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  • I know you're busy and all, but next time you're online could you answer me this question (that I left in Lacuna Labs about a week ago, but it's way down the thread list and I don't want to bump it, so I figured maybe you didn't notice it today)...
    I evolved my Haunter into Gengar via trading it instead of the 8 EXP (because it got stuck at 7 after two battles :|), but how much would it need to keep if I wanted to take some off of it? I'd like to know if I could take three or four or none because it would be the deciding factor in which Pokemon I want to take EXP from to make a couple of candies.
    Is my mock ref even valid? Since they haven't been graded yet and paychecks have been a while, (Not to mention The Meme also just submitted his. :P) I put it there. Just wondering.
    Why isn't Kricketot classified as a money evolution Pokemon? It learns a grand total of nine moves and no TMs; even Combee learns more.
    Depends on whether I get tired of SRing before I get something with usable stats. I already have a shiny eevee I can clone and three shiny eeveelutions from different shiny eevee, so I don't need it one way or the other, but then again all of those are mostly terrible.
    No, meh.

    I had a double-screen bronzong, follow me/helping hand clefable, kyogre, palkia, ludicolo and that rayquaza you traded me for something a while ago; I used bronzong, clefable, ludicolo and kyogre, but I got screwed up when his kyogre's thunder paralyzed mine (mine was faster dammit) and after a while ended up having no choice but to have bronzong explode on him. I knocked out his last two, but self-ko clause and all that. Then it took the staff five minutes to figure out that I was the one who lost because "well there are rules in place for draws and we have to see what happened" "I already told you I used explosion it's not that hard" "...let's wait for a higher-ranking official anyway"

    It wasn't a total waste, though. At least the hours spent in line were mildly entertaining because I was next to Alaka from Smogon, and he turned out to be pretty cool. And shiny eevee.

    All right, good. Just wanted to make sure it didn't get lost in the mail. I think I put it in the wrong box at the post office, which shouldn't ultimately have mattered, but. :I
    Yeah, but I got knocked out first round primarily due to parahax. :/

    Did you get the package I sent, by the way?
    Hm. She'd probably want to keep working on the Mafia hack herself... you said you wanted to do some stuff with Asber, but I don't see Butterfree as finding that interesting enough to make you admin...

    ...I got nothing. >|
    >| You're no fun.

    So then I take it this means you're an admin with the access to make modifications to things, as opposed to just "turn registration off if Geneva decides to spite Eevee and spambotflood the board" powers like opal?
    But if you don't say more than that then I will be forced to fill in the blanks with my imagination. And "proposition" is such a leading word.
    I'm ashamed of you.

    (Seriously, though, any particular reason? And congratulations, or something. Judging by that D: I guess it's "or something"...?)
    Apologies in advance for my ever-present impatience, but someone offered to e-ref my battle with X-Scissor, and if it's okay with you?...
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