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Shadow Serenity
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  • I wish I was the Balrog of Morgoth. He gets whatever his overheated, black heart desires. :D

    Alright. Mind lending me a Chicorita for a sec.... Typhlosion put his rape face on, so... *Trails off*

    Ah. Being able to use effort-trained babies with moves of mass destruction would probably be nicer, I guess. :P

    Yeah. xD But I'm not worried about tha rounds it's in, just how it's there at all. xP

    I'm told that I'm impatient. By my mother. My day doesn't think so, seeing as I can ride in a car for ten hours without complaining once. xD Oh, but I have NO tolorence for goats. We have some and all you hear every day is "MAAA! MAAA! MAAA! MEEEEE!", and I wanna rip their goddamn voiceboxes out. :v [/Random complaint]

    Well, lets trade at least the Cyndaquil, then maybe my team tonight, if you're on.

    Fine, fine. But mine still rapes yours sexually. :D They do it for fun. :D

    It's not a universal rule, but I've done it before. PBR is good practice for those. :P

    Typhlosion/Magmortar/Everything else > the Burmy. :P I agree with "WTF Y EVN PUT THIS IN???". xD

    Oh. xD Sometimes I have enough patience to stare at a rock until it starts singing "Take Me To the River", sometimes I am literally rocketing everywhere with minimum tolerance for lateness. I'm very weird.

    Ah. Well, go ahead and do all seven, because two extra minutes won't kill anybody. :P We should just do the Cyndaquil + Razor Claw trade tonight, though. I was up until four yesterday, I'm tired, and I have to get up in six hours. D:
    Fine. THE fine. Pay it.

    Crobat and Scizor are nice, but not as nice as Steelix, Feraligatr, Manectric and Magikarp! :D

    Meh, good point. xD

    Doubt it, but I've got two otherwise. :P

    The stats don't matter on a REAL baby team! (I was talking about the kind where it is Lv. 5 Open, no EVs, Egg Moves only. My mistake. But you just spam Ancientpower to (Possibly) get your stats up, then BOOMBOOM.)

    The funny part is that it's actually happened before. xD But ya, it's..... annoying, having to go through twenty-one battles before it gets interesting. :P

    I still don't see why it's that surprising, but whatever, I guess. xD

    Oh. *Facepalm* The one you have is my Pearl, my SoulSilver is 3953 9369 0522.

    But buisiness hours stop at 5:29 AM and start again at 5:40 AM! Just wait ten minutes next time. Rejected.

    You must be kidding me. My list would rape yours in a sexual way, then again, then rape them in a competition way. :D You can't argue with Aggron, Scyther, Typhlosion, Seviper, Skarmory and Tyranitar! :D

    Well, I've never tried it competitively, but it works pretty good in-game and at the Battle Tower. :V

    Yeah. Covers it's weakness to Ground and is still a logical ability. :D But uh..... no. :P I haven't heard anything for... a long, long time. I'll probably just submit my dragonfly first, though, seeing as it's more complete. :D And yeah, I've got two battles finished, and the match with X-Scissor.

    A full baby team? :O I've never tried that. If you do, I suggest putting Anorith and Charmander on there. They're good for mix sweeping.

    Bird Keeper Shayla sent out KRICKETOCK! Enemy KRICKETOCK used Tackle! xD

    Meh. You're the only one I've asked. :P But uh... sure. :D I could help.

    For the Chrome League?
    Your apology has been rejected. Please try again during buisiness hours. :D

    Why murder a Steel hatin' little- *Shot* Well uh... I think my favorites list would > your favorites list anyday, so. :P

    It is kind of a random ability, seeing as most sharks are silky and smooth. :O I don't really look at defenses much when thinking about abilities, though. Mostly type advantages and disadvantages. For instance, my Steel/Ice dragonfly will have Levitate for an ability. :3
    Special would be something like Surf/Ice Beam/I think it learns Dark Pulse/Some other move. Physical would be easy to figure out, of course.

