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Shadow Serenity
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  • No, no, it it's an armoured eel, giving it defensive moves, and Clamp/Withdraw are there because it learns those as a little clam, and gets to keep 'em for life.

    Withdraw & Iron Defense/ Bubble/Bubblebeam are there together to make it seem more like a Pokémon you'd see in the next games. Y'know, like how Poliwag learns Bubble and Bubblebeam? I'm just trying to even out the movepool with lesser and stronger attacks. But you have a point with Withdraw. I could swap withdraw for Bubble, then put Whirlpool where Bubble was, perhaps? I'm mostly trying to keep it UU, to help it be approved easier. Giving it only the best moves would be overkill. >_>

    I couldn't think of what else to put there besides Protect. :P

    I don't take offense. :D It's only my second fake line I've made movesets for. :P

    I see where you're going with "should it be the final or middle stage". Probably middle, if mine has extra body parts. (Like orbs!)

    Rushed message is rushed, but I gotta go! :O
    You are making the rest of the refs look bad with your barrage of updates to Kam & Patar's battle.

    Stop it or my Black Market Mafia will come after you.
    Wiki does tend to be a bit quicker. xD

    I... wasn't a regular trainer fic. D: In the first few chapters, people were already dead. xD Oh, well. Failiure at writing. *Points to self*

    I see what you're getting at with Shuppet and Bannete. It is kind of odd that the prevo doesn't even have a story other then "I'M A WITTLE GHOST WHEE", then it evolves into this pokemon with a history. Weird.

    Depends on what you consider "advanced". This is Voltarium's learnset, so you should look at this before you decide.

    6- Thundershock
    13- Water Gun
    17- Bubble*
    21- Thunder Wave
    27- Aqua Ring
    34- Iron Defense
    37- Bubblebeam*
    41- Spike Cannon*
    46- Thunderbolt
    52- Hydro Pump
    54- Zap Cannon


    The moves with asterisks are undecided/might be moved.
    It took me a long time to reply. xD

    Yeah, snakeheads got here when they broke outta their cages during hurricane Katrina. :O I don't know if they are particularly dangerous, but if you see one, smash it's head with a rock and casually walk away, denying that you heartlessly murdered it. XP (I think tommorow there is an episode of River Monsters involving snakeheads, on APL, if you wanna check it out. Dunno what time though.)

    My region was the 'Torrene Region', and I actually wrote a fic involvng it, but the fic got critisized horribly and I deleted it. D:

    An Electric/Ghost bird? Very interesting... the backstory of it sounds a bit like what I based a Gastly on once. When the pokemon died, it kept some of it's former abilities in the afterlife as a Gastly.

    Zap Cannon wil be solely for Voltarium. Because Thunder Wave will be more annoying right now. xD You should get at least one fake approved, though. The Ghostie bird sounds particularly nice. :D

    Y'know, we could even do a cooprative approval on our Water/Electric types. I have Voltora all ready, then we could get your eel ready and have that as the evo? Then one you could have the free Voltora and I'd buy one! Then we'd have some matching lightning shells/eels! :O
    Snakeheads are those fish that can breath oxygen OUTSIDE of the water, and literally WALK. They are also said to have a poisonous bite, but that hasn't been confirmed. :P

    Kratos didn't really lie, yes, but at the same time, mehhhhhh....

    I'll probably switch Zap Cannon for Bubblebeam or Thunder Wave, but maybe I'll keep it there. I still think it might be overkill fro a first-stage pokemon. :/

    That Ice/Steel-type was just a random drawing I mde in September, but I fell in love with it and started makiong movesets and stuff. I drew it when I tried to make my own region, but it was WAY to big and had like, twenty-two cities. xD Failed. XP

    It will be Ice/Steel unless the approvers think otherwise. I just love Steel and Ice types, so it came naturally to do something like it. :O

    Are there any other fakes that you want to share? :()
    No, no, still a Water/Electric type, just with the ability to deliver a poisonous bite. Like one of those weird snakeheads, but with electricity added to the mix. Aren't there snakeheads in Florida?

