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Shadow Serenity
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  • Yup, it does. Because I'm somewhat of a Pokémon addict, but I grew up (and still live in) Jersey City, I'm still, er...there's no way to say it but straight up. I'm more ghetto than I would be if I lived somewhere else. But I still like Pokémon.

    This strange mix makes me too ghetto for geeks and too geeky for ghetto people. I'm such a loner =,[

    Which gives me all the more reason to be upset about Negrek not being here.
    I'm not sure, but I think she said two months...but how about we settle on a month and a half? =P

    Either way, this leaves me with just about nothing to do. I'm not allowed out because of my protective mom, brother and dog. I'm stuck inside every summer '-_-
    I might start with a different team though, if we're forced to start over. But I know one thing for sure - I'm keeping Princess Maia and Daryn.
    Though, I'm not sure what to do about Oberon. He was a birthday gift from LoaC, and now he's gone =,[
    I'm thinking of maybe getting another Oberon in his honor, but it won't be the same...
    Just you wait and see...if we get to continue, Vixen shalls destroy Midna! =]
    And if we don't get to continue, well...I'm going to cry.
    I had my ASB info saved at another website...About two weeks before the crash or whatever.
    I had a feeling I should have made a site...I'm psychic =P
    It's right here.
    Of course, I should remove all the links...
    D'aww, I missed that little guy. And your Chi icon. And, uh, you in general.

    It's good to have you back, m'dear :3
    Decided not to spam that intro thread =P
    Actually, most of the links were to threads at the old forum.
    Only three links were external, and I have them all in my bookmarks =P
    So...I lost my ASB team =,[
    Now we'll never know who would have won that battle...
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