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  • Depends on the individual moveset. :P With Technician, and the threat of Heracross, I'd easily consider aerial ace on a Scyther, even a BP set.

    Probably not. :P I'm haven't looked into if anyone gets money or exp yet or not. I'll check that out when it comes though, I'm lazy.

    Uh... well, maybe if I get the reputation enough I'll ref something like that. xD For now, I'll let Mike take care of it, since he's pretty good anyway.

    That's good. Not that I really care if people confuse me for a girl (it's fun to watch their reply when they find out otherwise), but I'm glad I don't sound like one, at least. xD
    My mom says the only reason the Japanese are smart because they eat too much sushi :D Hentai is brilliant. You have millions of nerd hunched over, paying what, $10 or more just to have exclusive pictures of hot fictional girls.
    Dude, I'm attracted to any fictional girl who has a nice body or butt :D That's why the Japanese invent hentai. They make hot characters for their porn :DDD
    Depends on the situation, really. I dunno why you'd leave Scyther in against anything you mentioned, though. D: Save maybe Breloom. Aerial Ace. xD

    That reminds me, I think X-Scissor's DQ warning comes today or tomorrow. I'll get on that and then the next day, you're free. xD Yeah, that battle is particularly interesting at the moment. Ah, one day I'll have that credibility. ... On second thought, that's probably not the credibility I want. xD

    Okay, cool. I wasn't sure if it were clear honestly, since my picture's a girl and I don't think there's anything else to specify it. Anyways, I don't see why you'd have lied about it. :P
    Yes it is. It is indeed.

    Your avatar reminded of the times when Murkrow wasn't banned in Little Cup. Every team had a Murkrow and a Murkrow counter. But nothing could counter it reliably. It made me quit Little Cup for a while. =(
    True, but if you can pull off an Agility or two, you're set. :P

    Yeh, I know they are. I like keeping track of all the other battles going on. Especially since none of mine have refs yet. xD

    I think my very first battle ever (not counting the ref tryouts) was a double battle. Didn't to so terribly, though I think I ticked off Whivit towards the end. D:

    Haha, I'm hideous all around. Hence why I don't post pictures of myself anywhere. (I am indeed a guy, in case you didn't pick that up. xD )
    I actually meant using my Scyther to BP speed to my Sableye. But your idea is better. xD

    Well then... for psychics, I have a Starmie, Alakazam, Espeon, Hypno, Grumpig, Gallade, Gardevoir, Slowbro, Mime Jr. and Mesprit. As for Ghosts, I have Sableye, Spiritomb, Haunter, Gengar, and Froslass.

    Yeah, I think Zora and Dawgie might be in too good a mood, if you know what I mean. xD *points to your sig* Er. Anyways... I don't really think I've even so much as spoken to any of them before, minus Blastoise. Well, at least if I happen to pick up a battle of yours, I'll be sure to remember to be creative. xD

    Lucky you. There's nothing sexy about me. xD
    Its an RPG that i'm remaking. You would be playing yourself. Go look in the Roleplaying Lounge.
    Sableye's speed probably couldn't outrun an Alakazam with a speed nature, max EVs and a choice scarf. Baton passing might help, I guess, but I don't like Ninjask. xD I might use my Scyther for that, though. And by the way, no, I think my Blissey has ice beam. I can't get Seismic Toss onto it if I wanted to. :(

    I could go on making a list, but we'd be here till black & white were released. I really want to EV a Bronzong, though. But I don't want it all standard-like... trick room/explosion thing. I want it different. I'm not sure what yet, though.

    The problem is, I don't know anyone well enough to judge who's in a good mood most of the time. xD

    But doubting myself is what I do best! D:
    I have quite a few EV'd psychics... and a few ghosts also. :P

    Um... well, Sableye's base stats are pretty low. I think it's attack/defense are each only like 10 points higher than it's special attack/special defense. Alakazam's special attack is beastly, so a Shadow Ball from one would easily put a huge dent in Sabeleye, if not KO it outright. I use mine as a sort of physical wall/annoyer-style. 252 EVs in both attack and defense, moveset being Knock Off, Recover, Shadow Claw, and Will-O-Wisp. A lot of people prefer to go with Night Shade over Shadow Claw since Sableye's attack stat is rather sub-par, but I'm not a fan of those set-damage attacks. And with the defense EVs, Recover, and Will-O-Wisp, he can take on a fair group of physical threats, though I still wouldn't know if he's able to down, say, a physical Salamence one-on-one.

    Ranking isn't exactly what I meant, though. It's more of a reputation thing, I guess. Like, people seem to like Mike the Foxhog, for example, and no one complains when he refs something unusual. Even if my ref ranking was the same as his, I don't think I have a good enough reputation around here to get away with the same thing.

    That's true, I guess. Though I can't imagine why someone would just wing it. That too would cause problems if they guessed wrong. I would assume, more problems than if you had asked and still got it wrong.

    Well, thanks for the compliment, anyway. xP Still in doubt over my abilities, though.
    You are correct! Born on memorial day, Too!

    I bet there are... OVER 9000!!! (Had to be said. I'm sorry)
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