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  • I am going to go ahead and blame res. Or I could blame you. I think I'll go with res though because I don't want to get demoted. :T
    Ah that's confusing, and depressing, knowing that I'm a minor or major character who basically doesn't exist. xD

    EDIT: Fixed my typo.
    Actually, no, I don't think I am. I probably would've finished earlier this year, but I changed from an associate's to a bachelor's and now I think I graduate late next year/sometime in 2012. (I really should be looking for some sort of job anyway, of course, but...)

    Ooh, that is nifty. (I would make a more intelligent comment than "nifty" but art major so. :B)

    She turned it down what why. D: Tell her to tell them to talk to you.
    Of course.

    Was there anything in particular you were looking to do with it, or are you just interested in the field in general?
    I don't know that the review board thing will be needed anytime soon, so no need to rush if you're busy. Just thought I'd ask while on the subject.

    That's cool. I don't know much about that sort of thing, but I take it that includes stuff like this?
    All right, cool. Just wanted to be sure--there's a new member who seems to be more interested in Flash RPs than the mainline, so I figured we actually needed to know what was going on with that.

    What are you going to study in grad school, out of curiosity?
    Quick questions while you're possibly still on: can any mod approve Kutho flash characters, and who exactly is the "review board" supposed to be?
    The description saying all your posts and visitor messages and everything need to be updated is very definitely incorrect, but there are a few things that do store your username - for the "last post in this thread" feature, for instance, I'm pretty sure it just stores the username of that user so that it can save the trouble of querying the user table for the name of each and every one of them (clicking the link will take you to a special script that finds the last poster in this thread and redirects you to their profile, so they don't need the user ID for the link). That said, the main reason I know this is that when you change someone's username it doesn't update these things (presumably either the thread just dies and it doesn't matter anymore or somebody else with another username posts in the thread), so yeah, I can't see this possibly putting this supposed humongous load on the database at all. :/
    Errr.... just wondering, but when do you plan to update the Referee tryouts? It's been quite a while since most of us have submitted ours...
    umm.. I don't mean to push or anything, but is there any chance that the results of the ref tests will be in soon? I think it's been about three weeks since I took mine.
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