    I've got the moveset for Voltora, (That, is the name of the lightning shell. :D) but am still undecided on a few moves. (Like wether Voltora should learn Zap Cannon now, or only let Voltarium learn it. Yes, Voltarium is the evo!) Buuut maybe I will leave it as an eel.

    ...then after I finish this, I'm off to work on my Steel-types and Ice-types. (I have another fakemon I might try to get approved, apart from the ones I already have. It's a Metallic dragonfly that can control Ice. :D)

    I am interested in the sprite, and I'll show you mine when it's done.

    Yes, Kratos lied. xD
    WHAT THE HELL? I was gonna make my lightning shell evolve into an eel! Time to re-do the evo. D:

    Scyther and Eon are the main people I talk to. But I haven't seen Scyther in two weeks, which worries me.

    I just decided to start buying for people. :O

    80s music does own. :D I tend not to say that I hate the Beatles either. My friend is a diehard Beatles fan and slapped my across the face a bit harder than needed when I said I hated the Beatles. :()

    Kratos is a girl... 0_o

    My fakemon is an awesome lightning shell/clam thing! ^-^ As mentioned, it was originally going to evolve into an eel. An ARMOURED, POISIONOUS EEL. WITH ORBS THAT HOUSE ELECTRICITY RUNNING DOWN IT'S SIDES. But, luckily I haven't gotten very far into writing the movesets and stuff, so I'll change it's evo from an eel to an... armoured shark! [/AWESOME IDEA]

    Money can be annoying. ;-;

    Yeah, Negrek is very busy, running an entire league would be a bit difficult. I'm patient sometimes, impatient other. I'm currently impatient. D:

    I doubt I'll have enough money to buy for everyone I was planning on. ;-; Oh, well. Some of them, I've never even talked to.

    Does this eel of yours have an evo?
    Haha, no; I like essay-leangth replies! They take a bit longer to reply to, but I love knowing someone other than me likes writing long responses :)

    Guh, your internet disconnecting all the time must get so annoying ): Mine does it from time to time, and while I can't find a single cause, I think it has something to do with the modem getting too warm.
    And I accidentally switch off the internet-connectory-switch at the bottom of my laptop by accident an annoying amount )<

    Oooh, competitive battling looks so, so complicated. I've EV trained a few Pokemon (mostly on Ruby - I have multiple copies of each game, so I'd set up Secret Bases with EV-heavy Pokemon in specific stats, which worked really well), and sometimes restart if my Pokemon's got a rubbish nature, but all that IV stuff I absolutely cannot be bothered with. And I'm not very good with coming up with strategic movesets either, and most of my favourite Pokemon are terrible in competitive play.
    Which Pokemon do you mostly play competitively with?

    I've never used a Starmie, Likitung (Likitung always creeped me out a little, and Likilicky is the stuff of nightmares as far as I'm concerned), Kingler or Arbok before. I had a Fearow on LeafGreen, but it was mostly a Fly slave/something to send in to stall while I revived someone better. Drill Peck is awesome, though :D

    Some of my nicknames are pretty fail-y. I plan the names for my main team on a theme in advance, but then it comes to catching Pokedex fillers and stuff, and I end up with stuff a lot worse than Coral the Corsola. One time, sitting in the back seat of a long car ride, I just named Pokemon after objects I could see out of the window, and ended up with stuff like "Lamp post", "Phonebox", "Hedgerow" and the licence plates of the cars in front XD

    Do you know what you want to do when you finish college? I don't have a clue what I want to do, but (from what I can tell) the people who have a strong idea of a desired career seem to be a bit more focused.

    Online friends are fantastic :3
    Shyness is horrible; I'm generally okay when nobody really knows anyone else, but if I'm the only stranger in a room, I feel a bit self-concious. Which is really annoying ):
    Luckily, my friends are going to Italy, France and the US (The University of North Carolina, to be precise; I want to come out and visit her sometime next year, but I don't know if I'll be able to afford it), so I'm fairly confident they'll all have pretty constant internet access. If they were taking a gap year out in Africa, I'd be a bit more worried.

