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Shadow Serenity
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    ...I have? :O I don't remember that... basically, he reffed a ton, (Similarity numero uno) took about every e-reffing possible (Similarity numero doce) and overall contributed to ASB more than most. Buuutttt he got yelled at with comments like "you take all these and give less than a half-ass attempt at it" and "novice mocks have more effort than yours" and such. He lefttttt. D: I liked Twiggy, so it's kinda sad.

    Oh. I'd be a bit mad if I had to ref a complicated battle for someone reffing my simple battle. xD

    Three or four challenges of mine have been thrown away. xD

    I don't have an AR. D: I was hoping you'd trade me the TM's for a shiny Cyndaquil and Aggron. ^_^;;
    Thanks. :D I already have my strategy set..... it's amazinggggg. Not really.

    Doubles/gimmicks tend to be avoided, yes. So it's kinda awesome that 2/3 battles I have are double/gimmick. :D

    Y'know, you kinda remind me of Lars when I think about it... but you are also like Metallica Fanboy... 'Taltwig?

    Probably wouldn't be a good idea. xD What if yours was a simple 2-on-2, and theirs turned out to be a 3-on-3-on-3-on-3? xD And you would have to ref it. :P

    Ooooh. Did I mention I'm also looking for Stone Edge? *Shot*
    Seriously? You'll take it? :O

    No, it's been up there, feeling lonely and rejected for a long time. xD

    Oh, ehhh..... can you hack TM's on an AR, by the way? I'm in need of 2+ Payback TM's and don't know if you can get them anywhere or if they are exclusive.
    Okay, I've had the following response saved on my computer for the last few weeks in various parts. Apologies for how horribly late this reply is, if it's any consolation, my exams are over :D

    Me writing long, rambly messages is no surprise to anybody XD

    Oh; everything suddenly cutting out must be incredibly annoying D:
    Sometimes we get an actual powercut and get suddenly plunged into darkness, but my laptop battery can last for about three hours, and a powercut rarely lasts that long. On the other hand, I've been playing a floor console on my TV at the time of a powercut and had it just turn off in the middle of a battle a few times. Once memorably in the final battle of Pokemon Colosseum. Oh, I wan't happy about that >>

    I've trained an insane number of Pokemon to level 100, but only a couple are EV trained, though with those nifty berries that take off unwanted EVs (especially useful with my Alakazam, who has loads of Attack EVs because I use him against Bruno a lot), I'm going to properly train my SS team :D

    Your main team sounds fairly cool and balanced. I never quite got the hang of having a good, strategic team - I've got a few good, strategic Pokemon, but not a team that actually works together. Maybe I'll put one together one day. I like the idea of a Baton Pass team. Mostly because a lot of the Pokemon I really like are Baton Passers.

    I've got a friend whose favourite Pokemon is Starmie, and I have to say, it's grown on me :)
    Chikorita is adorable and I've always really liked her, but Totodile is my favourite after Pikachu, so she's never my first choice. I have a massive resentment towards Cyndaquil because nearly everyone I know picked it. I like Quilava and Typhlosion, but I've always found Cyndaquil a bit boring and lacking in personality, especially when compared to Toto and Chiky, who are both fantastic :3

    Yeah, I hate having to have HM slaves... I'm so happy that Surf is good, because you really need it all the bloody time. My Ursaring's got Cut and Rock Smash, though, and I delete those and add Return and something else decent when I have an *actual* battle.

    Hehe, Depression the Happiny is a brilliant name XD The only ironic name I've got is Fluffy the Salamence.
    And I've got a Magneton called Pole somewhere, too!

    I've been asking around about how one might go about doing a further degree and I'm still a bit confused. I'd like to have an idea of what to do before I go home for the sumer, so I don't have to worry about it. Not sure how likely that is to happen. I'm with you on the everything sounding boring thing, though; I'm thinking maybe I'll just stay in education forever and then never have to choose. Maybe.

    Let me know if you ever do come to England, though! I'll go wherever and we can organize a meetup or something. It'd be so great :)
    In the INSANELY AWESOME category! :D

    Guitar Hero, I presume? :O That's why Sweating Bullets is pounded in my head. xD Though I uh... *cough* have no idea what kind of music that is.
    MUHUHHAHA- What?! I mean, oh, yes, most of us can fit into that category!

