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  • Because I'm a cold-hearted bastard like that. :D (Wait you were stabbed and shot whuuuut? D: )

    Yeah, that's probably why we have so much trouble. But we've had various problems with it for most of the time we've owned it, though.

    Yah, I dunno either. But I agree, as long as they just hurry up and do something about it.

    Indeed I do... but I've been reading HP 7 tonight instead. o_O

    Electric types own. D: I'm not much a fan of steel types... Electric an Ice are my tops. Psychic and Ghost are up there too.

    Oh, she's posted. :O Time to do round 2!

    Oh, and @ Midnight: That's just cause I talk a lot when I'm comfortable with someone. xD

    It's possible... but we've had it for like 8 years or something, so no doubt it's 7 11/12 months out of date, too. xD

    Awe... that's terrible. :( (Oh yeah we had countless fish too)

    Well can't they just like... re-route the pipe where the oil is coming from? I mean... it has to be being stored somewhere. Just disconnect that pipe and connect a new one that goes to its original location, and meanwhile clean up what damage has already been done.

    Oh. Swearing is fine, I couldn't care less about that. Maybe I'll check it out too, then.

    I guess I like Sparky cause I love Electric types? xD

    Quite possibly. :P She's yet to reply, though. SHE'S SLOWING US DOWN NOOOOO!
    Pfft. Don't go all smart-ass on me. T_T I won't be able to keep up.

    It's Netgear. I've always hated it because we've always had problems with it, but dad works with computers for a living and he claims Netgear is one of the best out there, so I hesitate to go against his advice.

    Ouch... What happened, it overate and choked or something? D: In my past I've had three hamsters, two golden retrievers, a turtle, and a pomeranian.

    Haha, no, I'll be homeless cause we don't own this house anymore and someone'll be kicking us out shortly. The fire would just be a bonus.

    Perhaps. Though to be honest, I don't see why they're having so much trouble closing it to begin with. It's just a pipe, is it not? Seal it the way it was sealed before.

    I actually haven't read either Scyther's Story nor Morphic, the latter because I get the impression that it's full of gore and violence, and I typically don't like that. I really have no excuse for not reading Scyther's Story though. Perhaps I'll do that tonight.

    Yah, Victor's pretty cool too. And I got a laugh out of Marge, who I could only picture as the mother from the Simpsons, and imagining her acting all annoyed like that amused me to no end.

    I think Al needs some more of... whatever you're having. xD
    LOL xD Yeah, I'll totally get a snapshot with my cell phone and upload it for you if I get the chance, as long as you promise not to say "I told you so!" xD

    Yeah, it better be better than this one... I can only afford a similar model, though, so I don't have high hopes. Or maybe I'm just as pessimistic as everyone says.

    Video game responsibilities are totally different. Those, I can accept.

    Yeah, you have a nice job all lined up for you. I have to go around begging like a homeless guy. I'M NOT HOMELESS (yet)!

    I thought it was BP's fault. I don't know how Bush is involved, unless what you said is right. I don't know, and to be honest... I don't care. :x

    Oh, yeah, I've re-read it like three times so far. xD I'm one of those people who wish the next chapter would magically show up on Butterfree's computer for her to post cause I hate waiting. I just never signed up for the forums until recently. Hell, I didn't know the fic had its own forum until recently. As for how I found TCoD... I honestly don't remember, its been my homepage for years.

    He is? That's awesome, count me in as someone who wants pictures! Best gym leader ever.

    OVERDOSE! AMAGAD! Which reminds me, the reffing is up.
    Yeah, it's obviously not a good sign... I really don't know what anyone can do about it, though. I mean, I don't know her situation, but at least they're not splitting willingly, ya know? I'm sure she can find a way to keep in contact with him.

    Hey, we don't own the house anymore, so if it catches fire or something, who cares? :P Either way though, I am going to pick up a new one tomorrow morning. And then I get to have my dad walk me through setting up the whole network over again. Ah, this is going to be so much fun. >_>

    That sucks... personally, I'm fine being ignorant about anything other than video games. I know that's going to bite me in the ass when I get a job and get an apartment and have to start paying for things on my own, but I honestly can't find anything interesting about whats going on in the world. Not that I'm okay with the stuff like the war and the oil spill, obviously I don't approve of such things. But my opinion means little and they don't really affect me directly, so why should I be concerned with it?

    Would you like me to send him back now or do you mind waiting a day or so? The Rick thing was a reference to The Quest for the Legends. xD

    Oh, you've posted. Guess I'll go and speed ref that now. And I'll remember to edit your 'goon's nickname. :P
    I'm starting to think refs are overpaid.

    I mean, I have four hundred bucks, and you seem to be really happy over twenty four of them.
    Well, she seems quite sure that they're going to anyway, but we'll see. It's not really my business anyway, I just thought I'd (attempt to) offer her some comfort or something, but that's as far as I'm comfortable with getting involved. I'm sure she actually has good friends she can talk to about things like this rather than some stranger like me. :P

    Ironic how she mentions that her bf's net is being shut down while we're here talking about my crappy router... which then dies the very same night. >_> I literally posted that last message to you, went for a drink, came back, and the router was dead for about 3 hours. It's actually making a sort of sizzling sound, like the sound you can hear from a lightbulb before it burns out. I hope they're not expensive, cause I'm probably gonna have to buy a new one really soon. I honestly didn't expect it to be working again.

    Well, I didn't mean just about the phone thing. When I said "just about anything real-life", I meant it. I don't really know (nor care, honestly) what's going on in the world, politics, economy, whatever. I'm just a kid at heart who really does not want to grow up or have responsibilities. Seriously.

    That might be a better idea, honestly. I don't trust myself with the whole cloning thing, since I've never done it via AR before. Best leave the genetics to Rick.

    I'll be sure to do that for you. Probably not until Al posts her commands and I finish the first reffing, though. So uh, if I forget then, just remind me again. It's likely to happen.
    NOM NOM. Yeah I'll get that challenge up asap. Otherwise known as when I can be bothered xD
    Well, I didn't say there wasn't a reason; there might be, but I wouldn't know, having never spoken to Zora before. And I'm not really thinking it's wise to start my first conversation with her on such a subject, so...

    Yeah, sadly. xD Why do you think all of our technology helplines connect you to someone in like India? :P (Haha, actually, I don't know if that's true, I'm totally ignorant of just about anything real-life"...)

    I shall. After I eat though, if you don't mind... Its after midnight and I just realized I haven't had food since about 2 pm. And if I can't find the code, I'll just send it back to you.
    Yes, her boyfriend (who I think is Markus V or something like that here on the forums, but I'm not sure... I'm going by the "Tales of TCoD" roleplay)'s parents are shutting down his internet for reasons she doesn't know, and she's afraid she'll never see him again.

    Unless they really don't know what the problem is, which I would not be surprised to hear.

    I'm honestly not sure how to clone with the AR, if you even can. I could try the GTS cloning trick, though, if you're okay with that risk.
    Late happens. :P

    Haha, what do you mean? They were impressed with your sig or with Mike? xD

    I sorta feel bad for Zora though, after what she posted in the CC. I sorta wish I could help her, if only because I know exactly what she's talking about... but it's been a year and a half and I still can't even help myself. I'm still hurting over it.

    Yeah... that's just an average, really. Sometimes its longer, sometimes it doesn't happen all day. But 5 hours is average. I timed it once cause I remember going like "How many bloody times has this happened today??" ....Yes I spend 98% of my day online.

    Haha, sorry. As soon as I said purple hair, I saw my display pic and got distracted.

    Anyways... I guess I'll get on Wifi now. So... Stone Edge an two Paybacks, correct?
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