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  • Please post, I want the battle to finish soon enough so that we can continue, pass it along to Coroxn.
    ...I love you.
    You're a lifesaver, babe!

    (Note: I call people 'babe' a lot)

    So..How are you?
    It was intended to be that way, but men in their 20's watch it. Not many people like the first episode, so just watch the link to one of the better episodes. It's an awesme show. Many people love the show.
    Yeah, same with me. Now i'm craving the ponies.

    SEriously, why dont you like MLP FiM? Have you een tried to watch it?

    I just have to make sure, there isn't a Bleach-based club or group is there? *Must ask Lil Kuchiki next* Bleach has been eating my brains for the last few hours rarahargarder.
    (It wouldn't be fun if she didn't)

    Dubhappy.com. Episode 235. This is the only filler arc I have been excited for. Bounts pissed me off, but rogue Zanpakutos are win. (I have to watch all the episodes online because I never have control of the TV, so if you watch it there, you probably saw this episode.)
    My christmas vacation is officially occupied. -.-

    Google isn't giving me good pictures right now, though. I'll just get a sprite and take a nap. Post in Masque Carnivalia when I wake up. That sounds ni-Jesus dubhappy added another Bleach episode, must watch.
    That means it has to be the answer. If it is catchy, the internet will do it. And the internet is never wrong.

    What about... A banner with Dondachaka and Pesche?... Kon. I need Kon. And Chizuru. Obviously need one of Rukia. Damn, I've got my work cut out for me. O_O
    I would think that would be some joke about shipping dead skeleton animals. Or something.

    Maybe Roadkill Shipping, I don't know. Cat + Bat = X

    OH JESUS. Dr. Seuss. Seuss Shipping. That must be it.
    I think that's Byakuya, actually. Looks like his bankai in the picture, so... Yeah. I should do an Aizen one, though.

    And thank you! I'm going to do Chad and Toshiro next, maybe Nel, and quite possibly a Grimmjow and Ulquiorra one. :D When I get time, obviously. My mouse hand hurts right now, so... Yeah.
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