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  • Cool, what do you intend to do in that area? Biology on the cellular/molecular level is pretty fascinating as well - I only took a few required courses in it, but I did greatly enjoy them, particularly genetics.

    Uh, well, pretty much anywhere there's stuff to be done, in the US or out. (Can you tell I'm not incredibly decisive?) Though, admittedly, I probably would give preference to work in other countries, if only because I want to see as much of the planet as I can, and I like experiencing different cultures (also, I want more stamps on my passport, just because).
    Nah just the wing.

    Also in contest of your profile pic:
    He who enjoys The Game
    Just Lost the Game.
    Well it looked like it:

    The one bigger drop of water O
    The edge of the wing _
    the smaller drop of water o

    put it together:
    When I first saw your new avy on my page in Visitor messgages, it looked like a big purple blob with the O_o face. on it instead if Empoleon. >.>
    Hey, I was wondering--did wyrmal and ventorm ever get an official okay from you over at the Dex Registry? I don't think so, unless it was implied in that "the icon is fine" post or something. moony already gave her approval and I find I'm in the mood for one now, so... please?
    Wherever would you get that idea? :)

    Yeah, bats definitely; I do have a tendency to gravitate towards the more "misunderstood" animals, so reptiles, sharks, octopi, arachnids, and such as well. I'm also interested in ornithology. Aside from those, I'd be open to pretty much anything - I haven't found the animal yet that I can't find something to be interested in.

    Aside from research, I'd also like to do conservation work with threatened or endangered animals.
    My biggest interest is in zoology, although my major was just biology in general. If I go on to grad school I'll probably focus more on that particular area, or something similar.
    Why did some approvers only get $20 for salaries and moony-I get $50?

    Not that I;m complaining, I just wanted to know why I get more.
    Can you please do the rankups and salaries? Sorry to nag but, you said they would be done last Monday.
    Sorry, but there's a clefairy there. Even if I didn't hate you, I'm still contractually obligated to blow it up. Ask Killian.

    ...are you and Killian even in the same timeframe, actually?
    Whoa, title wave of words! I get what you're saying, though. I know every attack forward and backward, so that shaves a little time, although I still had to do the damage and energy pattern for every one. Plus I was trying to be absolutely perfect on everything, seeing as it was a test.

    Anyway, when will the advancements and stuff be up? I want to claim my $3.
    It probably would happen if I'd explicitly set the font color of the document itself to black (as opposed to leaving the setting alone) before c/p'ing it, but I don't remember doing that because I'd have no reason to. Eh. Regardless, it should be fixed now.
    Oh... yeah, actually, it was all black when I cp'd it and *I* couldn't see it when I posted it while using Roar of Time. >>; I have no idea why it was because that doesn't normally happen, and I forgot about the other styles when I tried to fix it by making everything white. I'll see if I can do something about it.
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