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Shadow Serenity
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  • Her words echo in my head...

    ...though it really does add a "LOOKIT ME I'M A BADASS" effect. :P

    But if you put it in size one so it only took one sheet? :O

    I get in "life sucks must complaaaaaiiiinnnnn" mode sometimes, too.

    This is worse. Spraylet couldn't have done too much against Mirror, but would totally ahnnihalate Carrie, while Dragomelet can hit both hard. D: I just need Carrie to get some energy back, then they'll realize that Sunny Day was a baaaaadddddd idea. :D
    Yeah. :x

    But I haven't even blown anything up yet! xD But if you insist... *Tosses gas grenade into open window, waits five seconds, tosses frag grenade into said window and walks off with house exploding behind*

    Why don't you just copypaste the movesets into Word and print them? :O
    Yeah. *Continuously tries to think of another explanation*

    You're welcome. :D And I take pride in my stratagy. :P

    Yeah. Now she's dead. :D [/Party] I bet she'll send out her Spraylet and kill Carrie, though. D:
    Meh. I still just don't like how it works. Especially seeing as when I sleep, part of my life is depleted, but I regen energy! xD Not the other way around! Dx

    *Gives* Toss the gas grenade first, then throw the frag five seconds later to ignite the fumes the gas is giving off to add to the explosion. :3

    Oh. Well then I'm annointed with fail. D:

    I posted. I want Astrid DEAD. O\_/O It appears the RNG gods know that I offered the blood... Mirror got every possible stat boost... :D
    I'd rather it just healed fifteen health and energy, but didn't cure statuses. :P It would make more sense that way. :D

    No. I dug this right now unti it hit one of my other, larger tunnels. Care for a grenade? Gas, smoke, frag, shrapnel?

    I had to go to my sister's house. :P Sorry, I'd have wrote more, but I was supposed to be there twenty minutes before I got there anyway. xD

    The part that I mostly don't agree with is that sleeping doesn't cure poison, so why should it there?
    ...and I just like complaining. Dx

    ...this is a tunnel to my armoury, where I keep my grenades. :P You will suffer... muhuhu...

    Short reply is short.
    That's.... creepy. D:

    Ah. It really depends on who I'm going for. Usually the girls I like don't like me, and I don't really like the few that like me. D:

    I'm bad at making friends, so you're lucky. :P

    *Gets hit with the fit you threw and drops board in a pot of caramel*

    Chocolate milk. <3
    ...and kidney stones? Dear god. You must be overloading chocolate. :P Did you ever pass them or did they dissolve or...?

    Aww. *Tosses it into lake*

    Lazyyyyyyy. But what I don't see is how taking a nap can drain your energy enough to kill you. :O I think it'd actually make more sense to restore energy, myself.

    O_O *Digs hole in corner and buries the entrance*
    But I'm not a stupid chameleon who places stores randomly around the world! D:
    ...oh wait.

    I just haven't tried flirting again because I fail. Oh, and I don't really "like" any other girls that much. They're mostly just stuck-up bitches. >_<

    NO! It vill be mine! *Hisses*

    ...a bottle every three days? *Disguises knock-out gas grenade as a bottle of chocolate syrup* Hehe... we'll se if you'll be eating it after that... keke...

    Actually, that was easy to predict, but I thought Astrid would hit with Flail and kill him healthwise. Didn't expect an energykill. D:

    ...what bodies? The executives? Or...

    YOU KILLED MORE PEOPLE?! *Eeeps, runs behind house and curls up in a corner*
    People always mispronounce it. :x

    The only girl I've ever seriously "liked" was named Rachel, and I failed miserably at flirting with her. T-T

    ...then I will lick it off and hang it up again!
    ...and it will be free chocolate! :D

    Yeah. Slayer'll get KO'd and Carrie will hit once, by my predictions. Oh, well. I has a decent idea of who I'll send out next. :D

    ...I threw a smoke grenade into the City Hall, then beat the executives over the head while they were sleeping until they sustained amnesia, and agree that you did it. :P
    Mine's Kristian, but I hate the name with a "Ch" and when you change the spelling, it makes you look all wannabe-cliche and crap. Threrefore, I go by Charlie.

    I must have misread "Jimmy" as "Timmy", then. :P

    Nope. The board clearly states that all partcipant wanting to borrow the whole church must fill out the paperwork before they have custody of the church. :P See? *Motions to board*

    Dammitttttttttt. D:

    ...hence why this is a fake photo. :P
    Yup, they're in order. :D

    Oh. That's all I got...

