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Shadow Serenity
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  • I put "*Item animation*" because I mean they use a Quick Claw. :P Dewgong is terror to my team... Sheer Colding my sweepers, Aurora Beaming my Machamp and it always lowers attack... D: Mamoswine give me a similar problem, but they Ancientpower Crobat and Typhlosion to oblivion, and get stat boosts 90% of the time doing it, then, sweeping is unavoidable. D:

    Well, combined with Headbutt or Thrash, I'm sure it'd work just fine. :D And the description in the games just says "The user stabs the foe with a sharpened stone." or something like that.

    I still need to get Anna and give her some sigs. :D I'm also lazy now, too, so that's stopping me. xD

    I... don't think you can "borrow" a whole church. xD You may come worship if you like. *Worships RNG gods*

    Oh. Too bad there isn't a "make ninety-six clones option" in the description, then. xD

    I was like "NO....
    NOOOOOOOOOO!....." when I couldn't get on, but I tried ever url to get to it/checked every link to it and managed to get to it. :D I don't think it was the guestbook link, though.
    "*Item animation* Enemy RHYPERIOR used Horn Drill! It's a One-hit KO! CROBAT fainted!" D:

    Yeah. I'll leave it to you to decide exactly what the drawbacks are, though. I can't think of one... :x

    *Pulls out wooden spatula* Well, I meant like, you could just say "use your horn" or something. :P

    xD The post should have been up nine hours ago, but the internet just quit completely and it didn't post. D: Now for Rau... *Sets up First Church of the Asber RNG Gods*

    *Sinisterly laughs and gets pelted by Wingull*

    Well, it would have been nice if she had more clones, but meh. :P
    *Facepalm* Sorry I spelt you wrong, mattress. *Continues petting*

    And OHKO-ers with a Quick Claw. Damn, that's annoying. T_T

    Well how could he even fight if he can't move? o_o

    If you say yes, I'll get out my wooden spatula again. DX Plus, he could use his horn, seeing as it just looks like a big spike. :D I posted, now, too. My internet ate the first post, then went out for eight hours. xD

    *Watches die*
    Nope. *Pets matress*

    Yeah. Abomasnow that can withstand a Fire Blast. T_T Blissey that aren't phased by Cross Chop...

    Yeah, I guess that probably is it. A drawback could be something like "but staying in this form for prolonged amounts of time saps energy at an alarming rate--and it can only be activated once every X amount of actions."

    I totally forgot about Stone Edge being banned. D: But it doesn't seem like stabbing someone with a rock is "destructive". O_o

    WELL, THEN! *Tosses blanket an pulls matress out of pocket* NOW YOU SHALL PAY!

    Yeah. It was in the battle tower, and the pokemon there are really fast. Luckily, all he used was a Thundershock, so Eruption still had enough power to OHKO him. :D

    I think the problem with it is a matter of making the gems invisible? :x

    I'll check it out now. Hopefully Stone Edge scored a crit so I can make up some ground a bit easier. \o/
    NOOOOOOOOOO!!! *Screams and dives behind couch and covers self with a blanket*

    Yeah. It is pretty awesome, and it can outrun a Scarfed Typhlosion for god's sake. That, is impressive. I prefer it's original form, but the appliance forms are okay...

    Etheral gems ahoy! :D [/Random] I dunno how I'd explain that at all, seeing as it is a natural item and therefore can't pass through obsticles with it's owner. :x (My meaning is, if it's not exactly a naturally formed item (Think Reaper Cloth) it wouldn't be as manuverable to it's master, but if it was a manufactured item built for ghosts only, I doubt it'd have a giant problem fitting through a wall. If that made sense. xP)

    Well, I'll have some difficulties with this. D: I'll read it if I'm awake--but it might wait until morning. I'm tired...
    But he still has stuff to stab me with, so I don't want to get him. You are just an easy target! *Pulls out wooden spatula* PAYBACK TIEM!

    AGGRONNNNNN. <3 Yeah, some Electrics are good. I forgot completely about Rotom, whom I also like. :D But Steel-types are just awesome. Though you have a point with their offensives. D:

    *Builds shrine to Ghost-types*

    I'm planning on buying a Sneasel named "Anna Sassin" and giving her a signature move involving stealth and military combat. :D What was your attribute gonna be about?

    I read it. Crap. I'm screwed. And Larvitar's special attack movepool isn't impressive, so this will be interesting...
    YOU! I'll get you someday, fool!

    ...yes. Blastoise stabbed me and punched me when I asked for a medic. And George Washington shot me because I ripped his wig off. Ow. D:

    Oh. Maybe it was just shorting out before, now it's on the verge of spontaneously combusting due to old age. :P


    I love Ampharos and Jolteon, but... *Points to second part of name* Steel. Rawr. Y'got Skarmory, Aggron, Magneton, (Would say Magnezone, but Magneton is more attractive. xP) Jirachi, Steelix, Scizor.....

