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  • Sure! It's going to be pretty lengthy, though. I cannot make acceptable summaries.

    Claudio (lapras, SEF) sent out some remoraid servants to tell everyone there was a meeting today. Tur (relicanth, MAD MOAI) was not invited to the meeting, because he wasn't particularly important; he was just a historian. He was just relaxing and enjoying the day, preparing to teach his apprentice Jesseama (dewott, LILI).

    Phish (crawdaunt, LIRRIS) was at home with his kids and wife, and the nanny alerted them that it was time for lunch. Contented and planning, nothing was happing for him yet.

    A corsola was the one to tell Angel (kingdra, COROXN) about the meeting. Addressing him as "my lord," the nervous piece of coral promptly derided. Angel has asked whether he looked like a lord, and despite his facial scars the servant said yes. Angel showed her his deformities and said he didn't, the servant cringing slightly. Adressing him by his name, the corsola called Maria rambled on about the meeting before retreating. Angel went off in the direction of the gathering as well.

    Reiki (starmie, VEHEMENT MUSTELID) was mourning the king's death in a secluded abyss. Without needing someone to inform her, she calmed herself and swam off in the direction of the meeting.

    One of the two remoraids was the messenger to tell Beauty (gorebyss/huntail, MAI). She had just finished putting on her makeup and paint on and was looking in the mirror when he had fearfully alerted her. About to dismiss the boy, she told him to replay that message to Rafael (milotic, MENDATT) as well. After making sure he would do that, she departed herself and trilled out the location of the meeting as she passed Rafael's room.

    After being told about the meeting several times in succession, Rafael heard Beauty tell him as well. However, she had already passed him by on her way. Glancing at the mirror one last time, the miliotic then left.

    On his way, Angel decided to try to recruit Phish. He entered his house quietly and whispered a question: would he support him while he tried to take the throne?

    Jesseama departed from Angel's house, apparently unnoticed by the prince. She approached the relicanth (passing through the city on the way), greeting him with a smile.

    Takida (carracosta, EXO-RAIKOU) was watching the city alertly. She did not have a job at the time, so she was simply waiting for an opportunity to create chaos and help the kingdom burn.

    Phish nervously replied to Angel, trying not to upset royalty. He expressed nervousness about Beauty's power over Rafael, as well as his possible relations with other monarchies. A remoraid told him about the upcoming meeting; Phish replied that he should tell Claudio that he was coming with Angel.

    The lapras was slightly worried about the meeting, as he was expecting Phish to be one of the few impartial ones in the crisis. Still, he waited calmly for the others to arrive.

    Deciding to traverse with Phish, he tried to get him on his side. Floating down to the same level as him, he said that his actions were very important in this kingdom; the army would follow him alone.

    Tur replied to Jesseama calmly, saying hello and asking how she was doing.

    Phish said that it was unsafe to choose an allegiance just yet, trying to stay on the fence and act neutrally. Angel said that of course it was important, emphasizing how dire the situation was. They were approaching the doors now, when Beauty came in.

    A bit upset at having to talk to her deformed brother, she nevertheless talked to him calmly--she did avoid looking at his face, however. She opened the door awkwardly, having to push it open as a fish. Trying to sway Phish to her side as well, she waited for the others to pass. Jokingly accusing the gorebyss of incest to embarrass her (by avoiding his face she looked at his chest), the kingdra went into the meeting room.

    Not letting that pass entirely, she remarked that it was unfit for royalty to insult each other (of course ignoring her own thinly veiled ones). Noting that it was Rafael's side that had the greater love in the populace, she took her place was well.
    Okay then.

    ... Wouldn't it seep into the whole room? xD

    They'd be pretty soggy! Maybe she should eat an underwater bagel instead. It's more fancy.
    Well, Mendatt if we're involving Rafael and Coroxn if we're involving Angel. Maybe both!

    ... What would underwater coffee be, anyway?
    YES. Beauty will be like, "Well, Mr. Alabaster... your talents in strength are put to waste if used for evil. What about we negotiate an employment later? Now I must discuss with my siblings, however." After dismissing him, she'll probably say something like, "We must do this to get rid of him. Unmonitored, he could destroy this city. I believe we must... pacify him with a task, and that is why I offered to hire him. However, I do not particularly need a bodyguard. What about you, brothers?" If Beauty hires him as a bodyguard she'll probably have him doing stupid things like sending him to buy underwater coffee. xD
    Sounds interesting, if we can get Coroxn into the plan! I don't know why they would want the murderous rampaging ex-royal to be a bodyguard, but that can turn out to be a hilarious plot point! If I can get a reason for Beauty to recruit him... things can really get crazy. B|
    He's like the creepy guy who just stalks little kids in a band but he's actually in the band x3
    Pffthaha yes. Of course he would be too dumb to be a mercenary. Of course he would.

    I don't know, he's your character after all~

    If you do decide to go to Angel's side, you should probably be recruited in-story so I don't have do handwave him not being mentioned before. Or something, it doesn't really matter. Just have fun with whatever you choose! :D
    I saw him and went "I'm not seeing things am I O.o" I like Noodle she's amazing :D
    Sure~! Hmmm... well, what about him being Beauty's bodyguard in necessary situations? Usually she can take care of herself, but. I can't imagine Angel needing one, but Beauty might have one in reserve. Or not, because that Trump Card-ness might stick around through reincarnations. x3 If you talk to Mendatt, you may be able to work out an arrangement where he's the bodyguard that Beauty hates! I don't want to sound irritating, but there's already like three mercenaries, if you were thinking of that. >_< Please don't. Unallied is fine, of course.

    If you want to work with Angel, then I bet we could entertain a /wonderful/ rivalry!
    I remember when I was my old username... I'm glad I had a namechange. I change those sorts of things regularly, so. My signature is currently under revision for being pretty boring. I need more animated GIFs! xD

    Actually, Arylett restarted an almost-RSP, the Radiant Saviors of Palterylt (I cannot remember how it's spelled at all, sorry). You could join that if you want. I have, but I'm sort of inactive because playing eternally bored characters is difficult. :[

    Great! Thanks a lot, I actually really put effort into her form and such. I wanted to show I've improved for anyone who's stayed around that long. ^_^
    Great~ I saw you online a few days ago, but that was just you deleting your avatar (I think) and for some reason no avatar means "I'm dead" to me. I thought you were quitting TCoD.

    Well, I can understand being busy. :| It's not always that fun! I doubt it was really your fault it died, it must be hard enough to run a RP on its own.

    If you're getting back into everything, may I suggest Tides Under Siege? I swear, that roleplay has become /my baby./ I recycled Beauty in a fit of nostalgia and it's wonderful playing her~! She's a gorebyss/huntail now, and every bit as crazy. If you'd wish to play as Maruu, then a lanturn would be a good fit in my opinion!

    Of course, there's no need to remake everything. If you want to, though, that'd be fun to plot with. xD Either way I'd love to plan, so if you want to you can shoot me a VM/PM anytime.

    You're welcome! :D
    You're alive?!

    I never really knew you, but you seemed cool and were in the SoTDL RP. I really had fun with that, even when looking back I was a terrible writer. >_>

    Anyway, welcome back :D?
    Yay, you're on! x3
    *has requested to join Trump Card in the RP*
    Are you bogged down by school?
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