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  • ...I know at least the energy calculator is fiddly (ffff and I just figured it out it's because it doesn't account for r5 in the final formula how the hell did I miss that), but there shouldn't be anything that horribly wrong. I think you mistyped something.

    EDIT: I get around 17 damage for a neutral shadow ball, but I get 107 if I put 12.5 into the STAB field instead of 1.25. No idea what you did to get 56 energy.

    As for me, just thinking of ideas for my shop...can't think of anything beyond what I sent you so I trhink I'll stop there until I think of prices for them.
    I'm pretty good, got my Tattoo last about a week or so ago now. Not much beyond that...
    Well half of it is fixed at least. It still says Heavy Lobster vs. Full Metal Cookies vs. Bobino. It should be Shadow Serenity, not FMC for that battle. Sorry about all this though.
    Hi - assuming I've done things correctly, I should be able to buy my business now. Do I need to post in the Business Approval Office saying that I'm buying it or can I start the thread after making a bank post?
    Sorry to bother you, but I was making sure the links to Rift's sig attribute and move worked, and it just tells me I "don't have permission to access this page". What's up with that?
    OK, thanks for clearing that up. However, the second post of the Challenge Board has a mix-up. It's Me vs. Full Metal Cookies and Me vs. Shadow Serenity vs. Bobino, though in the post you mixed up Shadow and FMCs names, and one doesn't link to the right challenge.
    Is there any particular reason why my name hasn't been added to the ASB birthday list, though people who have posted after me (Metallica Fanboy) have been? I'm assuming you just forgot.
    Not to be too impatient or impolite, but you never posted a DQ warning for X-Scissor, and besides, it's been over a week anyway.
    Oh hey, are you still able to ref my battle with Blaziking? I know you've taken up a whole bunch of new battles lately and you've been really busy, but I was just wondering if you were still up for it or if I should ask for an e-ref. c:
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