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  • Negrek, how do I claim the pay from my job? Is it given out during allowance, or do I just claim it ala an emergency reffing?

    Preferably the latter.
    Hi Negrek!
    I was thinking about lowering prices slightly in my business to see if it would encourage some sales; do I need to post in the Business Approval thread to change the overheads accordingly, or do they remain the same?
    Yeah, I know about that; that's because macho brace was originally included as an item, but I removed it when I remembered that the only reason for including it was trick room, which wasn't available anyway. I took it out, but I didn't comment out the script that checks for the speed reduction it causes. That's fixed in the newest version, which is available on the EOC Tower page. Sorry for forgetting to give you a heads-up on that.

    (Incidentally, the items/pokémon/etc. aren't random anyway. :O)
    It is a Megaman-hamster. Nosrs.

    I don't plan to make the type movepool too drastic for a normal type, if that's your problem.
    Tier I is full in both, though; I'm just missing minimum 1 T3 in Crystal, and 1 T2/1 T3 in chrome to get a total of eight in both. There's one T1 thread missing in Crystal, but the leader is confirmed and said he'd get it done this weekend.

    And no, you expressed interest in attempting to keep your position in time, and Shadow Serenity still has his. If you want it back, you can have it.
    It's too soon, IMO. Considering the struggle to get even five people for Chrome the first time... :/ I dunno, I may whine at Vixie until she decides to temp-take a Chrome position with me.
    I'm probably going to have to jump into Chrome as well, actually!

    (hm maybe I should actually start putting together a non-competitive team because oh yeah I don't have one)
    Yeah, Crystal. She seems to have inexplicably flaked, so I guess I have to step in until interest picks up enough for someone else promising to show interest.
    Yes sir! Luckily, I have $650 saved up for just such an occasion--games being purchased right away!

    (I'm temp-replacing FMC and I have PBR, though...)
    Okay then, we might as well go ahead and end it. I'd be up for starting a new challenge, if you're interested.
    Yeah, I'd definitely prefer outdoor work too.

    Hmm... I do kinda want to avenge my tournament defeat... On the other hand, it's been so long since the battle started... I guess I'd be okay with ending it, though I'm open to the e-ref option if you'd like to try to keep going.
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