    Urgh, yes; online job applications are horrible. If I've actually spoken to someone, I can go back and bug them until they actually say "Go away, we've got someone else!" or something, but (in my experience) with online applications, they mostly just ignore you. Interviews are more scary, but you're completely right that it gives you much more of a chance to sell yourself.

    Aww, that's a very sweet offer, but I don't think the beach you'll be going to is within walking distance of me :3
    I rarely buy two versions of a game because I never have any extra cash. :O

    I payed six dollars of my SoulSilver in change. xD It was a bit more at Hastings and I came up twenty-three cents short. It was already scanned and the alarms wouldn't go off, so I dropped the money and ran. XP (Hey, twenty-three cents can't make a huge difference!)

    I tend to like 80's music too. I like some thrash, but all together I like old/er/ music most.

    ...but I hate the Beatles. Really.

    I'm impatient for ref exams to be graded. ;_; I have to buy for Darksong, Cryptica, Alruanne and Darth in the next week and I needs e-reffing to get soem moar monies. xD

    ...Since I never bought you a birthday present, is there an item or anything you need?
    Yup. Then it all goes away when a new Pokemon game comes out. :P

    Yup, it's a great resturant, plus the owner lived in Italy so he really makes it feel Italian! (Or at least more than everyone else around here...) They already tried to hire two of my sisters without an application.

    Metallica or Scorpions are my favorite. What usually happens is I'm listening to nothing but Scorpions, then I hear a Metallica song and switch back to Metallica, than it repeats itself. Currently I'm catching myself singing "Don't Tread On Me", but normally I sing "The Thing That Should Not Be", because I can play the whole thing outside of guitar hero. :D

    As I mentioned, I live in West-Central Idaho. I could say the city, but there might be stalkers around. *Glances side to side*
    We'd have at least twenty members in the first week. :P

    I... don't get free monies. D: I don't even get allowance. ;_; But a couple times a year some people need me to help move something (Mostly hay. :P) or feed a pet while they're gone. That and birthday money is all I have. I do treasure it. Very much.

    ..but I can almost guarantee that I'll get a job when I turn sixteen. My parent's friends own a popular Italian resturant (If you are ever in Central-Western Idaho, you gotta eat there) and they hire lots of people.

    The most I ever put on a game was Guitar Hero Metallica. (Metallica is one of my favorite bands, if not my /very/ favorite) I finished the whole thing that day and my eyes were VERY bloodshot.

    I've played uh... one anime RPG and loved it. I forgot what it was. D:

    So you live in the U.S....?
    The whole site would join. Seriously. It would be an epicccccc.~

    I'm twelve (Twenty four days til I'm thirteen!)...so I don't have financial problems...

    You have classaes in August, but not now? That's... unusual.

    I need a job, too. D: Plus, no-one will keep me for a ranch hand. ;-; (Yes, I do live in the coutryside) And you can't legally be imployed at a buisiness in Idaho until you're sixteen...

    What was the present?
    Ah! Sorry for the late reply; I started writing one, and then my internet crashed, so I got angry and didn't reply. Which it stupid, really, because it wasn't your fault.
    Probably :p

    Believe me, I'd rather come over and clean your room than write out more pages about Foucault. I've been writing about him all day (he probably won't even come up in my exam) and I've only just realized how to spell his name x.x

    Okay, I bow to your 870 hours on Diamond. How do you find enough stuff to do on that game? Once I beat the E4 on D/P/P, I just kind of stopped playing because I got bored. I was worried that it was me "outgrowing" Pokemon, but I've been utterly glued to SS since I got it, so I think it's just a compatibility thing.

    Your teams sound really original; my SoulSilver one's pretty standard: Ampharos (CJ), Feraligatr (Leo), Flareon (Donna), Alakazam (Toby), Ursaring (Sam) and a Fly slave/whoever I'm training to evolve (the nicknames are all on a West Wing theme because I like doing nickname themes XD).
    I've beaten Red (he used up all my Max Revives, and his Charizard and Blastoise were pure evil), but he's so much harder to actually get to in the new versions, that I just stick with beating the Elite Four a lot. My team's about level 70 at the moment.

