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  • Sorry. I understand, there's a few problems I have that I'd rather not share with anyone myself.

    School eats me up, chews me a bit, and spits me out. :/

    Well, that's good.
    I've just gone and demolished the pathetic, cracked pillars left of what held up PB haven't I?
    Sure has. Nice to hear from you.

    Yeah, i noticed. Well, it's good that there's more people coming to the forums.

    (I'm gonna try and be a bit more active. I've... well, I've been through a lot in the past few months, but I'm good now. I was gone from the forums for a bit, but I think that was a mistake.)
    I'm fine. I'll be more active on here than PB, probably, so you can expect to see more of me. :P
    Ummm. Captain went on a filler rage, and being as old as I am, I can't hang around people 10 years younger than me without feeling like a pedo.

    Also, Spiri linked it too me a while back, I just didn't get around to making an account until now.
    lol lurking rules
    Anyways, SOTM, Lexi, LQ, and I think Eli and Pokefan have seen me on a forum l frequent a lot. So your trolling won't hurt 'em a lot.
    I never disagreed with your statement, just gave my input as well.
    This does seem way better. Eh, l have never really used the Save Draft option, so it doesn't bother me.
    lt was already falling apart a while before my ban. lf anything, l blame PL for not doing the best he can in his position.
    Well, it's Wednesday and I've only got half a reffing. :( So, fair enough, I hope you do manage to get someone to get your battle back on track. If nobody takes it in the next couple days I'll pick it back up and try again, but I'm just not having fun with it right now, and I guess I can't force myself. (I've been trying.)
    Hey, sorry I'm being so damn slow with your battle. I've been in a bit of a rut. I've finally finished a writeup for round one; I'll aim to get the battle back on track in the next few days. If I don't have round two up by Tuesday, go ahead and get an emergency ref if you want.
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