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  • I haven't been able to see it lately I've been like so preoccupied. I would ask to watch it but I'm not sure if I can on my phone

    I just got the second one but haven't been able to play it :c I'll have to remember it's you when you change it
    Will do. Walks would likely be sitting in the corner of the Bannered Mare writting in his book.

    Oh, to describe him, he's a deep grey Argonian with maroon splotches, and is wearing the belted tunic with hide boots and leather bracers. He's not much one for being heavily armed and armoured, and only has a silver sword (from Cyrodiil) a hunting bow, and a sheath with steel arrows.
    Chances are there'd be little interaction, plus I've made it that my character is not the dragonborn, and is travelling across the expanse of skyrim for his own purposes.

    If I'm guessing right your story is likely going to follow the main quest line, give or take a bit, and I know roughly where that'll take him. THere'd be few likely instances where the two would cross paths, and likely the first for quite a while would be whiterun at the bannered mare.
    I like the FanFic you have there, its an awesome concept to have Talos himself return to Nirn as the dragonborn. I just decided to make a fanfic in essentially the same setting and was wondering if there could be cross-overs between the two.
    I'm really sorry yours and rarity's battle is late. I've had limited computer access, but I'm hoping to finish it by tomorrow. Sorry.
    ... now that would be creepy. if I can draw that adequately/make a decent design I might just do that. >>;
    We did! :D

    And I was wondering why Stormecho wasn't being converted. It all makes sense, now!
    i want to think up some sort of sig move/attribute regarding the detachable hands. once i do i won't be /able/ to evolve my haunter (once i even get one, haha...). there just has to be some abuse there.
    hmm, i do like the anime haunter. i like it more because of the craziness of its detachable hands and its... its just strange, weird design... idk... the entire line is so weird and lovable.
    yeah, trade evos like haunter/graveler/machoke/kadabra can evolve by trade before they garner the exp. i have the same feelings regarding haunter; i love it more than gengar so idk if i'd evolve it, personally. :\ it's my favourite pokemon.
    You know you could trade your haunter to get it evolved. (if you want to evolve it.)
    Urf, your battle must wait until tomorrow. Calculus is overwhelming me, and when I thought I had a clear break yesterday, my little brother got sick and now I'm burdened with Calculus again. After the test tomorrow, though, I should be fairly clear in that regard because who assigns homework after a test?!

    Please accept my apologies.
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