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Shadow Serenity
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  • I considered joining the Safari Zone, but...

    I'd just ignore him if he ever get's back in. xD

    Exactly. Or, another weird 'un, a sweeper Eevee.
    ...I'm serious. Like "EEVEE used JUDGEMENT!" type stuff.

    ...then I seriously think they need their head checked up. xD Here's a conversation I had with the Almighty Eevee idiot.
    "do u wana be in my pokemon league."
    "No, you damn cheater."
    "who are you how am i a cheat and how do i know u wtf."
    "Uh, you just sent me a message. 0.o And by cheating I mean an Eevee with a hacked moveset."
    "well guess what i hav new LEGAL guys."
    "Dumbass. By 'legal' what do you mean? Hacked stats?"
    *No response*
    I'll be waiting. :D

    He mostly tends to hang around the Spritework Forum and the Safari Zone, where I don't really visit. But if he's ever allowed back into ASB (I think Negrek gave him a Three-month/Possibly Permant ban from ASB, though. :D) he'll be plaging us. D: Hey, at least I got a free Trapinch from him. :D (They gave away his stuff, and I made sure I got the Trapinch. <3)

    People who offended/harassed my friends, people who've cheated constantly in Wi-Fi battles. I hate the bastards, and they hate me right back for being logical rather than saying "u suc man who fukin cares if i cheat."
    Poor, poor Groudon. ;-; Why must you be so heavy?

    Don't worry 'bout it! As long as the DQ is issued at all, I'm cool. :D

    I didn't either, but liking Joseph would be bad for your own social status, and I didn't like him in the first place...
    ...and as Blazhy mention, Joseph is in the "gtfo class". :P

    ...but you should see my YouTube rivals. Idiots.
    I know! xD He loomed over everything when I used him on PBR (When you use Groudon against Pachirisu, you'll see what looming really looks like. :P) so I was like "ooooh wall Groudon..." and it failed. D:

    Okayyyyyy. 'Least I get some more monies. xD

    Of course there are rules against it, silly. :D

    Yes, he now goes by Sqournshellos Beta, if you wanna yell at him, or...or something.
    Don't worry. I failed many times when I tried to run a defense Groudon. Baaaadddd idea. ^_^;;

    He miraculously showed up last time, which was kinda weird. Dunno about this time, though. I doubt it. xD Though I feel kinda mean waiting for someone to get DQ'd. :P

    You know more about Turbo then I do, so you got that covered.

    ...so now there's Joseph. He was in ASB, right? So he madfe another account then put some pokemon from account #2 up for free, then he collected them instantly, so yeah... that was easy to notice. Also, according to some other people (Forgot who. -_-,) he also is an art theif, hich made him more hated. Then, instead of at leasy trying to apologize he made another account. Then in his old sig he said "I know <Joseph: Night SHADE>. I think you treated him very unfairly." Then he just *loved* all of Joseph's sprites, ect. Then denied being Joseph, even though he was on the same IP adress on top of everything. He's just gonna be unrepected for a lot, if not all of his stay here. xD
    Scyther is handy for sweeping and I use him a lot, but IT'S A BAD IDEA! >_> *Slaps sense into*

    I think you're right about prizes being halved, but if I remember correctly, the pokemon will get EXP due to the "one point for being sent out" requirment. But one EXP point is just ten monies to me right now. :P

    The only people who are actually hated are Turbo and Joseph. (A.K.A. <Joseph: Night SHADE>, A Random Person, Sqournshellos Beta.) But a lot of people 'round here are liked. Not much to say about that. :D

    I'm sure it is nice to know. xD
    The only threat Heracross carries to Scyther is Stone Edge, which is easy to avoid a OHKO with, via Focus Sash. Then the Baton Pass to Skarmory and you're set. :D

    I think I just get part of the money. D: Then one EXP points. T-T I'll just donate it to Lacuna Labs for some extra cash. xD

    Yeah. There seems to just be circles of people who seem awesome to us, hated to others. Think of it as social classes. Like how you and I are in the middle class, Mike, Green, Blazhy, Kam, Typh and all of them are upper class. Then some people are lower-class. *Cough cough*

