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  • Oh. The server error either eats mine, or it just throws it out there a bunch. (A VM I sent earlier posted six times because of the error)
    Um... my mock reffing involving the nintendo DS arena is done, and though paychecks are given out already, the nintendo DS arena is still up as the novice-level mock. Does that mean I can still submit it?
    I was going to go into more depth at some point; I just don't have everything finalized. I mean, I do have some stuff ready to roll out, like pages for most of the legendaries, but what fun would it be to introduce those at the very beginning?

    (mother of god I hate these dinky Mac keyboards I can't type anything)
    Such as? I don't see how.
    Also, three months? But it's my birthday in two days! :(
    (Also, sorry about the Thunder thing, I didn't see his reset post.)
    Ah. Well if you ever need help with stuff I'll lend a hand.

    Anyways. Being a pest I know, but did you take a look over my update for my shop...I'd like your opinion on what I should price the items as...
    I think the main problem I'd have with it is just the "ancient horror from history repeating itself" thing being a little played out, as with the "absorbing people for power" thing; I actually didn't question whether or not it might've made sense just because I've come to accept that that's what giant world-eating things generally do. But the stuff around it--the Tanoby coming in after the Braillians, the baltoy time-travel (I may have to go find the synopsis for this episode now), the connections to Clouded Sky and its related fics (?), and the whole deal with the rhyhorn, though I'm not sure how you could go about that without the world-eating guy. Those general concepts definitely seem like they're worth more exploration in one way or another.

    I've always assumed the regis were blind, yeah. Haven't really figured out what to make of the pseudo-braille on their "faces" yet, though.
    Dang. I actually have no homework today (A miracle).

    So, other than homework, what else are you working on?
    I dunno; I admit some of it might be a little off, but some of it seems salvageable to me.

    And who needs functional eyes when you have magical unown regipowers?
    I know I saw you use the name somewhere, if not in Vanishing Point itself then in some sort of response to a comment on it. Shame you're not working on it anymore; I wanted to know how you were going to tie the rhyhorn into the archaeolgy stuff.

    Actually, I've kind of wanted to toy with the braille/unown overlap myself, although I was thinking more along the lines of a hybrid culture. An idea that only spiralled even further out of control when I did a quick Wiki-dive while making sure what I wanted to do with Champion Voltaire wasn't totally illogical and was reminded of this! So now I need to find a way to make the Tanoby and the braille-culture have a baby.

    Durr, I thought I read over all the pages again before opening to make sure I axed all the filler text. This is what happens when that reading-over is done at or around 3 AM. I'll remove that, fix the other typo (wtf) and see if I can't make the self-deprecating remark about my forgetfulness a little clearer.
    Well, it's a very interesting idea. :3 The ancient Pokemon world has always fascinated me too - how did humans come to the world of Pokemon? What is the origin of Pokemon? Was it the age after our Apocalypse, with bits of our nature and lives still in the future, as the basis for future knowledge? Could the three time-space dragons and Arceus be the only ones to know of past generations, nay, eons? Could they be the embodiments of God in the modern Pokemon day? How did the human race survive this deadly forecoming?
    My brother can back me up on this! I'll call him as a witness!

    Yeah, I've always been pretty fascinated with the unown and the idea of the history of pokémon societies. There's a reason my old Clouded Sky banner had its catchprase spelled out in unown font around the edges. I've long toyed with the idea of a fanfic about people living in the pokémon world in ancient times (like, waaaay before pokéballs), where I envision the unown and the regis having a pretty prominent role. The region I'm talking about would probably be the setting of that fanfic. Actually, the aborted fanfic I wrote some time ago (Vanishing Point) toyed with the regi nation a bit, at least in later chapters that never saw the light of internet.

    I don't remember mentioning the Braillians somewhere public before, but eh, the premise basically is that there were two major societies back in the day, one that was heavily centered on the unown, using their power to control pokémon and so forth, and another that used the Braille script and worshipped the regis, relying more upon "advanced" technology for their lifestyle. Naturally, the two eventually decided that they ought to beat each other up. The region in question is where the two really started clashing, encroaching on each other's space, and tensions started to rise that led to the eventual war that broke the two of them down. The region is a small island nation near Sevii, inspired by the fact that Sevii is the only place so far to have both Braille-writing and unown ruins in close proximity, thus being an area of close contact between the two nations.

    Pretty much I knew I was fascinated with the unown, then got intrigued with the regis when I translated the inscriptions in R/S, which I think are just too cool:

    "In this cave we have lived. We owe all to the pokémon. But, we sealed the pokémon away. We feared it. Those with courage, those with hope, open a door. An eternal pokémon awaits."

    So yeah. Always thought it would be great to do something with that, and my conception of that ancient nation kind of grew together with that of the unown.

    My will was weak and I turned browsing on early today because I did something this afternoon to prove wrong something a person I dislike said on the internet (SPPf, specifically) in an offhanded, sarcastic, and largely inconsequential manner a year or so ago. I did manage to dig up the quote, but I had slightly misremembered it and was disappointed to find that I had nothing to mentally rub in its face. I think my grudges on the internet are a little out of hand.

    Eh? The way the sentence reads to me, it's saying that you promise you won't go back and add pages after you finish them. Like, I would understand if you removed the "not," because then it would be saying, "Ordinarily I wouldn't add pages to content that doesn't exist, but I really do promise that I'll get it up there eventually, they're not going to stay that way forever." If you meant to convey that you need to link stuff so you remember to go back and add it later, maybe add an "if I don't" after "I promise you."

    OH GOD I need to turn the forums off now. ttyl
    Oh, no you don't, not unless you have documented proof of having conceived said project prior to 2005!

    Did you seriously have an idea like that, though? I'd be curious to hear more about your take on it. (And where you were going with the "Braillians", incidentally.)

    Thanks, anyway. I wish I did have the patience to make a game or something out of it, but... well. Might try a silly trainerfic or something when I am feeling like less of a coward!

    don't have time pffft why are you even on right now? No TCoD for you between the hours of 2 AM and 10 PM, as decreed by the Misdirected IP Nazi!

    agglffgh kill typos >| Thanks.

    EDIT: wait what? I said that if I didn't include the links now then I wouldn't remember to add them to the pages later. I don't see a typo there, only a self-deprecating remark about my forgetfulness.
    I'm not quite sure if I'm supposed to be the one showing you this but meh. He's resigned, so I don't know if you'd like to take down his ASB stuff and what not. Just thought I'd tell you.
    Huh, one would think if anything were to be blocked for procrastination control, it would rather be the forums. Or is it just the remains of a filter created before the move to the subdomain?
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