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  • *charges at you head on and headbuts your stomach*
    HOLYCARP!! @__@
    Dude! Those are either rock hard abs or a black hole of... torsoing. O_o
    lol, maybe I should message you once a day, telling you to "GO PLAY YOUR MY JAPANESE COACH"

    Well, I could do that, but that can be considered harassment, and I could possibly get banned._. We might not want that, and I don't like harassing people anyways >.>

    But maybe you could write a note or something? Or set some sort of alarm to remind you that you have it? I can't really recommend much, since it can be kind of difficult to motivate oneself to learn another language. I don't think I really ever had much motivation for learning the languages I know. I only wanted to learn Spanish so I could talk to my grandparents, and I'm studying Japanese for... Various reasons, and I'm studying Mandarin Chinese out of a general interest for the subject, and because I've always been fascinated by Chinese culture, history, and dialect. I'd like to start studying Cantonese at some point as well. The only Cantonese I know came from movies xD As well as the minimal knowledge I have martial arts xD
    Check your E-mail.

    Basicly a layer counts as a frame. To save it as an animation you have to choose something like "save for the web". You can mess with the speed and do neat stuff to it. X3
    Yeah, so am I.........I guess I'll just go back to lolcats until we can think of something.
    They were absent before the crash... hehe. The profile page was kinda... plain. o_o

    So anyway! I just clicked the banner in your signature and read the first chapter of your story, and I was impressed. Sure, it didn't have the "professional" feel and all, but I really liked the emotion it conveyed, and the way you just... spoke. It was beautiful. xD I've been trying to write fiction too... I might post it somewhere sometime.
    Ooooh. I was gonna ask about that. xD All these new profile features are really cool, but I haven't adjusted to them yet... Well I'll make sure to do it right from now on.
    Wtf? Ive been using that website for years and it NEVER asked me to join to take quizzes......Anyway I got low on everything. Try This Quiz.
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