    Okay, you can have the church for a day. But you'll have to fill out the form. :O *Drops thirty-three point-four-two-eight pounds of paperwork on the counter*

    Awight. I'll go check it out. Probably has to do with Substitute, right?

    I paid a guy to photoshop you and a Garchomp into a picture by the hole, then I gave it to the city...
    It's a trilogy. :P

    Yeah. Your name is Tim, right? I think that's the name on the Chikorita you gave me. :D

    I... put the blood on it? Dx

    He went one over the damage cap. :P I have my strategy to keep him alive, now. He better not die... now when Rau posts, have another adrenaline shot.

    ...oh, I told the city that you ripped up the pavement, so... *Runs*
    The ones I reccomended. :P

    They would be a little uncomfterble to have. xD

    I built it. D:

    C'mon Slayer! DON'TDIEDON'TDIE!
    Yeah. They're pretty nice. And "Rekkhyt" is an alternate name of the main character, by the way.

    I could go with your version, "Tree stump", but that's probably even worse. :P


    Yes. Have you seen the damage done to Slayer? Oh, wait...
    They're fantasy.

    Yeah. People'd probably wonder why he hell you were nicknamed "Firewood". xD

    I figured you wouldn't be taking a side. :P But, in that case, it's my turn to offer OUTTA MY WAY. *Grabs blood, kicks everyone away and dumps blood on the alter*

    Oh my god.

    Maybe I'M lucky. :D

    Or she rigged the generator...
    Read The Amulet of Samarkand, The Golem's Eye and Ptolemy's Gate, then you'll get the exact meaning of what I said.

    If you would enjoy being called "Firewood", then sure, it could be your new nickname. :D

    You offered the RNG gods blood jn my presense... are you not offering for me? :O

    I'm happy with Slayer. :D I have a fairly solid strategy, now, though it'll be a little bit risky, seeing as Slayer doesn't have a lot of health left. Rau was lucky to get a super-effective move, and roll for it to hit Slayer... rawr.
    A spirit, stronger than an imp or foliot, weaker than an afrit, marid or entity. [/Nerd]

    Oh. :P Hi, firewood!

    *Stabs artery and puts a straw in the remains* Yummmmmmmmm!`~`~~~~~~`


    I think he'll do alright. He better...

    Oh, so you must be voting for me! Offering some blood to the RNG gods...! :D *Joins in*
    *Draws magical circle and says enchantments* Come out here, Rekkhyt! I'm not in the mood for cursing, so summoning a djinni is the next best thing! :D

    I was almost positive it was...? o_o

    I WILL DRINK BLOOD IF I WANNA DRINK BLOOD! *Grabs box of blood packets and runs away*

    You just hatch eggs and raise pokemon on GPX+. When people have an egg in their sig, it's either GPX+ or DragonCave.

    I dunno. I like it better than Al. :P *In the process of "Dammit, Slayer!"-ing.* *Oh, and RNG god worshipping*
    Curse battle tower. D:

    Wasn't it you who I told I was gonna get a Sneasel named "Anna Sassin" and give it some signature stuff? :O

    Tainted, yes. But the taste..... *Turns away, drinks some blood, turns back* Now, you were saying?

    The only thing I have to do online other than lurk here is check GPX+, Youtube, and sometimes a few other fansites. I do random stuffs here. :P

    Yes, Rau. :v I noticed here post. *Dives into blood soaked RNG god church*
    Special Rhyperior? :O And I know Typhlosion should be able to blow Mamoswine to bits, but the Ancientpower thing gets it's Special Defense up, it takes a Flamethrower, hits with Ancientpower, stats boost, gets faster than Typhlosion, BOOM. Does something less than pleasant. It may or may not be suckish, depends on what they decide to give it, plus said stat boosts help a bit.

    It'd just be like a Rock-typed Megahorn. :P And creativity always defies logic. xP Because without making your mind creative, logic couldn't exist!

    Anna Sassin, of course. xD And after you bought your wishlist, you could make a new one and buy that! God, you'll be as rich as Kratos one day. xD

    I have enough money for an r8. WHAT NOW- oh wait...

    Fine then. *Robs bloodbank and soaks church in blood* Just give it back next time I attack. :D

    I was pissed because I have no life, and being blocked from the forums temporarily is not a nice thing when you are lacking a life.

    Hope Rau posted by now. Well, she might have, I just haven't checked. xD
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