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  • Yes, the locations definitely help :)

    Thank you for your good-luck thoughts! I haven't been making a lot of progress, but I'm less worried about it, mostly because I've been sitting around with friends, going on long walks and watching Doctor Who instead. How's your schoolwork going?

    Where does Negrek live? I hope you guys end up going, big TCoD meetups are the absolute best. We should have a good turnout for this year's May Expo (although I might not be going because of my exams, but we shall see!).

    I hope your movie night went well! I haven't had a proper movie night in ages. At uni, I live with three friends, but we have massively different sleeping patterns (there was a time when me and one of my housemates would be concious at the same time for about four hours a day) and tastes in films that it's very rare that all four of us watch anything all together.

    Which game is that a screencap from? I bought lots of games when I was in the US (your games are so cheap!) and I don't know when exactly I'll have time to play them, but I've got Disgaea DS, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn and Magical Starsign to get through. And The World Ends With You, which I've had for ages and not yet played. And I want to play Ghost Trick. Oh, I've got my summer all sorted :D
    Hello! (oh your name, you live to confuse me)

    I'm doing okay, I suppose. It's not the best time ever - I've got my 10,000-word dissertation to write for next week (I'm on about 2000 words), I'm still devastated over the sudden death of one of my favourite actors (and everyone thinks the amount of grief I'm experiencing is weird because I never met the woman) and I'm jetlagged to high heaven. But I had an amazing trip in the US and actually passed through your state, but I was with another family, so I couldn't organize anything. Next time? :D

    How're you these days? Have you made any summer plans yet? I hope you're having a good Easter :)
    cool story bro, and I'mma let you finish, but I just wanted to say that it would have been infinitely more awesome if you'd kept your own names and switched sigs/postbit info instead.
    ...I wouldn't know well, but I would say you have XD I haven't run into you two enough, so.
    *cough* anyways... male Spinda, female Cacnea? Manageable.
    I have both, and am available for trading whenever this week, as it's my spring break. I could actually trade as soon as I breed one or the other.
    So... when should we do the trade for the Zorua? Anything in specific you want for your troubles?
    Either way is fine, doesn't bother me that much if it's neutral.

    I do have a lillipup with a name! I accidently misspelled it ('Goergie' instead of 'Georgie') and it's only level four, but it does have a name. I actually don't have a pokabu, so yeah. I'm not sure if I can hatch it (I still haven't bred it) but do you need it to be hatched?

    I'm going to start once I get the snivy to a level that's not going to cost me ridiculous amounts of money, since I got it at level one from a trade, and then I'll have some eggs for you.
    On natures for the zorua, do you happen to have one that's either jolly or neutral natured? Not really the best competitive nature for it, I know, but I'm making a themed team and physical would better suit it, unless it has dark pulse.

    Do you have a preferred nickname for the lillipup, or possibly if you wait oshawott/snivy?
    Oh yeah, that's true. It's always the better series/one that grabs our attention the most that tends to be obscure, unpopular, unheard of or what have you ;_;
    Fellow Suikoden fan! It's nice to finally meet someone else who enjoys the series other than myself and a few friends :D Might I ask how you got into the series?
    Hey, I just wanted to say thanks, as the links I have seen you posting in the Debating Hall have been very informative and eye-opening (plus you make very good points and seem like an overally cool person). I love reading things like that and I find these pages/articles to provide a lot of ideas I haven't considered myself previously! Cheers c:
    Do you happen to be giving away any more Zorua? I can find something to trade for it but I won't know when exactly I can trade.
    Four didn't really hold my attention as well for some reason.. :c
    Neither did three, actually, but.
    I loved one and two though, took me two days each to watch XD I bought the first season dvd the other day, and the back is so...weird. There's a bunch of typos and it's just funny~
    Lina and Gourry forever man *sob* ;-;

    I watched four and didn't feel like watching five for some reason..
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