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Shadow Serenity
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  • But shiny Wurmple are cool. Who doesn't want a purple worm of poison? :P I'm glad that's never happened to me. :D

    You know the basics, though, right? Walk into the patch furthest away from you, preferably on the forth patch, never leave the patch or leave the sight of the patches? If you don't know those kind of things, I'll link tyou to a chaining video or two. :P

    Ther odds are crappy, but it would be great for starters. Do you want to Soft-Reset with regular odds or hatch eggs with four times the odds? :D
    Free shinies are always nice. :D

    That happened to you? D: I've heard a lot of people say that happened to them, but I've been fortunate enough that that's never happened to me. :P

    I don't know what would be worse. Probably depends on what your first encounter/Great Marsh thingie was. 'Cause it'd be worse to lose, say a shiny Skorupi then a shiny Bidoof or something. :P

    Six? My highest is forty-something. And I just got my chain of twenty broken. D: I just always go to fast and it break between twenty and thirty.

    It's a way if breeding that increases the chances of hatching a shiny. Say I was breeding two American Mudkips, the chance is still 1/8192. But if I bred an American Mudkip with a Japanese Mudkip, the odds are something like 1/2000. :D Just breeding two different languaged pokemon together.
    Yeah, the odds of that were really weird. xD

    Shiny Froslass are very desirable. :D

    *Cough* Machop was the only one I chained. I got Aggron, Cyndaquil/Typhlosion and another gave me Beedrill. :D I agree on Magnemite/ton/zone's shiny form being pretty nice, too.

    That is a helluva lotta random encounters, too. xD I also saw a shiny Croagunk (And Tocixcroak is probably my favorite Poison-type, so it sucked that I missed him) in the Great Marsh, but the little bugger ran away after four muds and eight Safari Balls. D: And I also have gotten three more shiny patches, but the patch shaking right above the trainer made me lose the chain. T-T (I wish I had you, shiny Electrike, Zigzagoon and Starly! D:)

    I've never gotten a shiny through breeding. xD I'ver tried the masuda method, but nothin'. :P

    Well then, maybe I should start using Power Items. :D
    Damn. That's a lot of shinies, and rare ones at that. :D (GLAILIE? *Looks at longingly*) I'd kill for some of those.

    That's... a lot for the GTS. xD So you mean chained by "found in the wild" or are all of those random encounters? (Apart from bred one, of course. :P)

    By "walked away and found a shiny Machoke", I worded it wrong. I caught the shiny Machop, then flew to Snowpoint City to hunt for a shiny Snorunt and found a shiny Machoke on the first patch. D: I wish a female Snorunt would have been there. ;-;

    Ohhhhhh. I though it permanently made your pokemon slower. xD
    What shinies do you have? I've got Cyndaquil, Typhlosion, Tentacruel, Zubat, Pichu, Aggron, Mew, Beedrill, Machop and Machamp. :D (It was funny with Machop and Machamp; I chained Machop, walked away and a shiny Machoke appeared. xD)

    Mine just flew off, leaving me with cured pokemon... *Sigh*

    But don't Power Items lower Speed? I would rather take longer than sacrifice Speed. Unless it was a Cursetank. :P
    My friend doesn't use an AR. :D He just asked if he could borrow my shinies one day and cloned them. Now since he has some stuff to trade, he can just ask around until he finds what I need. That's where my Celebi came from. :O

    I got Pokerus once (Oddly, during an EV training session) but had no idea what it was and it dissapeared. D:

    I don't use Power Items because I don't like spending my BP on anything but TM's and evolution items. :P

    ...I just realized a huge flaw in my Machamp, if you'd like to know. It has Guts, not No Guard, so Dynamicpunch will be risky. xD
    Sometimes if it makes sense, its gotta happen. Its why you don't spam Close Combat or something like you would in the video games. The whole point of ASB is to think outside the box.
    I now want an AR, because it would be awesome to fight wild Gengar, Golem, ect. to speed it up. :D As for events, my friend runs a "Black Market of Pokémon Trading" and hooks me up with whatever I ask for. :D
    Action Replay. Cheater. >_> I always wanted to use the event but that isn't gonna happen. xD Unless I get an AR, which is unlikely. D:

    Now to make another challenge... :D
    I'm back, obviously. :P

    It's possible to hack an Inn Key? :O I thought tweaking was the only way to hack a Darkrai. xD

    I'll go collect my money ands stuffs. :D Thanks for getting my battle done. :D

    Sorry I took so long to reply, I had a headache when I got back and was to lazy to respond. :x
    Fun Fact: 70% =/= 100%

    I try not to give one side an edge, but sometimes, it wouldn't make much sense unless one side gets some advantage. Cause some really underrated moves in the games could have really powerful effects if put to use outside to box.

    And I already told Kam about that Shellos thing.
    Male Lopunny. That's just scary.

    I'm aware I have the advantage, thats fairly obvious. But she sent out Girafarig, so its all cool. Hey, just cause there are side effects doesn't mean they happen all the time =P

    And I end up using my own judgement way to much whenever I ref.
    Ask any other ASBer who Lars is. You'll probably get a more negative response from them than from me, but whatever.
    No, I would hate Machamp, its just that being so broken makes it a little better. Oh and its funny having it be female.

    Originally I was planning on using a Charge Beam ramp to KO the Shellos. This works too, just that I won't taking on her next with +6 Sp. Attack. Frankly, I'm quite worried about the remainder of my battle with Darksong. She'll probably send out her own Bronzor, with can Gravity + EQ to almost certainly take down mine. And then she can take on both my Growlithe AND my Tyrogue.

    If you almost made Advanced, I'm fairly sure you can trust your abilities are better then mine. My reffings are shoddier than shoddy battle.
    Frankly, I would hate Machamp if it weren't such a ridiculously good Lead in competitive play.

    Actually, the whole point of that arena effect was to add stall the battle out. And weaken status effects if any. And to ramp up Toxic damage. And partly as a yay easy reffing thing.

    Look on the bright side. I barely made it into Novice.
    Become a Machop. =D

    A lot of people don't even read the reffings, and just check the ending HP/Energy. Personally I read the reffings for the heck of it. And because it lets be double-check the referee. Also, congratulations of managing to roll my "Ref gets free money" arena.

    Frankly, I don't mind if refs are inaccurate. I reckon its up to the battlers to find the flaws, because everyone makes mistakes.
    Get "No Guard". Full accuracy =D

    Darksong doesn't seem to mind overly much about the Heal Block thing anyway.

    And no. You are not slaking. No way.
    What's the point of having all of those pokemon if all you can do with them is say you have them? D: No, I didn't see the point. Dx

    I've never had a hack battle. xD I don't own any hacks but a Shiny Mew anyway, so I'd have nothing to use. :P

    I know. It's very lovely, talking to talentless idiots who think they're awesome. :O

    Now we're going to our cabin. :D We've got everything loaded, so no blowin' off this trip. xD Now if my uncle would hurry up and get here... D:
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