    That is the most hilarious thing I've heard today. xD Gliscor seemed like a beast, though, so I ev'd the aforementioned Gligar. It would be awesome to be able to whack any Attack-alligned Dragon while most likely staying alive. :D Yeah, I'll just keep Razor Fang #1, then. Because cloning gets old. D:

    And uh... if you could do me a favor, a particularly big one, I'd be grateful. Oh, and I'd buy you a present in ASB. I need to trade some Pokémon from Pearl to SoulSilver, and my sister is selling her DS, so I can't trade with it anymore. D:
    *Bounces off the the sheild, lands, and spontaneously explodes* DAMMIT.

    What did you say?...! Must I attempt assasination for the umpteenth time?!

    They're cool looking, you can run Attack, Special Attack or Mix sets, (Which is just AWESOME) it maintains good Speed, and on top of that, anything that hurts you gets cut by it's skin. Awesomesauce fueled.

    Anyone can see why he annoys me. xP At least he got DQ'd, so he should be off the Challenge Board for a while. :D

    Yessssssss. Meep. :D

    Ah, good. I have a Gligar I'm planning on using for my competitive battles, but eh..... I thought I had a Razor Fang. It was a Razor Claw, so I'm stuck with a Gligar rather than Gliscor. xD But yeah, I'll clone teh Cyndaquil and send it back to yeh when I get it. Did you want me to clone the Razor Fang with it?
    ...brace yourself for impact? :P

    Ah, well. We don't have to agree on Water-types, I guess. :D

    While Starmie is nice, the only Water-types that would have a chance at all of de-throning Feraligatr are Sharpedo and Mudkip. :D

    Well, yeah. I guess he wouldn't be as bad as some people, at least. He still annoys me deeply, though. D:

    No, I can assure you that it very much isn't. The rawring meep meeped the meeping rawr.

    Oh, uh... if you could possibly hack a Razor Fang for me in a timely fashion, that'd be great. Oh, plus there's a shiny Zubat for ya if you can.
    You said "Damn Mudkipz", so YOU WILL PAY! HYAHHHHHHH! *Dramatic jump, then sails through the air*

    It's name and looks are *Gags*. Yeah.
    But you are out of your mind for liking a pitiful penguin over a Swashbucklin' croc! Feraligatr is probably my favorite Water-type, too! :D

    It looks like he just got scared and left. :D

    No it ain't. Meeping rawr.

    Fish are very dumb. Very.

    I've just seen it on ED. Poor, poor Croc Wrangler. ;_;


    It's Prinplup I hate the most. Empoleon... it doesn't look that bad, but it's just so..... pitiful. Slow, has weakness to Fighting and Ground, common types... bleh. Piplup for obvious reasons.

    I'll have to check.

    No, it isn't. Meep and rawr.

    If you were wondering where I was, a windstorm knocked out our internet for a few days.
    It is epic. :D

    Getting a bite isn't rare, though. I caught uh.... eight, I think, yesterday. Missed four.

    Ja, ja, money is a problem. D: But yes, they did, but they weren't Great Whites or anything, just Makos or Lemons, I think. Somewhere around eight feet, I think. They aren't trained, and uh... I think that's why you get a waiver... xD

    Kill me? Someone who just got their Blackbelt? *Practice Helicopter Kick*

    No, you aren't a bad person. Besides, I've seen worse. Like on ED, a battle between a picture of Steve Irwin and a Mantine, with Steve Irwin yelling "CRIKEY!" and fainting. :P

    Let's see... we'll get the finest of Kanto's Fried Combusken, for a start. Mudkipz love KFC. :3

    Piplup just sucks. :v I don't care as much that it isn't Ice-typed as just it's pure pitifulness. I should've started with Turtwig...

    You hit that perfectly. :D

    Rawr. It isn't. Rawr.
    Why, yes. I fainted her, but then healed her and she ran and I tracked her down so... wait, you probably read it already. xD

    No, I actually meant "it is fairly easy to catch a fish". But it is of course, entertaining.

    I don't have THAT much money. D: I would've swam with them at an Aquarium facility in Hawaii, but I wasn't thirteen at the time. And diving down in a cage requires training and even moar cash. :P

    How do you know that it's easy to kill someone not expecting it? :P But yeah, you're right. Poor Steve Irwin, though. D:

    We should host a Mudkip party. No Piplup allowed. :D *Tosses treat to Mudkipz*

    Ah. Buisiness Approval Office. Do look.

