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  • It turns out we won't be having our battle that quickly after all. Blastoise posted.
    Sure! So it'd be Dia and Rallie (Sableye and ralts) versus Sunny and Badledge (ralts and sneasel)? We both have ralts! But by then I might buy myself a duskull (depends whether I get paychecks before)!
    hmm... I'll have to find my arena first...

    Here it is:

    2vs2 double
    DQ: 2 weeks
    Damage Cap: 30%
    Banned Moves: OHKO's, two chills per pokemon, moves that would require being on land to work (Dig, earthquake, etc.), any electric move over 7% power, in fear of electrocuting the whole place.
    Arena: Miracle Sea

    Far away from Asber, the miracle sea has taken a great deal of effort to get to, as there have been a quite a few wild pokemon who did not like the intrusion upon their home. Luckily, most of them have been so astonished that an actual human had appeared there that few have dared made their way to such an odd creature, let alone have the guts to attack it. However, not all have been so timid. As they have been tired out by keeping back some fierce attackers, all pokemon have a reduced health and energy stat, making them start with 70% of both from the start.

    The arena is in the very heart of the dungeon, and is covered with shallow water, being just a mere half a foot tall in places. The sandy bottom is hard to use as a substitute for dirt, and as such all ground moves half their effects reduced by half, if they work at all. The further out from the center of the arena the deeper the water gets, eventually getting to ten feet deep or more.

    Out away from the shallows and at such a place where the water level would make anything aside from fish afraid of drowning are a crowd of phione, cowering in fear of an angry gyarados. If you swim out there (taking one action and risking a 25% chance getting attacked by a stray seadra with hydro pump) and attack it, it will faint immidiately, and the phione will reward you happily with a phione dew, which cures all status effects and increases your energy and health by 15%. However, that will take one full round to complete that and swim back to the arena, and can only be done once by anyone. It will activate on the pokemon who got it immidiately after it is earned and cannot be saved.


    Seems like it. But we could always make it a two on two, if you want. I could go either way, really. Especially since poor Cyndy will be disadvantaged too. xD
    It seems we might have our battle soon, as I belive Blastoise's about to be DQed. And then he'll post...

    I'm losing pretty badly, so that would probably help more and get me richer than continuing, sadly. Do you still want to do Miracle Sea?
    ...yeah, I do that sometimes, yeah, I do that sometimes...

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (They tend to have inverse dimples but are otherwise rather well fitted characters.)

    *insert donuts and more tissues here*


    The three stages

    What it looks like

    I have no idea but he is. (I get that a lot.)
    ...Hey, at least you don't hit your head on door frames, Hey, at least you don't hit your head on door frames...

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::?:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (They're level headed)

    *insert tissues and various methods of anti-sadness here*


    It is, I'll show you before, during and after soon.

    He is rather tall, he's Swiss. (Hey, I'm tall compared to almost everyone I know.)
    ...*ducks so Silver can reach*, *ducks so Silver can reach*...

    ::::::::::::::?:::::::::::::: (They're a bit slanted)

    *insert explanation and cake here*


    Okay, I finished the lava wall.

    Because I'm tall... Seriously, I'm about the third tallest person I know my age. Now The Lowwer School Coordinator, He's tall. About a foot taller than me I think. (YEAH! METRES! Yeah, that's about the average height of girls at my school too.)
    ...*returns Denchura* *throws shotgun into lava*, *returns Denchura* *throws shotgun into lava*...

    ::::::?::::::: (They have a nice rounded personality but they aren't very sharp.)

    *insert wiped tear and postcard to Cloud here*


    Too late... unless you still want it...?

    So you are... 5'4" and blade is 5'6"? (probably got the marks wrong, I'm used to the metric system which I am 1.86m in and 8 inches is 20 cm so you are 1.66m approximately.)

    :::?::: (I met one at a shape convention)

    *insert comforting words here*


    I made you a cookie but i eated it...

    You know what's funny, he has the same hair as me when I grow it out except his is darker. I WILL BUILD HIM A MEMORIAL ON MINECRAFT! A HUNDRED METRE HIGH WALL OF LAVA THAT SHOOTS ARROWS! Oh, and a cake dispenser.
    You are drawing arts of Splices Revolution? Will Envy be in it? What's gonna happen?
    Yay, I got 14 views (excluding mine) on the fanfic! ^w^
    I've started chapter 2 but it will be a bit before it's up. Got to a point and ran out of ideas for today, but I have the plot outlined already so I won't forget what I'm doing, x3

    Maybe she just gets hurt when she eats it? Painful food?

    ohokayitmakessensenowfilthyrumorgossip-How's it going?

    Bye bye!...

    He's getting eaten by a shark!

    Well, it won't do any good. *facepalm* Silver, they deactivate bombs.

    *by doing what?(and mine will have a music note.)*

    um... *thinks* dang, that doesn't work.

    no.... unless... *swipes pokeball from banette*

    *I think I already know.* ((*kisses again*))

    Well, I thought that you would only take your shirt off if you were drunk. or possibly under some other circumstances. *smacked*

    ((I dunno. But if you don't remember winning them, then I must have won them, right?))




    Leon can also will his flames to deactivate, i nwhich case he would just be a absol-colored gallade. I envisioned the flames to cover his blades when he was fighting, as well as the back of his head. They usually turn off if he's happy, and flare up if he's angry.

    D: Envy can't eat Twix. How can yours, perchance? (I love Twix!)



    Hi, floor! Make me a sammmich! *Sammiich!!!!!*

    B-team did. A-team came in third. behind bloomington, who I hate now.

    * D:... That's not nice... (And mine nicknamed cloudy.)*

    We should.

    I have no clue.

    *ooh cool. waait... what is it?* (( Ok, then. *kisses silver*))

    no problem. Think of what?

    ((Ok, then, for all intensive puposes, I have won everything so far. :3))

    |||OF COURSE, SILVER. :3|||



    he looks like an... absol-colored gallade. when his flames are flared up, they're around his head and arms. why do you want to know this.... *thinks* oh.
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