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  • You're welcome ^^ I wish I could create art like that. I've seen a few other signatures by him and they're really good. Also, like your Cryogonal avatar. I feel so behind on recognizing most 5th gen Pokemon. My DS stopped working before I got very far into my White version.

    Oh I can see why software would be easier, then. Seems like with hardware there's circuitry and risk of breaking the device, whereas software there wouldn't be much risk other than something crashing.
    That's pretty cool. Just curious...Is hacking more like...adjusting your own device to make improvements to it? (Like jailbreaking an iphone?) Or is it going into other people's devices and screwing around with stuff? :D
    I'm not particularly sure how the whole ASB thing over here works, I'll try to join now ^^
    Oh, wait, the maximum size that doesn't get resized for posts is 120x120 pixels. So yeah, it's getting shrunk everywhere. You should try shrinking it to 120x120 yourself while maintaining the transparency and then uploading it.
    It's not about dates, I think. The forum shrinks avatars that are too big, at least for display in user profiles and visitor messages; the shrinking does not preserve transparency. Since my avatar is only 80x80 pixels, it just didn't need to shrink it.
    Just so you know, I'm a friend of Khaos, he'll be happy to be remembered, but he really isn't a troll, that was a one time thing.
    Same here. My bio is in drastic need of updating.

    Oh, okay, thanks! That makes sense.

    Hacking sounds cool. I'm just barely learning how to program, myself.
    Yeah. Oh, and about Era...Supposedly if you have a website along with the forum, the forum will last longer than if it were standalone, because the website will generate traffic that will then move to the forum. I don't really know though.
    Oh yeah, do you think I should continue using it? XD I figured since Black and white are out now, the meme wasn't quite as awesome. But if it's still cool, I shall reuse it ^^

    I'm doing pretty well. Driven insane by the amount of schoolwork at college, but nothing I can't handle. :D

    It's dead? :( Aw, not cool.

    We could definitely restart it though!
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