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The Omskivar
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  • I noticed you posted in the archived battle thread about your battle with Zero Moment/Legendaryseeker. Just wanted to point out that Zero Moment forfeited that battle and the prizes have already been given out. (not sure if you realised that afterwards, but I didn't see an edit)
    I am sort of doubting the use of strategy in the desert rounds since as long as you continue landing super effective moves (which is…. basically a given) you will easily hit the damage cap every time

    just some idle thoughts, I’m def interested in how this plays out

    also it turns out I reffed this battle of yours and made the e-ref ludicrously rich, which is a pity because he hasn't been online since 2012 :(
    I'm going to quote that exactly, thanks

    should the permanent Sandstorm cause minor damage to the competitors? I've already included a 5% accuracy deduction in my advanced calculations
    also: is Marilyn's Competitive nature triggered by the effects of the desert (I realize that ultimately this is my decision but I want to know if that was your intent)

    also: can you write up a description for the Oasis or will I have to do so myself >::::B
    hopefully I will be able to convince him that I am in fact a pathological narcissist, by talking at length about professional wrestling and modern art, which is mostly all we've been doing. this is the ideal outcome

    other than that I'm kind of.... hm. I mean, pediatricians, what can you do
    is that innuendo I sense

    fucking awful, I have spent a combined 50 minutes of my last two appointments in the waiting room. today he actually apologized for making me wait half an hour but then gave me an 80-item questionnaire to complete at the last minute, probably as punishment

    and now you've grown. amazing

    thanks for the clarification! I was about to get your thread up but then I had my psychiatry appointment and that dragged on forever and it was awful
    questions about the Extra-Dry Desert:

    - do all those effects have a 20% chance of occurring at round end
    - do I correctly understand the sequence of rounds as being:
    -> normal round, effects apply
    -> normal round, effects apply
    -> oasis round, effects dispelled
    -> return to desert, repeat ad infinitum
    no but you'd be campaigning for your own eradication and also part of the largest intellectual queer community
    there is no guarantee, I may just be able to transmit data directly over a self-initiated HTML protocol

    I became a Homestuck character
    I would love to! I've been wondering about that limit too, but I think with so many old battles coming back right now people should be turning a bit of a blind eye.
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