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  • I've never been able to finish the first, either. xD It's not an easy game... and one wrong step usually kills you. x_x One day I hope to finish it though. xD
    well unfortunately I am leaving the house right now.

    it was nice talking to you though, perhaps we can chat when I get back. :o
    Iera to manal alse. It is good.

    though really it's nowhere near as far along as I'd like it to be.

    Loie sielsi? (slang for "What's up"? :P)
    :o Fancy. *takes* Thank you kindly, miss Violet. :3
    Thankfully I give out betting chips rather than coupons so I can just foist people off with sprites of Amulet Coins if I ever feel like distributing visual aids with my freebies.
    It'd have to be BadRomance. Stupid character limit ruins so many good nicknames, like Courage Wolf the Mightyena being demoted to CouragWolf and Fucking Magnets, How Do They Work? for a Magnemite having to be crammed into FkingMgnts. (I like naming Pokemon after memes okay)

    Businesses like that seem to. Probably because most people want to come up with their own personal sig modifications rather than buy one. (Plus I think you can still claim profit from a transaction someone uses a free voucher on o:)
    Anyway, thanks a bunch :3 I'll have a look who needs awesoming up and then I'll be over there~
    Now I want to cuddle her but I can't because she'll stab me D':
    I also have a Combusken called Drumstick. c:

    I'm sure you can give discounts to anyone you want to. Which reminds me, I meant to give you one for the Game Corner along with Karma. Feel free to go claim a free go there since I forgot.
    ...oh and I still need to spend that coupon Moony gave me for Christmas o.o Winged metal-legged Budew ftw?
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