    No it ain't.
    Whatever. *Tosses bowl of cereal away*


    It's..... easy, actually... O_o Most of the time, you are fifty to one-hundred times their weight anyway... O_O

    I actually wanted to go swimming with some sharks, but then I wayched Shark Week, and... *Shudders*

    Rays may be docile, but they still killed a croc-wrestling Aussie, and that is saying somethin'.

    We all do. (It is popular because it's true! Mudkipz are liekable!)

    Yes, that's him. Have you checked the BAO lately? Damn that guy's stupid. He got an infraction already, now he's bitching around again. Seriously, he should at least attempt to do something right at all. You can't expect a shop having no desciptions for the items and overlapping with other buisinesses, all the while having ridiculous requirments and akward prices to pass. (Yeah, read it and weep, DM)

    It was only nine for me, but. :P
    I KILL YOU NAO! Or not.

    Go now. And prepare for stupidity. :D

    If you are a sorry sod fishing for a rare species, yes, that's how it is. I fish for whatever, so yessssss it's so awesome...

    That, and I'm afraid of sharks and rays. Sharks because I value my head, rays because Steve Irwin got OHKO'd by a Mantine.

    Water lieks me. And Mudkipz.

    Too bad for you.
    I hath something to say though! What do you think of ThaosDM? Just... uh... an opinion on him as a teacoder.

    Well. I'll lurk here for a sec, then I'mma go swimming, because it's still ninety or so and it's dusk. Why, oh why...?
    'A New Year's Fic' is probably her best one. So many good lines in that... (Which I would say, but that'd take the fun out of reading it)

    I made an attempt with a rocket launcher, but it didn't work. :P


    As I mentioned earlier, how fun or boring it is depends on what you're going for. Say, uh, panfish are more fast-paced and you'll catch a decent amount, but steelhead can take like.... six hours, and you might catch one.

    I prefer to keep my head above water in rivers and the ocean, but lakes are usually fine.
    It's comedy, Dannichu-style. Be prepared.

    I have no president-summoning powers to use. T-T

    You have a point there, but at least sound awesome while you can. :D

    ...crap. I misspelled it there, too. Schizophrenia. There we go.

    Do you not like eating them or something? You don't even have to eat them. :P (SHUSH, I guess some lakes have "U HAS 2 KEEP UR FEESH" rules but whatever)

    I love water, and am fairly good at diving and stuff, too. As long as it isn't salt water.
    There is a search option, at least. The site is just awesome to look around, at least. Read some of Chatsy's stuff. It's awesome. Muhuhu...

    Oh. :P You're mean. It is difficult to fight George Washington. O\_/O

    I still prefer "using my tricks against him", because it makes you sound more awesome. :V

    Squiggly red lines are better than misspelling. :P (Don't comment on how I screwed up "scizophrenia". If you saw that post. >_>

    Oh, it very much is why. Very.

    Yes. It is close, but yelling still maintains a good, balanced tone. Screaming just lets loose. :P

    I only succeeded once? Probably because I'm also fighting off the Arylettopian order. :V I wouldn't go so far as to killban you from here, though. :P

    Yes. :P I thought you might. xD

    Ah, now I see. Mine has both "Judgment" and "Judgement" in it. I prefer "Judgement", though.

    O_o You are deprived of life.
    It really depends on what you're fishing for, though.

    It's a site where you post fanfiction/art/videos.

    It is more yelling than screaming.
    Voices are nice.

    ...you realize that I'll kill you for that. *Does some stretches and pulls out a flick-knife*

    Well then, looks like yeh gawt this. :V Hit him with a Zap Cannon! :D

    ...what. My dictionary says "Judgement", not "Judgment". Look at your dictionary. >_>

    I go camping about fifteen times a year. Mostly for salmon fishing.

    It rained today while we were out in the woods. :P
    I mean you. I was only a gym leader before because we'd lost a few and choosing other replacements wasn't going well.
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