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Arylett Charnoa

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  • I'll try!

    *Bertha descends slightly faster, nearing the ground. Her massive wings beat hard to slow her massive bulk and, in moments filled with altenating WHUMPs and WHOOSHes, she rests her cloud-white belly against the long yellowish-green grass*

    Welcome to my land of Tiln. *birds burst from underbrush*


    I swear that I didn't plan that! ='O
    That's cool! So it's still pretty original, and still awesome :) Do the males have anything different about them, or is it just the lack of spots? When I design Fakemon and such, gender differences are something I really need to stop neglecting.

    Aww, that sucks. :D It's pretty good that his element is water then. He's one of the few who wouldn't be seriously hurt by the explosions haha. Yeah, that sounds hilarious. xD I was nearly laughing just picturing it!

    Thanks! And I'd love to see what you put up. I'm learning HTML right now, mostly from the guide over at the main site. It's pretty interesting, but some of the more complicated codes (like CSS) are pretty hard.

    I see. Yeah, that makes sense. Still...eight years is a lot of practice. If anything, characterization can be practiced even with just scripty stuff. So I think you'd be good at it. :)

    Thanks. I should look it up then! I also need to practice more.

    Probably. I'm working on some designs right now, but I'm not entirely certain yet. A fog/flying sounds pretty neat! I will definitely look into that.

    You like it? Thank you! The trainer got hit by a Thunder Fang, actually, and right after that the Raikou calmed down and apologized. Then his trainer passed out from blood loss.

    Let's hope so. Once I'm done with math (only a few more years) it should!

    No problem. That sounds pretty cool, actually. Would you mind showing me some of your drawings please? :D You know...I might try that sometimes. Seems like an awesome challenge.

    Yeah. I've kept a journal since I was six (but only did it regularly starting at age 10) so it happens to me too sometimes, whenever I look back. And that's great that you're starting to feel better! :3 And Happy New Year to you, too. ^^

    I know T_T ...The homework takes me forever. Especially since I get distracted really easily. :D Yeah, I don't like physics that much. Should've taken marine bio or Spanish 4 instead. What electives did you take?

    That is all.

    I'll give you a little spoiler: You are very important to the plot. Very important. You'll know why when (if) we actually get there, but there's going to be epic plot twists and stuff.
    Well, they've got fruit, soo I guess that might work. I'll get some for you to try, if you want.

    Here, we go, hold on or you might float up a bit...
    Yeah, she can't land too quickly, though, since she's big-boned. It'll just be a minute.

    See, I told you it was colorful here! Your dumb trees are all brown and green for most of the year. It's dull, no offense.
    Well, I'm not a doctor, but I've seen it work. They don't always use leeches, but they're good for magicky stuff as well as blood. They can't shrink an extra head, but this should be fine. I hope.
    Ridiculous! Bad blood is just the stuff that's got, you know, the sick stuff in it. The leeches can find it in a flash; I think that's why they've gotta be cleaned, otherwise all the diseases would build up or something.
    Arylett! Hw there! :D
    ...Wait. D:

    Chruggles, yaay! Alright, awesome, yay. :D

    Yeah, I look a lot better with eyeliner... Hopefully my dad will let me wear it more often. :3 I know right? Imagine walking around with high heeled boots, and... And... Ooh! A leather jacket! Then we would look totally badass, yes yes. Ah, yeah, it's better to get them when you're younger. I just wish that my ears would close up already...! Haha, they're getting sort of annoying, so I want them closed. NO! :D IS MINE! I CALLED HIM FIRST! :DDDD ...Oh, that conversations we have, har har har.

    (I SAW IT AND I LOVE IT! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU~! <3) ...Then we'd tell him 2Bad! [/AnotherFailMichaelJacksonSongPun]


    Yeah... I'm starting to need them more, especially since I've been on the computer a lot. So... yeah. I'm hoping to get contacts because I look hideous in glasses. D: *pray, pray* OH YUS. WE SHALL THRILLER DANCE AND I SHALL HOLD MJ'S HAND. 'CAUSE HE HAS A SONG CALLED HOLD MY HAND. SO I SHALL LISTEN TO HIM. AND HOLD HIS HAND. BECAUSE HE IS BEAUTIFUL. AND STUFF. Omigod Red is awesome. You see this is why he is my favorite Pokemon Character. Yes. <3 I can't wait to start using it~<3 NO ONE LIKES S' ANYMORE. GO AWAY, S. I'M CHANGING MY NAME TO AZHLEY. NO GO.


    OBJECTION, MOTHAFUCKA! ...Oopie that was a bad word. :D Oh well~ :D
    Werewolf angel... yeah, that ssound a bit weird...

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; :D

    I can't ask my mom anymore. xD She's adamant that I'm going to do everything myself now. Oh well, guess I gotta get into gear!

    ...BUT I DON'T WANT TO INSULT MJ! D: *uses magic to make him MJCERBERUS~!*

    ...Yay. :D
    That's really cool! I really like Favaviel, and coming up with that name out of the blue like that is pretty awesome. I like the coloration, too.

    Haha, that is definitely funny! And of course pretty embarrassing on her part. What did her boyfriend do after that? And her friend must have been pretty surprised as well...talk about awkward situations. :)

    Oh, if you ever revise it, you should link me to it! I've actually considered making a website myself, dedicated to Pokemon fanfiction and that sort of thing, but I haven't gotten that far into it.
    Well, you must be all right at writing. Especially if you role-play a lot, because you get lots of practice! :D

    That's cool. I've tried to draw dogs while doodling, but...it doesn't turn out right. That's awesome how it just sort of comes to you.

    I need to get better at drawing animals in general, especially dogs. And cats too. And yeah, looking for tutorials on DA sounds like a good idea.

    Thanks. Fog being weak to Flying sounds like a great idea! You have just helped me a lot in my fanfic, because my main character is going to battle a Fog-type gym leader as his second challenge, so he's going to have to use types to his advantage!

    Yes, complicated stories are really fun! And I'm glad you like the illegal battle items. Illegal TMs are a good idea! I may use that. The only one I had thought of I used in my prologue. It's a sort of injection that gives the Pokemon a huge attack boost but also destroys aim and sort of corrupts the Pokemon's judgement. One of my antagonists used it on his Raikou. It couldn't control itself and actually ended up attacking its trainer! Thanks. Yeah, it is pretty long! You know...I'm glad you said that; I've been considering posting it here for quite some time now. I might do it when I have less schoolwork, so I can be more active and have time to make further progress before I post it. I guess it's okay to take the risk that no one might comment, haha.

    And yeah, looking into the past can be hard sometimes. I sometimes venture into sort of a dark place sort of like that, when not everything is going well. But I'm glad to hear it's mostly going better for you! :) I guess I was a little worried for you for a little bit there, so I'm glad you're OK. :D
    Yeah, school... D: I'm trying to get all As this year, but...I'm not there because of math and physics. Oh, well, haha.
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