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  • Thank you, but it doesn't even work.
    Did what you said, and the stupid thing still says 'invalid file'.
    Thank you. I'll be sure to do so. I'm checking things out at the moment, but the instant I find something that confuses me, I'll be sure to take you up on your offer of help.
    Let me know if you want any recommendations. And yeah, I think the mindfuck that Jonesy went through with Mr. Gray is just really hard to translate to a movie. Duddit's movie death was the polar opposite of his death in the book, but I kinda liked it. That red moss is pretty. @_@
    Yeah, he was pretty awesome, and I felt genuinely sad when he ended up dying. I really liked his interactions with Beaver, heh. I'm not sure how much of SK you've read, but "The Regulators" had a character similar to Duddits, so you might like that too.
    Yeah, it's pretty epic how you are all of a sudden totally dominating Artemis. It shows how conserving your Energy can really win or lose you a battle.
    Good to see another fan of the lesser-known SK novels. I only ever seem to see people mentioning IT and Cujo.
    Ha yeah, I really like the concept of the aliens from dreamcatcher. I didn't think anyone else would have been familiar with it!

    Funny enough, I was actually gonna say about how cool your new username was. I have been trying so hard to resist the temptation of buying Dragon age 2, but every time I see your username, I can't help but think of how awesome it sounds.
    Confusing name changes are confuting, but I really like your new avatar!
    I was so freaked out when I realized you changed your name 0_0
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