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  • Hrm, I'd dare say the flavor for Colour Change implies that it's possible.

    This pokémon is adept at rapidly changing the color and texture of its skin in order to blend in with its surroundings. Not only that, but it can alter the chemical composition of its skin to match the properties of any sort of energy that it touches. This response is involuntary when the pokémon in question undergoes pain, and therefore it will change its type to match the type of whatever damaging move by which it is struck.

    So, I would assume you could voluntarily change types if you have the Colour Change ability... and Curse generates ghost energy, doesn't it?
    I'm thinking of, as soon as I have a load of time, start assembling a list of questions and answers given in the A&A guide, which would spare people a lot of looking for the right page and digging through minor arguments. Would that be convenient?
    Brick Break is in the command chain so that if it can't use either move (ie Taunt), it will Brick Break. etc etc
    How do you change avatars? Guessing it's somehow randomized?

    it is an admin ability, isn't it.
    Oh, I'm sure they will be! I definitely wanted to see the reviews, too, and there's nothing wrong with enjoying a little badfic every once in a while. :P (Was anything actually bad, or just a lot of mediocre stuff?)

    ...I need to remember where I put that Sabrina badfic I saved from forever ago.
    Well, hopefully she'll be able to get to what's left soon, then, heh. Poke me when the results go up; I'm rather interested to see for myself (and I need to read moar fic anyway) but will totally not remember on my own!
    Yes! Yes I am. It was Brazil, and I got back in, like, June, haha. But while I was there I joined tumblr, and it sort of. came to eclipse tcodf. ehe. I've still been on #tcod all the while tho, so.

    <33 ghost trick and twewy. My new avatar/sig is from another ds game, 999: Nine Hours Nine Persons Nine Doors. It is also super delicious and if you liked those two I would totally recommend it. :3 It's like half visual novel, half point and click, whole fun.
    I (re?)joined asb. You should blame surskitty. And zhorken. /nods sagely.

    eta: also i guess rejoined the forums as a whole ahaha. Also I approve of your general ghost twewy profile shenanigans.
    Um, sorry if I sound impatient, but have you looked at that PM that I sent you for a possible promotion a couple days ago? There's no real rush, I just wanted to see if you managed to get it or not, or if grad school has been too busy for you to check things like that.
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