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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Hey, I haven't logged on in a while because of overload of homework and stuff. Sorry I didn't reply back way sooner! :(

    Oh, that's cool! So what if the child rebelled against the parent at an early age, before the Spirit Form had really formed? Would it end up being entirely different, or somewhat related still? Either way, it's a fascinating concept. :)

    Interesting! So is she more inclined to tranform into it when she is anxious or scared? Or is it more during something more positive? Anyway, the spell sounds really cool ^^

    Ah, thanks for the tip! :) That's a great idea; now I'll be less likely to forget to close tags! Oh, and I was just asking out of curiosity. XD Also, because if you had made one, I probably would've took a look at it to get ideas for my own. :D

    Yeah, writing from the POV of characters you didn't create yourself sounds pretty difficult. Which fandom were you considering?

    Oh, that's fine if you don't want to show me them. A lot of the time I'll be looking at the quality of my older work and cringe. :0 So I know how you feel.

    Now that's pretty awesome. :D I wonder if I should make a Pokesona...Do you have a picture of your current one?

    Yeah, I've been lazy with yardwork and that sort of thing. I guess I am pretty lucky that my parents pay me to do it. (Most of the time, haha.)

    A tablet will take some getting used to, yeah. I think a pressure sensitive pen would actually be pretty cool once I got used to it. So generally speaking, it'll get darker the harder you press on it, just like a real pen?

    That's true; I understand that. I do enjoy not having to worry about it getting deleted, although sometimes I worry somebody will sneak into my room and read my journal... (*shudders*) I'd be pretty embarrassed haha. When I'm on the computer, I compulsively press the save button like every three minutes. I'm really nervous I'll lose something! :)

    Yeah. It can be pretty difficult to tell if you should keep what you wrote or not. Sometimes I post something and then months later I'll wince and regret it. But I'm usually too lazy to find the thread and edit it.

    That's so true! I think my parents are worried that I spend so much time on the Internet, but they don't know how much fun I have posting when online... D:

    Yeah, IMs are pretty fast. You know, another thing I like about the Internet is a lack of awkward silences...like when you want to say something to the person and you have to immediately, yet you can't seem to think of anything! Here, I can take my time and write up something exciting :)

    Yeah, I realized that I did a lot better when I thought it through carefully! I take quite some time to finish my tests...depends on the class. I just want to make sure I didn't mess anything up!
    Mankind in its present state has been around for a quarter of a million years, yet only the last 4,000 have been of any significance. So, what did we do for nearly 250,000 years? We huddled in caves and around small fires, fearful of the things that we didn't understand. It was more than explaining why the sun came up, it was the mystery of enormous birds with heads of men, and rocks that came to life. So we called them 'gods' and 'demons,' and begged them to spare us and prayed for salvation.
    In time, their numbers dwindled and our numbers rose. The world began to make more sense when there were less things to fear. Yet, the unexplained can never truly go away, as if the universe demands the absurd and impossible.
    Mankind must not go back to hiding in fear. No one else will protect us, we must stand up for ourselves.
    While the rest of mankind dwell in the light, we must stand in the darkness to combat it, contain it, and shield it from the eyes of the public, so that others may live in a sane, normal world.
    We secure. We contain. We protect.
    The Wackiest Wopety.

    Tonight at 9 on National Geographic.

    (Yes, each individual Brit gets their own documentary.)
    x3 This is the first day of "ohcrap I'm sick" so I don't think it'll be getting out of my system for a while, alas. And I have an exam tomorrow. D: OH WELL. Maybe I'll miss a ton of school over the week... I can hope. x3 Right now, the RP and checking it obsessively is keeping me occupied and awake, so, it's pretty good I have something to do.

    Maybe once we get deep into the forest? Find some nice roomy totally random cave or whatnot, Korris can evolve and everyone can get some rest and talk! And Korris can proceed to annoy everyone with her constant reflexive snarking. She's already got a record of... two people! Yay!

    Yeah, slowness is tough to gauge - sometimes it's just "final time, it'll kick up in a few days" and sometimes it's "DESPERATE SOMEONE POST NOW" and I always had trouble distinguishing until it was too late. As you can tell with the various Dreams of the Past threads...

    That Ditto seems fairly ruthless, and Exo is good at this sort of thing. And he's active and an excellent RPer - if Arylett doesn't snap and manage to hit Korris in the right spot, I might pester Exo about it and see what havoc we can wreak. Regardless, crazytiems are fun, eh?
    Alright, alright. There should be a lake up ahead.

    (T^T I hope I can get a post in today. However, it'll probably be short. I have no idea what's happening in Sanctic right now. Summary would be helpful. I'll just say I blacked out for a while once Glenn rammed into the door for the second time or something.)
    Eugh - I'm sick now, so all I can do is hover around the RP and hope people post. x3 I need to get Korris some development. There are quite a few ways I could break her or build her up. Someone just needs to pinpoint her weaknesses and attack her on them and she'd fall apart - but at the same time, it'd be fun if she became ruthless or lost her morals or did something crazy to try and make up for it.

    Even if the RP has slowed a bit, it only means I get more time to think about what to do. And no more ninjas. x3
    Yeah. I always hated those mental maths tests waaaaaay back in primary school. Thankfully they gave up on those in secondary.

    I... think that switching fails in a set battle, but I'm not fully sure. Best to ask Negrek.
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