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  • Oh good, keeping yourself occupied and having fun~
    ...I can tell how much fun you had because of the unusually large number of typos in your message.

    Yeah, I'm kind of a bad Zelda fan, too; this was my first time ever playing OoT, and I have never actually beaten a Zelda game. I have been right up to the final boss multiple times in both Wind Waker and Minish Cap, but in both I've attempted him once and then gave up, maybe partly because I didn't want it to be over. Although if I beat Ganon in WW, I could play in my pajamas... and that might be worth it. :P

    Haha, I actually knew about the House/Wilson = Holmes/Watson thing! I think... I think my ninth grade English teacher mentioned it. Of course I didn't see that coming, though. No way.
    You will have to tell me about Grabby's internet-version of the opening! If it has to be communicated verbally, then... then... get some kind of skype-y thing and we can actually talk in person kind of! :O

    Your message was fairly coherent but it was almost terrifyingly reminiscent of something Alex would have written... Ehe.
    I think my fight hit me worse that I thought. I had a breakdown today. The fact that I've not talked to anyone since the start of the week hasn't helped.

    Also, I don't have any credit left, as I forgot to hang up on a friend who I tried to call earlier. Could you call sometine this evening? I think it would help.
    Hey! I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to your PM yet, I feel like a hypocrite for bothering you so much before. :P

    I've been at Trevor's house, and am going back tomorrow; we've been watching a lot of House and playing Ocarina of Time (which is quite good, though not as good as Wind Waker, I think). House is SO GOOD, we've watched eight episodes from the second season, when Wilson gets kicked out of his apartment because his wife is having an affair, and he stays with House and woah, they are incredibly, incredibly shippable. So good.

    I'll be back tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get back to you and talk to you then! :D
    Yeah, I have no clue.

    It's pretty difficult to get the *good* ending without a guide, but the game itself is usually pretty easy. Well. If not easy, not too hard. They're about as difficult as a Final Fantasy game, really, except with considerable attention to detail (even if the SuikoI translation keeps failing at coherency in places) instead of devotion to pretty. ... Suikoden games are consistently pretty, though. They're just often hard to find.

    I was thinking of going to school off in New York or something, but yeah, I'm going to stay near home. \o/ It'll be convenient, though it might be aggravating if mom tries to get me to wander home regularly. :/

    I keep forgetting that you guys call what I call courses 'modules'; it's moderately confusing for a moment. Thankfully, we only have to take like one or two (or sometimes three) courses in each unrelated subject. ... Not that I really mind; I had options for a few different science classes and I went for Chem. :)

    The idea of not being able to take classes unrelated to your subject seems SO WEIRD from my perspective. D:

    What blogs do you read?

    I'm thinking of Japanese and posssssibly Spanish. I might be able to travel abroad~!
    I'm okay physically other than the cuts, but whenever I'm out in town (as I was earlier opening a bank account) I'm constantly on edge.
    That's what happened? I assumed that it ran out since I heard noise and then nothing. Also, I kinda spent two pounds worth of credit trying to contact you. I've not really managed to properly talk to anyone about it and I think I kinda needed to. I'm almost ashamed of it.

    "Sorry, I'm so changeable" Moriarity was fantastic, as was everyone. When can a new episode be expected?
    "I gave you my number!"

    yeah i just watched sherlock. which is exactly why i tried to call. What hapenned? I heard noise but then it the connection was cut
    I can't remember where on Earth I found this (I stumbled upon it in my sprite collection and there's no artist tag), but this is a small, animated loop of a Kirlia, looking notably cuter than the official art. ^^ Figured it might help with the request. :)


    Annnnnnnnnnd right as I was about to hit Post Message, I located this:


    There is a small signature at the bottom left. The Date Modified tag is the same date (October 8th, 2009), suggesting I downloaded them from the same site on the same day. Can't find the creator, though. :/

    EDIT: A Kirlia in uniform, on the bottom left. From a Pokesho comic. :)
    I got into a fight sticking up for Hood and his gf while at a childrens park. I took a few punches and got a cut on the inside of my cheek before it was broken up by a mother who didn't want her children seeing it.
    I'm now scared of leaving the house; they (the gang this dude belongs to) live just down the road.
    Wow, you're popular these days!

    I just wanted to say, I noticed your avatar. You're an addict.
    It's only BBC America that subtitles brits. American shows don't subtitle British accents, and neither does BBC World News. i figure it's a STUPID AMERICANS DON'T KNOW OUR ACCENTS thing rather than a WHAT ARE THEY SAYING I DON'T SPEAK BRIT thing.

    Pick up SuikoI if you can get it cheaply, too :< or grab it off The Pirate Bay; it's a PSX game with very little 3D rendering so it probably isn't that hard to emulate and I know there's a disc image floating around. V has tons of awesome productive female characters, though, while I mostly has Cleo as far as female characters who regularly do the ass-kicking go, though: everyone else needs a bit of a push to go off and be the best mages in the game. Except for Ronnie, but she's awesome and also pummels things to death rather than lights them on fire.

