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  • I just changed to the transparent version of my avatar, and the transparency is still a solid white on both my posts and visitor messages.
    So there's not anything I can do about this? The avatar is 125-125- is that large enough to make this happen?
    Hi, I've noticed your avatar is transparent. Mine isn't (although it doesn't have transparency).

    My friend Kyogre made this avatar of mine, and when I try to apply it with transparency, it appears white, as if the transparency was never applied. It is the same result when Kyogre tries it.

    By the looks of it, transparency doesn't work on new avatars after a certain date, because yours still has transparency, and to my knowledge, you haven't changed it since you were Bachuru.

    Is there any way to fix this?
    I'm certain I've had my username for over a month. Do you have any way of checking, because I still can't change it?
    Oops, one more question, sorry ><". I can't find the creativity section. I'm not used to forums and whatnot. Sorry for my stupid questions ><"...
    I was playing Yellow, when I battled this Jigglypuff. I paralyzed it, and when it used Sing it said it didn't affect Pikachu. Do you know why?
    In what forum would I post a question not necessarily relating to the a function of the forums, but still to do with the forums?
    Haha, well, we'll just have to wait and see whether we're really on the same wavelength in the end.
    Well, that was the question I so gracefully sidestepped in my previous message, but... one in which you're sure to witness it going down. Do you really want to know the specifics?
    Do you mind if I maybe stash them away to possibly unleash upon people at some point?
    I just gotta say, those Sugimori splices of yours pretty much made my night. XD
    I went to Vegas once, but I was 16 and couldn't do ANYTHING. It sucked. We were in Colorado and bored so we drove to Vegas. I love magic acts, and Penn and Teller were always favorites, mainly because they are so funny. Their bullet routine is my favorite.
    Ooo yeah I've heard of that one. I must now search the interwebs in search of episodes! Wanna know something cool? My friend's uncle was a producer for Bullsh*t. She got the seasons on dvd free and autographs.
    Holy crap I think I got addicted to Penn and Teller too. I just saw my first episode of "Tell a Lie", and I'm hooked... I SO GUESSED RIGHT! Ha! Can't wait for the next episode.
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