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  • ...And regarding yu conversation with Notory...

    Ha! I could date her since we're the same age!

    And, well, I told you that you look totally different than we expected.

    (Sorry, that sounded a bit harsh. We're all friends, eh? I'm working on an extravagant project that none of you will be able to see because it's huge and I'm hanging it up on my wall.)
    Haha. xD Yeah... I know what you mean. Like I said, it doesn't read "professional", but it definitely has a certain... I dunno. It just seems to have potential. So keep at it. =D
    It's true, it's true, (and thank you for gasping).

    It's not wonderful, but that's why you write, correct?

    I'm taking it here in hope of some good criticism, but not to Serebii in fear Ryu killing my ego again.
    Yeah, but hopefully you won't have too much difficulty learning French then; all of the romantic languages are extremely similar, and if you look at it, or hear it, it'll be so full of cognates and other random words you might happen to know, you'll be able to figure it out; there's been a few French sentences here and there I'd been able to figure out when I was learning Spanish, because English, French, and Spanish are so similar it isn't even funny. The only big problem with learning a new language is just abiding to the rules it has when speaking.

    No idea about the dialect though, since that's really something one kinda picks up as a kid. But other then that, I don't think you'd have much of a problem in learning French. That and well... Just plain speaking the language properly. I've actually got a few difficulties speaking Spanish when it comes to having to roll my R's; I can't do it because I'm tongue tied ;_; so I have to say things with R's like I normally would in the language x.x
    Stay away. My location is secrect for a reason.

    Not me. |:<

    Just know that if you're looking for a girl exactly like me, she will be silent and contemptuouse in places she feels are unsafe. In other words, school. The quiet one in the back? Yeah, that's me. Once she feels as if nothing bad will happen to her, she'll come out of her shell and be both outgoing and annoying in some cases.
    You already know all of this though, so I wont go on.
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