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  • Umm, what are you talking about? I haven't been bumping. I learned my lesson from that.

    But recreating them is a good idea. Thanks.
    We have no intent of surrendering, and they will not take us down through force alone.

    ... though we're in the same situation, which is why I have built an underground complex with my massive army of pokémon. It's still quite basic, but it's extensive enough, and it has all of the important things: space, food, water, blankets, and Internet.

    And yes, that is the intent. First Dragon's Den will be destroyed for the arrogance of mankind, followed by the rest of Asber.

    You have access to all the bidoof at my disposal. They can't aid me in the sky, after all, and they need guidance so that they can inflict the damage they should.
    7 Jan 12, 19:39 Negrek: Tell Phantom she can come talk to me about the shields.

    (VM so I can read it :D?)

    I would not go unarmed - well, I cannot go unarmed, but even I would bring with me extra protection - but you have Her leave. A teleporter, hyper beamer, and a backup army of bidoof should suffice.
    No, no, the shields cannot be broken that way, or our meteors would have punched right through them. But if you can target the force field generators - which might be protected by a separate, smaller shield, if She has the resources! - then you can start as soon as it is physically possible for you to do so.

    Particularly the ones around the Dragon's Den.
    Yup! It's a back-up plan if Negrek's backup war-pilots are ready to go before we can take down Asber's shields.

    Asber's just the test, of course. I have my eyes on a bigger prize.
    Yeah, they're not particularly efficient... but they can gnaw at the structures until they fall, and they make fantastic torturers when starved and conditioned to eat raw meat.
    I figured you would like this little edit I made...

    "In the year 2007, developers at Bioware created a game about many spacefaring civilizations. In the months that followed, this glorious game gathered quite a large fanbase, enabling sequels to be made. The basis for this incredible game was a plot that would be considered one of the greatest in all space and time.
    They called it the greatest game in human history.
    The civilizations of the galaxy called it...
    As soon as I get things wrapped up in the Debating Hall -_-; it's getting a bit burdensome in there.

    I should have done it by now, I promised I would, sorry. If it's not done by the 15th we can call it quits.
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