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  • ...*upok*


    No, they're not. *throws foossilbird at silver*

    ...Yes, but it doesn't really matter what year they're from.

    *quotes Star Wars* I've got a bad feeling about this...

    As if you weren't odd enough...

    Understandable. 0-0 *facepalm* I've got to think these things through (I know! Zeld-*shot*)

    I see you have a new avatar, kupo.


    But not as awesome as flying fossilbirds.



    I never thought of that. I'm scared for the world now.

    Well, it's kind of hard to blame you for things, the blame just slips right off. If I have four children, I think I will at least try to name them Joe, Patrick, Andy and Pete. And F.O.B. will be so old nobody will know why I did it.

    Well, I'm fine now. Afternoon.


    And I like the others better.

    Wish I had some of those. OH WAIT.

    ...you've got to think ahead.

    I know. Want a Rare Candy instead?


    Not your fault. Yes. I think I want to name one of my kids Pete and one Patrick. (Oh good, I remember that. )

    Well, I have overcome every enemy except for fatigue. DIE YOU EVIL LITTLE zzzzzz.....
    G'night, Silver.
    ...*the happy personality, of course*


    Well, that doesn't change the fact that the archopteryx one is more awesome.

    Oh. Should have seen that coming.

    Imagine what they'll say in a couple of years...

    I won't. here's a Donut.

    Don't feel bad. I'm very immature for my age. (so are all my friends.)

    Somewhat. Also a bit confused and listening to Fall Out Boy. (didn't you say something about you coming back after being gone for a while when you came back?)
    Of course not, ^^, I'm not malignant.
    If I send programs to people those will be terminated upon ending the program/function to prevent memory leak.
    ...*depends on my mood. I think I change into them, though I'm not sure*



    I'm not good with japanese. the only thing I know is that the four islands of japan are called Hokkaido, Shikoku, Honshu and Kyushu. (World History. UGH.)


    ...apparently so.

    no, and I plan not to go into it any further

    .... meh. (It's understandable. OH, that. I remember that. (I think))
    Easy - it's a result of not deleting a dynamic variable. Even more fun when you make the variable bigger in an endless loop, lol
    Not suggested that you use it on people.
    ...*oh. They must not be there, then.*


    *bounces off* nothing, apparently. (ouch)

    ...oh, am I? *poofs away*

    Yes, I do. The most common phrases are either "Can I go to the bathroom?" or "Do you have last night's homework?" and my one friend always says he's killed a man with random objects. EX:

    Me: so, did you see the new Harry Potter Movie?
    RP#1: Yeah. I had to go and buy bananas after words
    My friend: I once killed a man with a banana...

    ...allrighty then.

    I don't appreciate being slapped. *a loaded god complex, cock it and pull it...*

    Sorry if I came off that way. *goes to finish posting another ASB battle* (..I usually don't. How can I have about 400 more posts than you, but I've been here for about two years less than you?)
    Daww, thanks ^_^! Found it through Google, but I just love it so much.

    Quick question: Signature wise, if you want a picture in the sig, do you press the image button on the top, or do you have to add some numbers with it? On Serebii, we had to do that, so I was wondering if it's the same here.
    So I figured out how to make a program that leaks memory.... Basically, once it's opened, your computer will slow down until blue screen or shut down.
    ...*what about my 11 other personalities?*


    And I'm back! *warps out of nowhere perfectly normal*

    WELL, I THINK THE WHOLE CAKE IS A LIE! *destroys with the power of RA(random acronym)

    ...good point. *iIguess I've been corrupted by my high school, where the second most common phrase heard is "that's what she said."*

    Now I forgot which RP he was in... *facepalm*


    Well, post in the Bank and ask for a new account. (YOU'VE BEEN HERE SINCE 08?!)


    ...Also, to satisfy my grammar-nerdiness, your usertitle shouldn't have any apostrophes in it.
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