep until you're in the red, then... BOOM! xD

    Good, you've got the colors. Shiny colors, though? >_>

    The name will probably have "Volt" in it, just so you know.

    I may be doing most of the work, but mehhhhhh. I kinda like it. But since I'll be posting for approval, I think it would actually come to me by default. D: I might toss it to you, though. :O

    *Finds and noms another grape*
    I honestly don't know. xD I always just had the faintest hope that it would work.
    ...Endure+Explosion combo? :P

    Meh. Whatever...

    I've never played XD or colloseum. D: To be honest again, I don't own a GameCube. ^_^;; I could buy them and play 'em on my Wii, but I couldn't transfer Pokémon or anything. Plus, situation about money, and...

    So do I have the freedom to name/make the moveset/shiny colors/ect. for your fake? (Though if you had a name, it would be nice.)

    You get the free one when it's ready. Because then I'll probably say"HWAT NOW I NEED A VOLTORA TOO TIME TO BEAT SHADOW SERENITY'S RECORD AND GET MONIES MUHUHAHA!", and Awesome Sauce will return. Because the grapes are all gone. xD
    Or, give Magikarp a Focus Sash and... MAGIKARP USED EXPLOSION! xD

    Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater. xP Or wait 'til we get out line approved so you could have another watery zapper. :D

    They have no "conditions". Just more or less tell the effects you want and give a picture.
    ...PMD is the only spin-off I've ever played. :P Apart from console versions, that is. xD (Though I might try Tracks of Light when it comes to America. Ranger looks awesome!)

    Yeah, it'd probably be fine with Negrek. But, you never know...
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