    V's more your style, really, (it's got an amazing cast of female characters and the major major ones are the main characters that have and use power; there's a lot of political intrigue sort of thing and in that country on the Suikoden world, it's the Queen who has the power. You still play as a guy, but ... he's the useless heir, not the one anyone cares about. And that doesn't really change even when you're off saving the country) but I want someone to share glee with in I. I got Vixie to play some of it and she's planning on picking it up sometime soon, though! -- but clearly you need to decide that Gremio is hilarious and produce fic. Or fanart. OR BOTH but yes you badly need to pick up some of Suikoden and get all 108 Stars of Destiny (plus the few extra characters) and then cry a little when it turns out that you missed someone so one of your super plot important characters will DIE FOREVER. Because that is usually what happens in Suikoden: someone is always incredibly difficult to recruit. TEN'IN STAR STOP BEING HEROIC AND SELF-SACRIFICING I DON'T CARE IF THIS IS BASED OFF A MAJOR PART OF CHINESE LITERATURE I WANT THE TEN'IN STAR TO *LIVE* In I, Pahn seems to have some sort of deathwish because there are TWO TIMES YOU HAVE TO BE CAREFUL to ... not ... kill him ... (first time you have to say NO ACTUALLY I DON'T FEEL LIKE EXECUTING HIM HE'S A DECENT MAN and the second he tries to fight the protagonist's father. Who is one of the most dangerous people in the country. And Pahn is not very strong. Goddammit, Pahn) and then Leon Silverberg is crazy hard to get. I don't know SuikoV well at all, but there's someone you have to suck up to in order to recruit and he's easily missable. ; ;

    Yeah, I live about 20-80 minutes away from UMBC, depending on traffic. (It's the 80 that implies on-campus.) Parts of Baltimore city are really awful, yeah, but UMBC isn't actually in Baltimore. It's in a suburb. It's a pretty good area, really. US television's pretty awful, so. I don't really watch much of it.

    I think there're advantages both ways. I don't think I could manage going to a european school just because -- I like to do everything! I don't want to specialize in anything in particular! That means not doing everything! but there're a lot of people who'd be better off in a European-style university because they've got one main focus. I'm pretty happy about having a fairly well-rounded schedule and intend on having even more variety next semester. :3 Scuba, Intro to Gender and Sexuality, Gender & Race & Sexuality in Media, something CompSci-y, Chemistry 101... Nothing actually related to linguistics, but the classes were full. I'm going to be doing some foreign language-y stuff, too! \o/ But I will find
    I want that too :U
    I'm gonna see if our library still has the book, I remember borrowing it SO many times as a kid/youngster :D

    lol car chases
    If they're going to make a film, they better not screw it up. It should only include the very hungry caterpillar eating things with cute music playing at the background (and some metamorphosis at the end, of course). CB
    I could watch something like that for hours.
    You're right about not being ashamed, a colouring book would be awesome *jealous* :O
    Some classics really deserve all the praise they get C:
    I think I'll submit it for the colourgasm award anyway, but Iunno if I can fit all of the OS on the rainbow
    Also I don't think I mentioned this but the Suikoden games don't take place in order. IV -> V -> I -> II -> III, I think, is the order. And IV takes place like 150 years before anything else.
    IT IS. AND THEY ONLY SUBTITLE NON-OPAQUE ACCENTS. So like somebody who's barely understandable has NO SUBTITLES even though all of the other characters understand em perfectly and somebody who sounds a bit british is subtitled. It's beautiful. ... And makes no sense.

    No, I'd say Suikoden's rather better than Final Fantasy. Certainly less corny, and I think the music might be better, and they're about as visually stunning as Final Fantasy. I've heard that I and V are the best in the series, and I's the only one I've actually finished (I own V, though, and I should really play it at some point ...) so I recommend that one. It has beautiful sprites and music and it came out a year or two before FFVII.

    One of the amazing things about Suikoden is that there are tons and tons of characters (108 recruitable in each game!) but everyone's at least a bit developed, they all have distinct voices, the women are consistently significantly more useful than the men (though the first game has more than a bit of "DON'T WORRY $love_interest I'LL PROTECT YOU" which is kind of hilarious when it comes to Hix and Tengaar because Hix is so useless you have no idea. He is a super bland fighter guy and his only outstanding stat is Luck. Which is pretty useless. Tengaar, on the other hand, is an amazing mage), and, while romance is very rarely involved, quite a lot of the cast is probably gay. It's not exactly blatant or anything, but ... damn that is some subtext you have there, Gremio. And then in the good ending, Gremio and the hero walk off into the sunset together because [this is a huge spoiler but it's a reason that could easily be read as platonic but is probably related to Gremio's devotion to (and probably crush on) the hero].

    Also one villain who you end up recruiting (he's only a villain because he's being mind-controlled by the main villain; he's a decent guy, really, if more than a bit narcissistic) has 'rainbow pantaloons' in his closet.

    Name a few characters from the manga you've got! Maybe I will figure it out.

    But anyway the Suikoden games do have continuity and there are definite recurring characters, but play in any order. It's just that I and V are best.

    I'm going here and I'm planning on majoring in linguistics. \o/ But note that I'm going to an american school so I'll have lots of unrelated courses, too; we don't really go for that much specialization. I know a few people going there, but I'm not close friends with them or anything. One of my best friends is going to Johns Hopkins, though, and that's pretty close to where I'll be: there's even a shuttle bus between the two! \o/
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