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  • A nickname I came up with is acceptable what is this
    Actually I did name a Cacnea "Cuddles" today which is kind of awesome.
    You're welcome ^u^ Are you keeping the name because now I think about it it's not that witty.
    ffff now I have to buy you ASB things :p

    (And I meant strange as in suspicious. The prospect of a throwing-things-into-bushes fetish will haunt me until the day I die. :c)
    c: so you're okay with me stating an IC reason for his departure (eg stress) and then sticking him in our special archived group? Nothing will be deleted so if you ever want to come back and resume the character you totally can (since we'll be expanding out of just school stuff soon). I'm glad we're doing well, too! We've had some activity issues lately and some of our members seem to have disappeared, but we have a good core of members and our activity check should claw a few back!

    c: thanks for helping us get off the ground!
    Hey, no problem! I don't mind at all, especially as you were there at the start to get the ball rolling! :) If you like I could archive Henry and provide an IC reason for his absence -- "the stress was too much" or "he received a better job offer" or something? -- just in case you ever want to come back and play him when we expand to non-school stuff, or I could just remove all traces of him or whatever.

    I'm not just asking you, either! I'm going to be contacting two other players who play staff characters about similar issues, so. c:
    Hello! c: I'm just wondering if you still have any interest in Stonewall! Not because I'm all pushy and "YOU SAID YOU'D PLAY", but because I think there's been some interest in Henry (and there's been posts in the astronomy class xD) and I just kind of want to know what to do with him!

    We'd love to have you back and we've also got a whole bunch of new and talented players, but if you don't feel like it that's totally fine! I just ... kind of want to know what to do with Henry. x)
    -facedesk- One second. -goes to find a converter-

    Ah. Wait, It gets higher than 47C? How do you not burn alive? ._." I live in montana so i'm used to the cold. I have trouble with temperatures higher than 32-37C though. Just not used to the heat.
    There are now. They had squirrel flavour a while back too. Walkers are strange.
    And I've never had Vegemite, but I do like me some Marmite.

    (Started in South Africa this time, I'm close :D)
    Ooh, I've eaten kangaroo-flavoured crisps. Would that do instead of a tan/affinity for hot temperatures?

    (I just started a game of Pandemic 2 where I started in Australia. I need to find someone to talk about Madagascar with :o)
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