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  • :D Those two took the longest to find pictures for. Except maybe the Aizen one. I thought you'd enjoy the Ulquiorra one~
    No, I haven't heard from her in six months. During June, she told me she was back on Animasher, but she only went on briefly, and I haven't heard from her since...='(

    I'm going to sleep, since its about 10:20 where I live. G'night.
    Well, we were the only girls on BG that were actually active, so we basically had more time to talk. While on here, there's Ever, Spunky, Scohui, Lux, Zapi, Mystic, Frostagin, etc...so yeah...

    Still, we should have some time to just talk...
    Hey, I threw the bone. >=(

    And it could all just be special effects. :P

    You know, just wanting to say this, it doesn't seem we've been talking as much. =(
    I'm sorry, too.

    Although, giving that gift to Bakura made me feel better.

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