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    That's what my friend Sam used to do. I asked for something I couldn't get and he'd just hack it and send it my way. And then when he stopped playing, he sold me his AR. But after I found out that PRB doesn't allow hacks like that, I haven't used it for that. Well, I have caught random things and then bred for the nature and whatnot, but meh. Speeding up EVing is always good though, especially with the power items and pokerus included.

    No, not me. The pokemon. We'd be forced to be happy. And there'd be laws against being sad. And terrorism would probably be solved through negotiation.
    I know. D: But at least I don't use it like, unfairly. Just for events and to speed up EV training. Yay hacking wild Gengar and getting massive EVs. xD
    NOO :DDDDDD But it's one of those over 18 years old crap. That's why my birthday is 2/10/80 :DDDD
    I know right? I found a Youtube video with someone actually getting it :D But no vajajay D:
    Welcome back. :D

    Nah, remember the Wifi event they had that let you download the key? I just used an action replay to hack that key. It worked exactly the same way as if I'd downloaded, pick it up from the guy in the pokemart and take it to where you'd go to activate the event. At least it sorta gives you the feel of having gotten it legit. And it looks legit, too. Except the date you cause it, obviously, since that event was ages ago, but who knows, someone out there might not have used the key yet.

    You're welcome.
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