    I got HeartGold the other day, and I'm not too far into it (I'm just before Morty), but my team's a bit more interesting; I've got Bayleef (Elphaba), Nidorina (Matilda), Togetic (Scout) and Butterfree (Clarissa), with plans for an Azumarill and something else (the names being literary heroines this time XD).

    Good on you for actually taking the time off when you needed it - I know a few people who've just kept going when they really should've taken a breather and it's terrible. I hope you're in a better place when you go back :)

    Yeah, in a way, I'm kind of looking forward to making new friends - I know I'll keep in touch with the old ones who're going away (I love Facebook and Twitter for making communication across distance so easy), and not knowing anyone kinda forces you to go out and speak to people you wouldn't otherwise.

    Three years jobless? You poor thing ): Finding jobs where I live is made particularly hard by the fact I live in a very small town, and going anywhere further afield means spending half my wages on transport - are you in a similar position where you are?
    Luckily, where I live is a touristy area, and more jobs open up in the summer because of all the visitors, so I'm hoping that if I come home as soon as my exams are over, I might be able to bag one before the other universities/colleges/high schools finish.

    The midnight beach picnic sounds absolutely fantastic :D
    Welcome to the club of no-lifers! The only time I abuse my PS2 is when I'm high on Guitar Hero. :P

    Hehe... I'll probably get epic skills if I pass my current test. Coz then it'll be a couple weeks til summer break and then I'll do nothing all summer but swim and get online.

    Once again, welcome to the club!
    \ /\ /
    \/ \/ ELCOME! (<-- No idea why I did that, ^_^;;)
    I just noticed.....

    You have EPIC fast reffing skills. Two rounds in twelve hours and seven minutes is ossum. :D
    Procrastination for the win, indeed <33 My room's never as tidy as it is when I'm supposed to be studying - in the face of making notes on things I'll probably not even be asked about, anything, even room-tidying, is preferable. XD

    I bead Red on SS last night :D I've been playing it absolutely loads, though; I travel a lot, and kill time by playing on my DS whenever I go places. This is how I have a Ruby game with over 600 hours play time.
    Which game did you get, where in the game are you, and who's on your team? :3

    Oh, I'm really sorry to hear about the financial problems and stress about classes ):
    I totally get the fear to check how you did in last year's classes (it's not the same, but I didn't do very well in my finals last year, and it took ages for me to get the guts to go onto the website to see how I'd done), but the way I see it, you've already got the grades you've got, and knowing about them only makes it easier to plan what to do next.
    I wish you all the best with classes and the money situation and everything~

    I hate living miles away from all my friends, too ): When I'm at uni, my nearest non-uni-friend is three hour's train ride away (and my friends at home another four hours on top of that) and to make things worse, next year, nearly all my friends at uni are going to France or Italy because they have a year out in their course. Hopefully it'll mean I make some new friends, but I'm going to miss them loads.
    Thank god for the internet, yes. I love the constance of online people :)

    I haven't been up to too much the past year, actually - I've been spending some time studying for my course (I'm determined to get a really good degree so I can do an MA at a really good university after), and sleeping a lot :p
    I've also gotten involved with some activist groups at my uni (Amnesty International, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, a whole bunch of Green groups) and have enjoyed doing the protesty-student bit. Great fun.
    And, I guess, other than that, I've been watching lots of television shows everyone watched years ago (mostly Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The West Wing, though my housemate makes me watch lots of Quantum Leap). I love operating on a decade-long time lag XD

    Do you know what you'll be doing in your time between now and August? My term finishes as soon as the exams are over (early June) and uni doesn't start again until late September/early October, so I'm hoping to get a job, but because of the economy where I live at the moment, it's not looking very likely that I'll be able to find one ):
    Heeeeeey! I love random hellos! :D I'm doing fine, actually; I'm still on my Spring break from uni and am playing SoulSilver when I should really be studying for my exams. It's great!

    What've you been up to?
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