    ...you didn't sound at all feminine, so I (As you know) figured you were a guy. xD
    Baton Passers stay out against anything. That's what they're built for. But Aerial Ace... no. Since Evasion is banned for the most part, it wouldn't do you that great. I'd use X-Scissor, myself. :D

    Yeah, it'll be nice to have freedom of accepting challenges again. xD X-Scissor hasn't signed in for weeks, so I doubt it'll go another round. :P

    You mean later you'll ref a crazy match? Hehe... they look like they would be interesting (?) to ref. :3

    Sometimes I can tell what sex people are by how they talk. xD I just had a feeling you were a guy.

    ...I would have no reason to lie about it, but...
    But Scyther ain't gonna survive long enough to get too many stat-ups in, plus if you're up against a Metagross, Scizor, Hitmonchan or Breloom, they will use a high-priority attack, (Bullet Punch, Mach Punch) to K.O. your poor mantis. D:

    I always keep track of battles, too. (Especially comic ones like Zora vs. Dwagie. xD) Mine are being reffed, (One, by you!) but they aren't extremely active. T-T I doubt I could handle a double-battle well. I might be able to ref one, but it wouldn't be too good.

    I figured you were a guy. So am I, if you though I was lying about my sex. I just haven't put up pictures because there are no good pictures of me. P:
    But Scyther doesn't have Speed Boost, so it isn't as handy for Baton Passing. D: I like him as an intercepter, though. He K.O.'s helpless, Health-drained Suicune in a flash. xD

    Yeah, I know. *Glances back to sig* It's awesome. Btu thye aer drnuk ni taht thraed, juts os yuo knwo. They have to be happy. xD Rawr. I'd wait to take a battle of mine, because all I have up is a double-battle. But the next challenge I'm planning on making is staged in a collosal glass of Root Beer. (Inspitred by Linoone arenas. :P)

    The only sexy thing about me is my eyes. Other than that, I've got a horrible smile and such. xD I just pretend I'm sexy becuase of the "cocky and arrogant" part. :O
    Yeah. o.o Scyther is great for taking Psychics out. :D Plus, you can kick Tyranitar's ass with one. xD (I K.O.'d my friend Tyranitar twice in a row with my Scyther. :D) Ninjask isn't one of my particular favorites, but it works fine. A Yanmega would be good, too, because more people expect it to attack rather than Baton Pass.

    WELL THEN LET'S GET TALKIN'! *Prepares popcorn and a soda, then watches intently* We can be done one hour before Black and White are here. :O

    Well people like me, Blasty, Scyther, (If he ever comes back T_T) Barubu, (Same situation as Scyther) Dwagie, Blazhy and Zora are mostly in a good mood. xD

    I'm good at being a cocky bastard acting way too sexy. xD I don't have too much doubt. :3
    But Alakazam is easier to outrun than everyone thinks. D: And if you're worried about not getting hits in, Ninjask-Baton-Pass or swap Attack EV's for speed, then use Night shade for overall, good coverage. :D (Even if you don't like set-damage attacks, think of Seismic Tossing Blissey. :O Yeah. Like set damage yet?)

    Actually, I also have a Deoxys, Dusknoir and Bronzong I use for Psychics and Ghosts. :P

    Ah, yes. Reputation over rank. o.o I see what you mean. Just get some people who are in a good mood most of the time and therefore wouldn't be too mad if the battle was more realistic. xD

    You're welcome. And "thou shalt not haveth doubt in thine self". :3
    He's an awesome guy, I talk with him a bit. :D

    Shadow Ball is common on Alakazam, yes. But I rarley use Psychics, (Apart from Celebi, of course,) so it isn't a problem. xD And I rarley use Ghosts, either, apart from Gengar.

