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  • we haven't talked in forever. you should give me your e-mail so i can add you on msn <333
    There is just one animation that ruins Kay for me.

    ...*shudder* Other than that I love her, though it still pains me to have to choose the cutest out of her, Ema and Trucy. Young Kay definitely clinches it, though. <3

    I never noticed just how camp that sprite was xD Gummy's pretty adorable too imo, especially the way he and young Kay are BFFs in 5-4. c:
    I suppose there's no possible way to love Edgey too much.

    Though Kay remains the epitome of adorableness. I may never change this avatar. x3
    from what i'm told, persona 4 is better. persona 3 is honestly perfect as it is; if persona 4 is very similar to it in composition, that's almost exactly what i want: more of the same.
    Haha, I own like three copies of it. Including the colouring book XD

    The food in it is great. I love how it's fruit for the first five days and then a complete binge of stuff like hot dogs and cakes. Brilliant stuff.

    I, uh, have a thing for children's books. Don't get me wrong, I read plenty of adult books, but I really like going around charity shops and buying kid's books with cool illustrations. There are some books whose illustrations I could stare at for days o.o
    Oh, I know I am :p

    Haha, isn't it great? It's the book everyone reads during childhood, and yet it pretty much has no moral whatsoever. I love it for the pretty colours, mostly. XD
    Oh, so it's your birthuday sooooon~ (Well, for you, it's probably today. But for me, it isn't Sunday yet.)

    I must wish you happy birthday on every kind of internet site to which we are both connected! >)

    (I think I'm done now)
    Haha. Well, it was a hilarious moment. I love Spike's general >| toward Angelus in S2~

    And god. The tutu was a great line, but it was also probably the most badass I've ever seen Giles being. And that's saying something.
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