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  • I remember when I was little, even though that was fairly recently, about...6 years back.
    That's okay, it's round. Round > blinky. :D
    It does! They're both wearing top hats. Other than that, no, not really.
    (also argh I need to play more ToS. If I can even remember where I'm up to.)

    Aw hell yeah :3 I'm currently in "IF I STAY UP UNTIL TOMORROW NIGHT I WILL FIX MYSELF!" mode, which inevitably results in me falling asleep just before class and getting angry e-mails from the university about not attending anything. xP
    Haha, yes, I do believe we watched the three last episodes. I forgot how genuinely insane the opening is and was pleasantly surprised :D
    Your rate of productivity is overwhelming! ...and that's quite an impressive amount of watching, well done! o-O
    You think so? :3 Thanks. It took a while to perfect. :33
    I have this. I like the shading better than in the other drawing, but not the pose as much. I don't have an art thread because I'm really insecure about my art abilities and never think I'm good enough to actually have a decent art thread. (Plus I'm too much of a perfectionist in my art; I'd never finish a request. x33
    That crayon drawing is really pretty! I love the use of the different colors to add a shading effect - I never would have thought to do that in a crayon drawing. That's just lovely :333
    Danni :o recently I started remembering all the times when I'd like stalk your art thread and be all "WHY ARE YOU SO MUCH BETTER THAN ME DANNI ; ; MAKES ME SAD BECAUSE I CAN'T DRAW"

    Well guess what I can draw now too. Sorta.

    (your drawings will forever remain awesome though)
    Oh my god, you broke your leg? o.o how? I've never broken anything so it kind of scares the crap out of me (oh god could you like /see/ your /bone/ oh god oh god)

    well um feel better! :D indulge in ice cream or nutella or nutella ice cream or your whatever indulgence of choice until you feel better :D
    I know D: I meant to go and rescue it but I forgot. But it's in the Chelmsford Poundland if you consider it worth the trip! :p It was one of the annuals I think.

    I have a TV but no aerial so I can't watch it either, and I keep forgetting to check iPlayer D: I saw a few episodes over Christmas and they were awesome.

    "What kind of staircase is this?"
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