    Ghosts are awesome, and they aren't too bad in battle, either. *Points to last ASB match*

    I hope Taunt gets blocked by the sub. Or I'm screwed...
    Why did you kick me where Blastoise stabbed me?... -_- At least you avoided my gunshot wound from George Washington!

    I think that explains it perfectly. :P

    I dunno. I'm not good with hydraulics. :P I'll just leave it to them... they better hurry up, too. >_>

    Yes. You have lots of reading to do.

    I'm not actually a huge fan of Electric-types. Steel-types rule ultimately. :D

    Fine. I'll go wise-ass instead. *Shot multiple times*

    I think we had Netgear once, though it shorted out. Could be the problem with yours, too.

    I guess so. She wasn't kind enough to mention it was dead until I got home, and it was already in a box and ready to be disposed of, so I didn't get a look at the damage. D: I've had a rabbit, a lizard (I caught him, kept him for a year, then released him at my cousin's house!) some fish (Which I released into the pond. :O) and two cats, one of which got ran over. And I went into rage mode, seeing as we'd had the cat since I was four and it had been living 40%+ of it's time in my room. ;_;

    Oooh. Throw a match in there before you leave, then. :D

    I think the problem is that the oil is gushing out to hard to plug up the pipe. Plus, they'd need something able to avoid getting clogged up/exploding from driving through oil. :P

    Morphic isn't very gory at all, save for a little bit in chapter twelve. It does have violence, of course. Butterfree can't write a fic without violence, or it would suck. The main thing is swearing--it's got more swears than any fic I've ever read.

    Go read it. It's quite possibly the single greatest backstory fic ever written. Seriously.

    I like Victor because I love Dark-types, and his nicknaming pattern is brilliant. :D Flora is great, too. :P

    I gave her some. Apparently adrenaline has a more extreme effect on me. TGHVGIFFHHYyTRGde7Fe~
    I'll just say "I formally adressed you this would happen so!" instead! :D

    What company is the router? If you wanna try something else, try Dell. We've never had any technical problems with Dell products. :D

    I can accept them, too. Because it's not like pet responsibilties where it dies when you neglect it.

    While we're on the subject, have I ever mentioned that I used to have a pet cottontail rabbit? :D But I went camping and my mom overfed it (I said "ONE SCOOP PER DAY, MAX.) by giving it two scoops of food and a bunch of treats. He died. ;-;

    Yup. I'll get to work at the most popular Italian resturant around. :D You will be homeless from burning your house down. :P

    I durno what the hell he meant, but it was somewhere along the lines of that. What I'm pissed about is how BP isn't even making an effort to help. Maybe they'd react differently if it was their coast that was being destroyed.

    I've read it um... twice through. I actually read Scyther's Story first, then I loved it so much (And cried so much reading it.) that I had to read more of her stuff. And moar.

    Do you read Morphic, then, too? I'm a bit pissed that Butterfree had to kill Will and Mia, my two favorite characters. T-T And Felicia.

    I like Victor myself, if an assistant gym leader counts. If not, Sparky and Mitch are tied. (I might cosplay as Taylor, now that my hair grew long again. Just need some red hair dye...)

    Yeah. D:

    xD I always blow stuff up or make something more useful out of it when I'm done. (I once made a smoke-grenade-like thing out of some garbage. But the smoke must be unleashed within two minutes of creating one, so it's worthless. :P) Well, if it does catch fire, send me a picture. xD

    Good, hopefully it'll be more reliable than your current one. :D It will be very fun, I bet. :P

    I have lot's of responsibility in video games. I have to keep my Guitar Hero skills polished, train my pokémon properly... xD.

    I doubt It'll be too hard for me to get a job, because I could get reccomendations, and I mentioned that I could be hired into my godparent's resturant. :D

    I approve of war on just one occasion--freedom. The oil spill... occording to my dad's rants, that was quite heavily Bush's fault, because of something involving letting BP write their own guidelines and equipment requirments. Or something like that. I always just pretent I'm listening, whilst only getting a few sentences out of the speech. xP

    Naw, I can wait a while.

