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  • You should! :D It's delightful and hilarious and has a full-page black-and-white photo of Teller's axe-murderer-face.

    Also it teaches a bunch of tricks you could in theory actually do but who cares about that part when you have Penn and Teller's idea of 'don't drive drunk' PSAs and guardian vegetables.

    (Exactly how into Penn and Teller are you, anyway? I gather you've seen Fool Us and were amused by the idea of writing them into crackfic, but that's all I know.)
    No, not yet, sorry. I'll see if I can't make it to the post office tomorrow/Saturday.

    Meanwhile, any particular reason night has yet to fall over Backwardsland?
    Oh, sorry about that. But yeah, he gave his approval - I don't know how to quote him since it was made via VM but I'm pretty sure it's among my latest conversations.
    Could you combo Quick Attack and two flashes?

    This is the command in question: "Quick Attack around the ring, so he starts following you. Then, while running, do 2 Flashes. That should unconcentrate him.

    Quick Attack around the ring+Flash+Flash"

    I'm leaning on being able to combo Quick attack and one flash, but not two. Of course, it could just be one really bright flash, but I just want to get your opinion.
    I may be getting Ghost Trick soon. What degree of awesome am I supposed to expect from the character in your avatar?
    If a song in the tournament causes powder snow to hit the battlers for three actions, can they still protect or endure against it?
    Okay; one more question. The arena doesn't explain what damage/effects the lava do. Would there be a set amount of damage or can I make up a reasonable number?
    I'm pretty sure you said your avatars were randomized at one point, but did that change because they are fitting perfectly with what you're saying. It's weird :O
    I see. Would a singular action be fine (riolu falls in action one, riolu action out turn 2, and riolu attacks action 3?)
    Ooh question for the referee mock; would the riolu take an action to get out of the pit? or would it be stuck there for multiple actions? or or would it get out right after taking the CONSEQUENCESSS
    Would a pokemon that is flying high up in the air have their moves accuracy reduced? Specifically, for ancientpower.
    Am I allowed to ask questions for the mock? If so, would 2-3 more energy be appropriate to put enough power to make a big hole in the Rock Smash?
    Perfectionism is kind of neat when it gives you the urge to fix things up. It only really sucks when it gives you the urge to give up on things because there's no way they could possibly be made any good ever because they suck that hard.
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