    Even though Shadow Ball is neutral, I still can't see it doing much to a Sableye. xD What is the best way to EV one, anyway? The only time I've ever used a Sableye was in my first play-through of Sapphire... ^^;; (Which Sableye owned with Shadow Ball and Theif, just so you know. :D)

    Yeah, you may want to wait 'til advanced rank, (Which wouldn't be too long, I'd imagine) to use minor effects, wait 'til elite rank to do big effects, like the aforementioned "fall into a volcano".

    At least you take reffing seriously and are trying to get as much correct info as you can, though. Some would just wing it without worrying about asking when they don't know. :P

    You might not have as much skill as Mike or Kratos, but hey. You're better than half the others. :D
    No, no. His motto is "PIMPING GAMES 24/7", but all he uploads are competitive battles. Well, save for a pair of OWNING videos, titled "OWNED! By PIMPNITE", and a sequel to OWNED. xD

    I like Typhlosion, (Duh!) Gengar, Ninjask+Aggron/Tyranitar/Metagross for sweeping in particular. :O But for some, Aggron especially, Ninjask is essential, because he's got pitiful speed. D: I might run a Sableye, (Hacked Wonder-Guard Sableye, anyone?) because he would be a pain to take down. Or I could run a Spiritomb. (Hacked Wonder Guarf Spiritomb, too, anyone?) But an Alakazam of all things taking down a Sableye? Pfffff. The only thing he could do relative damage with is an Electric-type attack, which isn't common in Alakazam.

    Yeah... I see what you mean. Like, if you were on the rim of a volcano and one combatant's pokemon fell in when the other used Earthquake, combatant A is pissed and complaining, ect. But I'd just make sure it's fine with Negrek, then go crazy with it. :D It would make it seem awesomer. :3

    ...lacks the ".....!"? Well... getting to actually make you go "WOW.... 0_0" might take longer than a few weeks, which marked you back into reffing. :O

    I just like BBC code because it's easy. xD CSS is WAY to weird and HTML isn't as cool. :| But yeah, 'long as the purpose was served. xD
    Yes. He pimps games, 24/7. :D

    It is an idea that I considered, but I am more attracted to speedy sweepers. :D But Cursetanking works decently, to say the least. And an Exploding Snorlax would work awesomely. :O

    It seems you have lots of questions. :| But really, even what you think is *slow* is actually faster than *most* of the others. xD

    [CUE] is just the most stylish. :3 BBC code beats HTML and CSS. :O
    You've never heard of him? :O He has Metranome Double-Battles, which are hilarious! xD (His Magikarp used Shadow Force! \o/)

    Well... it can fit somewhere. It would be good for a Curse-tank team, because it could Light Screen and Baton Pass, covering Special Defense since Curse can't. :D

    At least two days isn't horrible, compared to some referees. xD

    Oh, and there days it's not <Cue>, it's [CUE]. :P
    Me too. Are you subscibed to PIMPNITE? He's my favorite competitive battler. :D

    Meh, I saved you some trouble. xD Sweeping teams need walls?

    BAD SHADOW! *Slaps across the face* I didn't realize you haven't made a reffing in that long... D:
    Really? Suicune is the most popular Sub/Leftovers opkemonm I've ever seen. o.o

    EV spread of....*Drum roll*... 252/100/100/58! (Speed/Special Defense/Defense/HP) I just have oves with decent amounts of PP, I just got done EV-ing it, so I had moves on it with decent PP, so I wouldn't have to go to the Pokemon Center all the time. xD I was planning on Toxic, Recover, Psychic and Light Screen/Reflect. :D Staller/all around wall.

    It still is soooo fast. You are a decent multi-tasker, at least. :P
    I haven't seen many Calm Mind/Rester. :O Mostly Sub/Leftovers. D:

    Thanks for Chicorita! :D

    Oh, well. Kam vs. Patar was LEGENDARY. SO FAST.
    Suicune is pretty popular as a wall. D: I could just give my Shedinja a Lum Berry to eleminate Toxic. xD DIE SUICUNE, JUST DIE. >_>

    I got the Celebi cloned. I'm on right now. I forgot to send a friend code, so 3609-8129-6868.

    ...you are still faster than everyone else. xD
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