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  • You know those funny cat pictures I showed you with the captions like "head cat is just a head"? those are called Lol cats.
    Ohthankgawd ^^;

    Eh...job searching...I should get a job, since people alllways walk up to me asking if I work at whatever store I'm in x3

    ...okay, I look like I'm fourtee/fifteen growth spuuurt o.o
    Well, one of the things I most want to be alive for is the discovery of extraterrestrial life.

    I mean, I want world peace as much as the next guy, but I don't really care if it happens in my life. And I don't really care if the life is intelligent or not, just if it's discovered...

    ...that would be, wow.

    So that should answer your question, Skroy. I do think there are other worlds like ours out there.

    And I've also always wanted to go to Japan and England. In fact, two of my three watches are set for those times.
    Ahh. So you do chores. I'm on vacation now, in Florida, so you know, I'm not doing anything at the current time.
    *Agrees with every single thing you said*

    If you don't mind me asking, what is going on up there?
    Well, sure, I don't think age should be a difference. I mean if you really like each other...(and you wouldn't be considered a pedophile because you're not 18 ^.^)

    I also once had a dream where you swooped down from Quebec, picked me up, then we went Oklahoma to see Notory. One of my more sensy dreams, if you ask me. To bad it could never happen.
    Yeah I probably should have... Well I'll see about posting something up there... I have one short little piece that I'm kinda proud of. I guess that one will do for starters.
    Nope. I seriously considered getting one back when I was um... twelve or thirteen I think. But then I shied away at the "YOU MUST BE OVAR NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAND" years old thing and decided to wait. xD Well it said thirteen or fourteen to be serious but... it felt a long way off. I also wasn't so sure if my work was worth posting back then.
    Regarding you and Phyro Phantom, I thought you were referring to ME, not NOTORY!

    ...Her convo-stalking, that's unexpected.
    Aw, I'm sure. And no problem... I know how important it is. xD Maybe I'll show you some of my fanfiction too someday. It sounds a little more "book-ish" but some of it lacks feeling. =/
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