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  • Yeah. Think of it like the difference between a computer's internal hard drive and an external USB hard drive. It does the exact same thing an internal wireless card would do and only connects to whatever service you already have available; it's just plugged in to the outside.
    You posted the staff paychecks in the wrong thread, fyi; also, I'm pretty sure I should be paid for the dex registry stuff I did.

    And since apparently I replied to your last question on my own profile instead of this one: we have a few different brands of USB card here, some of which are off-brand but generally work okay. I don't use mine that often because my laptop's internal card works fine, but it's a Belkin.
    Hrmm, new question. Did you miss my last post in the Reffing Headquarters (as a reffing was missed in my paycheck)? I'm only assuming "yes" as you posted after me, and there had been no edit. Yeah, I'm a perfectionist :/
    I'll just have to ask those parts of the question again tomorrow/later and hope that Wichu or poccil sees them, yeah.

    See, this is why you need to get one of those USB things I was talking about!
    I have not tried, and I suppose there's technically nothing that says I couldn't, but I get the impression that he'd prefer using the thread to the myriad PMs he'd otherwise be getting (and probably does get).

    That is the problem; the guy who's been answering most of my questions so far is a pretty knowledgeable scripter, but he has no interest in those particular features and no motivation to learn how they work. It's looking like it'll be the same old song for most everyone else.
    My understanding is that the "Interpreter" script is what's responsible for making it run (at least, I think so), but no, it doesn't mention any of the classes in most of the scripts by name. I really have no idea how RMXP handles these things. Ah, well. I'll just keep poking stuff and hope that I can catch poccil's attention, because he's probably the only one who'd actually know how to work with the Frontier-related files. >>;
    As far as I can tell these classes aren't mentioned in any other scripts; searching certainly doesn't turn anything up.
    Okay, then.

    pbPrepareRentals starts line 737, and the only mention of "extra" on its own that I can find is line 565.
    They aren't as far as I'm aware unless you wanted to wade through the changelogs, although I could pastebin you the one I'm working on if you really wanted to see it.
    I did find something called extra, but removing it/changing it hasn't solved any problems yet. It's sitting outside of the class I mentioned, so I'm not sure why it seems to be attaching itself to things it ought not be; there might be other references to it somewhere, though. I'm still looking.
    I handle base stats the same way you do (ustat=2, fstat=-1); you mistyped something again if you got a value over 100, because I get 20. And yes, stat boosts raise the cost--it adds the quotient to the result.

    I think that's the problem as well, though as of yet I'm having trouble finding whatever this "extra" is or is supposed to be.

    EDIT: Oh, right, the rental snippet is a part of the "BattleFactoryData" class; I'd already found that, lol. It's just a matter of figuring out where the game is sticking this "extra" class in; that's the part I can't find, because as far as I can tell it's putting it together dynamically from I-don't-know-what.
    With the calculator as it stands, yes, that'd be the correct output, but I agree that that is a little low.

    (by the way, if you're going to be bored with my calculators, you might want this damage calculator instead.)
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