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  • Thanks. I'll be sure to read a few of their battles before I try out again.

    Just a bit of a question about the future of ASB, then. Say Luvdisk or something got some new, all-powerful evolution in this next generation. Would it's rarity go up? Or could the Pokemon be taken out of ASB entirely?
    hi, on the challenge board the link for one of my battles links to a compleatly different challenge, please can you change it so it's right?

    PS: you spelt it wrong XD it's okay though :)
    I see you are online now. That's good since I kinda need you to issue attacks in your tourney battle.

    I think a 50% discount would be cool. I'm also thinking of adding to my shop with some new "Specialty" automail parts
    I was thinking of handing a discount to the ones on the Christmas list so far as gifts~
    'Scuse me.

    Now, I did a bit of Christmas shopping for someone for ASB, and I used the Kusari-Mart because that was the first thread I noticed.
    I'm a bit confused as to how the whole "three-day pickup" thing he (it?) has going on works. Do I just go in and claim the item and it's mine, or do I have to approve that I got the item (besides paying for it and approving it at the bank; I already did that).

    I'm actually asking this about stores in general really. I'm looking at every thread but I'm still confused about how buying things other than Pokemon works.
    I have a question.

    Am I able to hand out little gift card things for my Automail shop as a gift as well. If so, how does one do that? I was justing thinking that handing out a gift card for like...half the price or free purchase one of my products or something.
    No problem hun. I understand how much of a downer it is to not have your battle reffed in forever.

    Right now I'm going to try to shoot these reffing off at rapid speed to gain some more cash for Christmas shopping~
    Ok. I actually have it done, I just been having problems getting online here. TcOd, I swear, hates me sometimes.
    Did you ever fix whatever you were talking about with Stockpile/Spit Up/Swallow? I thought I remembered you saying that it was possible to OHKO with Swallow in one round and you wanted to nerf it, but given the descriptions it still looks like you could Stockpile twice and then squash something, so...
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