    I thought it was a Quest For the Legends reference, but I didn't even know you were a fan of it, so I doubted it. xD I actually found this site through The Pokemon Tower (The first place I saw TQFtL) and it showed a link to the main site. The rest is history. :D

    While we're on the subject, a forumite here named Scyther is going to cosplay as Sparky this summer, and we all want pictures. :D

    Yeah. I barely ever see Zora upset (She mentioned she had what, two or three posts in The "Grr" Thread. xD) so it kinda worries me.
    Strangely, I prefer advice from online friends over offline friends. xD

    It is ironic. :P Sizzling, though? :O You should get a new one before that one catches fire/explodes/some other horrible thing. :P

    The phone thing happens though. xD I am more or less forced to learn about politics and economics. My dad invest anything he can spare in stocks, and he gives rants on politics constantly. :x

    I don't really want responsibilities either. xD

    Okay. Once I get him back, I'll clone him and such. But what do you mean by "leave the genetics to Rick"? o_o

    'Aight then. I'll go give her the adrenaline shot. *Runs*
    Oh. Well, I'd leave her alone for a bit, maybe they'll decide not to. I think I know why she wouldn't give me her medic skills now.

    I thought it was Taiwan? :P Sadly, that is true. xD We get connected to people from other countries occasionally. :x Apparently you aren't ignorant. :P

    Well, if you can't clone it, I will, then I'll send back. xD

    Oh, could you change my Zigzagoon in the first post's name to "Namefail", please? I, for some unknown reason, want a fail nickname on my team. :P
    Oh. ;_; That's... weird, why his parents would just randomly do that without a reason. o_o

    You have a point. Most companies don't even know about their own product. xD

    I think you can. Try looking up the codes.
    The sig. :P

    I... didn't exactly get what she meant, though. Something about her relationship, right?

    Document your measurement and send it to Comcast. They'll be forced to fix it.

    ...I spend 98 1/2% of the day on the web. xP


    One of each, actually. I'll clone Payback.

    Oh, could you clone Cyndaquil with your AR? My Internet is crappy right now and I didn't clone him, so he was my last one.
    I'm late. D:

    Yeah, it could be excluded just the same. :P One round isn't much, but it did wrap up the battle. :D

    Oh, ramble if you like. I'll listen. :D

    The only thing that impressed either of them was that masterpiece. *Points to sig* But yeah, most people do try to impress them. xD

    Every five hours? That's like... bad. Ours has problems, like... every few days. xD And the workers always say nothing's wrong. Liars.

    *Reference to first sentence in VM* Yeahhh. Sorry I'm late. D: Whenever you're ready. I should be here sparsely until 3-5 AM ET.

    Purple hair, yes. Purple dress...? O_o
    Oh. Well then [EBIL PLAN B] it is. :D

    Well, four matches in under two months is epic. :O

    A bit of a... long explanation as to why you don't like taking new matches. xD I know what you mean, though. Don't trust the front page, though. :P

    Gimmick matches mean like, 1-on-1-on1-on-1, 1-on-2, ect, and Metranome/random move matches. Zora and Dwagie always get refs quick, though. :P

    I'll bestow the adrenaline upon her as soon as I finish writing this.

    We've never had Comcast, so I don't know the technical problems. xD *Fail*

    I'll be gone from 5:00 to 8:00- 9:00 ET today. D: Or something like that, so...

    If I paint them again, purple it shalt be. :D
    Whoops. *Edits* I'm such an idiot.

    How many total battles have you completely reffed? I can count, like, two or three right this second.

    It annoys me when people take the newest challenges, but that's just me. Plus, there is people agreeing to ref something/getting a request to ref it, or something. Like you asking if I wanted you to ref it. xD In other words, the older your challenge is, the more forgotten and neglected it gets. xD

    Well, with the afformentioned "people avoid gimmick matches" thing, I doubt it'll get picked up at all. (Yeah, I'm real positive, aren't I?) Though I haven't noticed them in forever, so they probably'd get DQ'd anyway. :x

    I was hoping you'd say that. *Shoots self with adrenaline* I'MMA SOOOOOO FAST LE-LET'S GETTIT GOINNNNNNN!


    We have weird internet. It's great, sometimes, (As it is now! :D) others you can't even connect to the web. Damn you, Hughesnet. >_< (What company do you have, or do you mean it's just like... a loose wire in the router, or crappy internet just doesn't connect well with it, or...?)

    I can wait. I'm not in desperate need of them. I'll need them before September, so we have some time. :P

    I was gonna mix blue and red, then paint them purple. :D I'll have to try Green.
    Oh. *Cough* I was gonna [EBIL PLAN]. xD

    No. ;_;

    That's... odd... for you to not have any active reffings. o_o

    Yeah... but it'd be nice if they had a 1-on-1 or something. xD

    Lobsta and Bobino are heavily active for a while, then not, then they are again... a bit weird. I'm on 24/7. xD

    Al is on quite a bit, yes. At least this battle will be highly active--two active members paired with the fastest ref in Asber. :D

    Yes. A Stone Edge for a Machamp or Armaldo (Haven't decided) and Payback for Machamp and uh... Celebi, probably. :D

    I used food coloring to paint my teeth blue. [/Random]
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