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  • ...Wow, now this is a first. Usually I would post in your profile first then wait for your reply. O_o

    Anyway, my classes are over for the first semester and now I have a month long vacation until the 20th of January. ^w^ Now I just need to wait for my final marks to be uploaded.

    Oh yeah, I never did start on your birthday gift. ^^; Sorry 'bout that; had a lot of things going on at the time and now (presently, I'm participating in a new hat design contest hosted by calgarycosplay on DA at the moment. :3).
    Yay for positive apathy! :D
    Good to hear you're better. I've been drawing like a lunatic, you should see Cliara. Drew her today and she's AWESOME.
    The fluid movements are just...garrr for a drawing person

    I know right?!?

    :D That's something I love about Anime((and Hentai xD)) Is it weird that when I see hentai I get more ...sexual feelings... from how well it's drawn and how well animated it is. :/ It's pretty awesome when it's drawn and animated well it just makes me go D:FLEJF:RLJFDKEM:MRINFUINR:KDEWLKM{OI#JFUNWK

    you know?
    Well I got it done anyway. Voila! Download if you need a larger size.

    Ahhh, I sent that in a long time ago xD So it escaped my mind. I gave you something extra special (though I don't know if you'll like it anyway heh)~ 'S for helping me that time :3 And of course because you're my friiiiiiiiiend

    ((the girl has nice breasts O___O))


    Yeah, it's a pretty cool show. I miss all the EPIC anime and manga I saw when I was younger but can't remember the name of....T^T

    i like Tegami Bachi :D

    Naruto,Bleach,those usual ones... Death Note. etc.

    there's a couple I really would like to find again.

    it's so nice to remember when you were younger and you were so enthralled by just the adventure and some of them just put me right into the world with them....ahhhimagination..., what a lovely thing you are.
    ME: It's 10 o'clock. Do you know where your groin is?
    YOU: Google set fire to it.

    Yes, I'VE been listening :>
    Haha, aww; my first experience with a train was being put on one for about seven hours when I visited my uncle when I was fourteen and was basically told "Make sure you change trains here here and here and then get off at York". I spent the whole time being absolutely terrified I'd end up in entirely the wrong place XD
    I use them all the time now, though, so the novelty's worn off a bit :3

    See, I wish I had more of a family to spend Christmas with, but my family either lives really far away (and it's pretty icy all over at the moment, so people aren't travelling much because all the roads are blocked and stuff), or, uh, is dead. I have a fairly small family XD

    It's really exciting to get snow here, particularly where I live in Devon because it's right by the sea, so the salt in the air normally melts it before it lands. But not this year! We got a decent amount of snow today while I was Christmas shopping with my sister and it was very atmospheric. Bloody freezing, though X3
    When does your school finish for the holidays? It'll be nice to have time off to enjoy your snow properly, assuming it hasn't all turned to slush.

    Also, and I've always wanted to know, since we don't have them here (as far as I'm aware); what's a science fair?
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