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  • So, do you plan on getting your appeal in sometime soon? I mean, I don't mind if you take five more days because the last appeal won't be in until just before then, but if you plan on dropping out, I'd like to know soon.
    Ok, but you might want to keep an eye on that one. He's been eyeing some of the humans, and once it get's a taste... you never know.
    @ Darkrai When it comes to falling off flying pokemon and being eaten by dragon ghosts, most humans are equally squishy.
    If you make it clear enough, I'll reference it for you at the top of your appeal. The audience will get a program with your theorem on it, so if you're going to depend on the audience not knowing your theory, don't.
    Also I wasn't sure if you knew or not, but Coloursfall already drew Kusari and Mewtwo so you don't have to.
    Enjoy your last few rounds of destruction, living creepypasta; all I can wish is that my comrades leave a chance for me to show you that the bugs are just as mighty. With the swarm or without, we shall prevail.
    I'll get to it as soon as I have the chance. I'm not at my home computer right now and I don't know when I will be
    Well, I am a bit miffed that you've razed our city, yeah. And I certainly didn't ignore you; you can't ignore something you don't realize is there.

    Bring it on, sandman. I'm not afraid of the Dark.
    There have been.. oversights, I'll admit. I, personally speaking, don't know crap about Negrek. She runs things, and that's as far as I've ever cared. I spend most of my time out in the wild, but if you want to chalk it up to willing ignorance then go ahead. Again, I don't care if you hate Negrek, but I live here, and we live here, and we can't let you get away with destroying it.

    I look forward to seeing you try to get at my throat, Darkrai. I think you;ll find there will be other things in the way...
    Then why do you destroy us, if we are not who you have anger towards? Negrek be damned, we're defending ourselves. We'd do this without her protection if we had to.

    There are around twenty or so non-legendary pokémon that can use 'the draco meteors'. I see your point, though. What did she do, exactly?
    Overpower? What did I say about overpower? Accelgor aren't built for pure offense; we're speedsters, that's our strength; I'll overpower your mind, and then I'll overpower your dreams with my overpowered reality.
    Why does removing her from power require destroying our houses and places of business with giant meteors? It seems... excessive.

    What signs, exactly? I'm just a pitiful human, please explain.
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