    ...*Still has Sweating Bullets stuck in head, no matter how hard he tries to push it out*
    Don't forget insanity! :P

    Oh, I seriously don't believe it! :D My sleep was quite awesome, too!
    I think you might be right. Like in 'Sweating Bullets', "...it gives me A MIGRANE HEADACHE." But then again it is a song about mental insanity and demensia. "Feeling claustrophobic like the walls are closing in,
    got blodstains on my hands and I don't know where I've been." *Now has it stuck in his head*

    Me too. *Fails as a doctor and pretty much everything else*

    Have fun being asleep. :P
    Oh. My dad works in consulting and economics stuff, so it just depends on when people need him. :P

    Yeah. Basically, you summed it up there, and I'll leave it at that because I'm lazy right now. xD

    I shall. She's gonna come in handy. :D

    Maybe that's why I can't sleep, if I'm having migranes rather than headaches. D:

    I usually wake up with them, but being online for too long does it, too. T-T
    Oh. Interesting habit of working. :O

    I'd give people the silent treatment, but that'd just get me grounded. T-T I hope you 'win' in the end, though. Score one for immaturity! :D

    Yes. You figured it out. xD Because of your amount of reffings, I knew you'd have enough for anything. :P I like the nickname, actually, and I'm keeping it. :D Thanks.

    It does, kinda. :P But for me, losing a headache outweighs making a mess, making your hair look weird, ect.

    When I get headaches, my head pounds, making it near impossible to sleep. :P You're lucky.
    MONTHS? Crazyyyyyy. How long was he home, though? My dad doesn't travel for long, but if he is in traveling season (Which is right now. :P) he is usually only home for a couple days. He got back Saturday and is leaving today, for example.

    Our neighbors compare to brainless three year olds. :P

    By 'over' you must mean your mom'll be back, then. :D

    No, that's not true! *Shot* I picked a starter because I know you aren't going broke anytime soon at all. :P Plus, I just wuv wittle Cyndaquil. :D (They're my favorite starter, and one of my favorite pokemon overall.) Thanks in advance!

    No, I mean stick your head under the faucet, or in the summer, dump a bucket on your head or use a hose.

    Sleeping it off helps, but I can't sleep very well with a headache. D:
    My dad travels a lot (Hey, he's leaving tommorow. :P) but he's never gone more than, say a week or so at a time.

    All of the teenagers/college aged people just sit there texting or they're on their laptop when I see them, so they don't cause me trouble. :P You wanna see people who really should be kids, check out my neighbors. xD

    Thanks. :D I'm particularly interested in a female Cyndaquil.

    Soaking your head in either hot or ice-cold water helps my headaches, if you wanna try it. :D
    A lot of people's parents ignore their kids when they're on vacation. Mine, too. :P

    I have a similar problem with kids in the family during holidays. "HEY LOOK, A CLOSED DOOR WITH A "Please Keep Out" sign on it! Let's go in!" And then all hell breaks loose with the little twits. They broke my giant glass snail's head off! ;_;

    ...you seem worthy enough for helping me. xD
    I looked over the post a while ago but didn't read it thoroughly. Just noticed stuff like "kept awake by the sound of people having sex in my sister's room" and stuff. Drunk, I could see. I've drank a considerable amount of alchohol at one time (Or at least in my opinion. :P *cough*Three glasses.) so meh... but high... your parents know, I assume. Can't help you there.

    Uh... I have no damn idea as to why they would try to break into your room... D: Some people just don't know how to be anything but a jackass, I guess. :P

    Friends are good for calming you down. :D

    Well, have fun reffing. :D You may have to give me some tips later. xD
    What's the problem? The world is pretty good for me right now. D:

    You could just put some random things you think of. :P
    Yeah. :D

    A battle is WAITING? Seriously? Hell must have froze over and the apocalypse will happen. :O

    Good! Now you can make a new wishlist. :P

    I am a zombie. Rawr.
    Yeah. It sort of... fails after the enemies team has been statused. :P

    It would explain why. xD

    Your paycheck is awesome. :O Plus you got a bonus, commander. *Salutes*
    They are always status-ers who use Toxic, then Protect with a Focus Sash for extra safety. :P Not a bad idea, actually. xD Then I usually see a bulky sweeper (Think Machamp or Rhyperior) with them. D:

    Those are two of the most important rules. xD It would be hard to get a chain of ten without doing it that way. :P Oh, and once you get to forty, keep rechargiong the Pokewalker and using it again.l (At forty, the odds are at maximum, so you just want it to keep flashing.)
    I've seen Beatifly and Dustox in competitive battling. :P For some reason they are popular in double battles. :D

    I mean you should walk into the patch furthest from you and if it happens to be four spaces from where to are, it has an extreme chance of being a good patch. And if only one patch shows up, walk around until the Pokéradar is recharged and try again. :D (You probably knew that. :P) Of course Repels. xP

    Yeah, SR-ing is a pain. D:
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