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Shadow Serenity
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  • Chatspeaking idiots with nothing useful to say are... um... idiots with nothing useful to say? Dx

    I don't mind shipping fics, as long as they aren't the main focus of the site. Might I suggest The Pokemon Tower for putting your fic somewhere?

    I like some songs with lots of screaming in them. I dunno if 'Down With the Sickness' counts. :P NO MOMMY, DON'T DO IT AGAIN!

    Anyway, if you looked them up yet, what do you think?

    I never noticed that. \o/ And then you can sendeth out Magnemite and do some damage! :D Maybe there is hope after a- *Shot*

    You said "something". O\_/O Now I will have Arceus use his best JUDGEMENT on the JUDGEMENTation of you using JUDGEMENT.

    Yeah. :P

    You've never been camping? O_o Besides bug bites and sunburns, it's nice. Especially if you're by a creek, salmon fishing, like I was.~
    Ah. FF.net is just... weird. I try to avoid it due to critics...

    I would've mentioned if it was Death Metal-y. :P Bruce Dickinson (The singer, if you didn't guess.) does scream occasionally, but it's a high-pitched "yeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhnh" rather than "WROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAARR".

    Yeah, that wasn't a good idea at all to block Recover when you have more than one team member who can use it. :P But it was just a bad coincidence that you got an opponent who happened to have a Magnemite. xD

    I'm beggining to get annoyed by that word. o\_/o

    I can hold mine for like, forty at best. D:

    My absence was due to camping, by the way. :D
    Oh. I'm thinking about writing another (Hopefully better.) fanfic, but I'm planning on keeping it private until Fall.

    They're Metal. :3

    Dreamer. :P I wouldn't expect Whirlpool to block anything. Koyomi is more or less screwed, but at least you'll be able to counter Magnemite.

    I didn't say the word 'something', but I was talking. :P

    Ah. I don't feel uncomfortable with it, but I just don't wanna die. It'd be sad. D:
    I thought you were, seeing as I'm normally on 24/7. :P

    Well. Go look up 'Two Minutes to Midnight', 'The Evil That Men Do', 'Fear of the Dark', 'The Number of the Beast' and 'Iron Maiden' on Youtube. Make sure that they're the Iron Maiden versions. From Eddie..... and the boys...

    I would've mentioned Thunder Wave, but Magic Coat keeps cursing you anyway. Besides, Thunderbolt would still do what, two percent less damage than Water Pulse while giving a chance for a more useful side effect.

    Did I say something? :O

    I figured it probably was, seeing as we'd die if we stopped. :D
    THIS IS UNNACEPTAB- I mean, uh, it's fine. I was gone for a few days anyway, so.....

    I mainly meant to use it for the possibility of paralysis. :P And if I were you, I wouldn't try to keep Koyomi alive, except for energykilling Magnemite. Just go down hard.

    I realize hom confusing that mudt have been. -_-, My bad.

    Yes, s'what the Internet is for.
    ...I'm breathing, does that count?

    Aaaand if you were wondering why I was gone, there was an Iron Maiden concert I went to.
    And you better like Iron Maiden, 'cuz if you don't, Iron Maiden's gonna getcha, no matter how farrrrrr!~~~
    I'm a whippersnapper alright. A whippersnapper with a gun. And a Denver-Style Dragomelet. *Noms*

    Ah, well. D: Stupid as it sounds, Thunderbolt might be the bane of Magnemite. But I forgot if Staryu can learn it. -_-;; But if you're gonna use a Water-type move, I'd actually stick with Hydro Pump, solely for the fact that Staryu won't last much longer, and you should get as much damage in as possible. :D

    I won't see one of my friends until Fall, save for when we happen to see each other at a fair and hang out together or something. The only way I see him is at karate, and we got our classes switched, though I'll probably get switched back to his in Fall. I'll see my other friend once a week through summer, with the exception of friend A and I's situation where see each other at a fair or whatever.

    I haven't seen my best friend/s in months. They live an hour away and don't have ready transportation, so. ;_;
    Yesssssss. *Scoops up some fried Dragomelet*

    Oh. Damn. xD I guess you too like the idea of weak moves to keep energy. :D
    Just about everything learns Facade, I think Staryu included, so... :P

    All of my friends live over twenty miles away, so I currently have nothing to wake up for. xD

    *Puts a "Reserved" sign on the church's front door* It's all yours... for now. I decided somethin' for ya. Just Recover every round or so, all the while nickel-and-diming the Magnemite with the weakest moves possible. (To save energy. :P) It'd energykill Magnemite in a round or two, then you'd have a Staryu with decent health all ready to Facade. :D

    I realize your situation.

    I wish I could sleep that late. :P
    I dunno what to say about you wanting your own pad. D: Never moved or anything, so...
    She'll probably Rest or something with Eadgyth, but Tock has about no hope. :P

    Again?! I guess I don't need it right now, but...

    :D I don't have reason, either, (And it's summer so what the hell!) but my parents yell at me to get up. Oh, and they also say I'm gonna turn into a bat... O_o;;
    She is. *Evil laughter*

    Woah. \o/ A bit... weird. I'd get yelled at/get water dumped on my face/ect. if I had sleeping habits going up to six. :x
    Yeah. D:

    M'kay. Don't worry too much about epicspeed right now--we're both in a tight situation so time would give us more time to bite our fingernails and sweat coldly. xD

    Mine is "go to sleep between midnight and five, wake up between eight and one".

    Stupid Double Kick.

    ...at least it knocked Tock over, according to the reffing. :D
    I don't get it? (What does blowing stuff up have to do with opponent's opinions?

    I noticed. :V
    Well, I do. :P *Looks away from building, which explodes* Hehe...

    Alright. STAYALIVECARRIE! ;_;
    ...yes. *Screams in background*

    How is one person held down, being beaten with a two-by-four while the other relaxes and drinks iced tea even?! :P I'll probably just let him energykill himself, though, seeing as he's got Leftovers and Roost. :P
    That was nothing. :P You should've seen the European bomb factory...

    I think it's kinda funny how we are both "ahhhhh my pokemon noooooo" also, but I seriously am getting murdered. D: I'd just assualt Tock until he died, but I can hit the damn cap in two attacks, thanks to Mirror's boosts.
    I am. *Sinister wind howls and ominous gasps follow*

    It couldn't be much worse. D: It's BAAAAAADDDDDD. ;_;
    Unless you happen to be ebil. Then, you make the explosion and walk away casually!
    ...but they don't show that too much, just the heroic main characters that everyone hates. :P

    It's just hard to resist a cute wittle dwagon eggggggg.~ And yes, it would be kinda nice to know what your pokemon can do. xD

    ...I'm doing bad. I should've expected Rain Dance.

    ...dammit. I'll have to resort to a new plan. I just want Carrie to live until Tock faints, that way she gets three experience points. :D
    Maybe the rule only applies when you are the one making the explosion? :O

    Oh. Well, you have a point there. xD But I'd actually keep one for Skittlen and Dragomelet handy, seeing as they're popular choices. Hell, I'm planning on buying a Dragomelet soon! :D

    Awight. I'll check it out. Your epic skills are extremespeed-fast, which is awesome. G'night, even though I'll be awake for another hour. It's three in the morning now. :P
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